Vol 26, No 2 (2024)

Automation and control of technological processes and productions

Improvement of the mathematical model for obtaining finely dispersed material to create an automated production process control system

Zakozhurnikov S.S., Zakozhurnikova G.S., Gorshunova T.A., Pikhtilkova O.A., Pronina E.V.


The main requirements for large industrial enterprises are to increase the energy efficiency of technological processes and improve the environmental friendliness of production. One of the possible solutions to these problems is modeling the main processes occurring in installations and creating an automated control system based on mathematical models. The industrial process for the silicon carbide production is considered. Increase of the process efficiency occurs due to the creation of more advanced operating modes of resistance furnaces based on information obtained during mathematical modeling about the processes that have the greatest impact on melting. Based on the mathematical model, it is possible to build an automated melting process control system, which, based on temperature data at various points in the resistance furnace, will support the most effective silicon carbide melting modes. The mathematical model takes into account the main processes occurring in a resistance furnace during melting, namely: chemical reactions, gas component filtration, the material drying, and energy release attributable to the resistance furnace heater. The technological process mathematical model for the silicon carbide production has been improved. Theoretical foundations for constructing an automated production process control system based on temperature data at the furnace various points were proposed. The current state of the issue of industrial silicon carbide production is presented in the paper. The mathematical model of heat and mass transfer processes in a high-temperature resistance furnace is considered using the example of the technological process of silicon carbide production SiC. The performance of the developed mathematical model was verified by comparing the experiments performed and numerical calculations. The use of an automated control system based on an improved mathematical model is possible at industrial enterprises engaged in the production of fine materials, for example, silicon carbide. The reliability of the results obtained is confirmed by a comparison of experimental data and data obtained using mathematical modeling at the most important points (at the core surface and at the periphery) without taking into account the heating and cooling stages of the resistance furnace. The discrepancy between the data at a point close to the core was a maximum of 15%, and at a point on the periphery – 5%, which is a satisfactory result.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):11-25
pages 11-25 views

Informatics and information processes

Federated learning for IoT and AIoT: applications, challenges and perspectives

Eleev H.M.


This paper discusses the concept of federated learning (FL), a distributed collaborative approach to artificial intelligence (AI) that enables AI training on distributed IoT devices without need for data sharing. Approaches and methods for implementing FL for AIoT devices have been classified into three types of federated learning architecture for organizing interactions between learning participants, centralized, decentralized, and hybrid. Approaches based on different technologies such as Knowledge Distillation, blockchain, wireless networks like Mesh, Hybrid-IoT, DHA-FL are considered. For each technology considered, the main advantages, problems and challenges are outlined. The paper sums up with conclusions about the prospects of FL development for IoT and AIoT.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):26-33
pages 26-33 views

Using hierarchical indexing for access control to shared resources in microservices

Kirillov V.S.


This article discusses an innovative algorithm designed for efficient blocking of access to shared resources in microservices. The main feature of this algorithm lies in unifying the processes of resource blocking and operation execution in multithreaded microservices with a hierarchical structure of shared resources. The use of this algorithm significantly simplifies the development of a resource locking system and allows the customization of the level of detail in the blocked resources according to the requirements imposed on the processed microservice messages. One major advantage of the algorithm is the ability to block access to multiple resources without the risk of thread deadlock. This ensures reliability and security in message processing by microservices, especially in cases where simultaneous access to multiple shared resources is required. The research results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm can significantly improve the efficiency of resource locking systems in a microservices architecture, reduce the likelihood of errors, and simplify software development. In the long term, the use of this algorithm can contribute to enhancing the performance and reliability of distributed systems based on microservices.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):34-43
pages 34-43 views

Computer processing of IR spectroscopy data of lubricant oils in the Table Curve 2d program

Kuznetsov A.S., Razyapova N.Y., Razlivinskaya S.V.


This scientific article examines in detail issues related to computer processing and interpretation of the results of IR spectroscopy of lubricating oils. The experimental data obtained during the recording of spectral graphic characteristics of lubricating oils were subjected to further digitization and computer processing to reduce the noise level of the signals and create a mathematical description. A formalized description of the experimental data of IR spectroscopy has been created based on mathematical models that are nonlinear with respect to the parameters, based on the processes of their structural and parametric identification and the consistent synthesis of quantitative relationships between intensity and wave number. Using the modern software package Table Curve 2d, computer processing of experimental data and their visualization was carried out. The main quantitative criteria for the quality of mathematical models are calculated: standard error, Fisher criterion, coefficient of determination R2. The calculated quality criteria are summarized in tables. Next, the models were ranked according to the calculated values of the quality criteria. The coefficient of determination R2 was used as the main quantitative ranking indicator. Visualization of experimental data and models of their formalization was performed. The results of calculation of the main statistical indicators, including the values of confidence intervals, are presented. The main quantitative indicators of interpretation of IR spectral data are considered. A “synthesis” and computer visualization of a differential curve characterizing the rate of the process was carried out. This indicator can be considered as an additional aspect of the quantitative interpretation of IR spectrograms of lubricating oils. The scientific research methodology is based on the analysis of scientific data, comparative analysis, data synthesis, and graphic interpretation. The result of this research is the creation of a formalized description of IR spectroscopy of lubricating oils based on nonlinear mathematical models obtained through the use of computer methods for processing IR spectra and modern software products. The work also identifies development prospects and reviews research in this area.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):44-52
pages 44-52 views

General farming and crop production

Realizing the potential of winter wheat varieties and economic efficiency of grain production and high-quality seed material

Mamsirov N.I.


Winter wheat is quite demanding of its predecessors. The content of productive moisture and nutrients in the soil, which determine the germination of seeds, growth processes and development of plants in the fall, successful overwintering and the yield of winter wheat, all largely depend on the previous crop. One of the prerequisites when planning the systematic placement of winter wheat crops is the exclusion of stubble and late-harvested predecessors. Their use as reserve predecessors is possible provided there is a good content of productive moisture in the soil at the time of sowing the seeds. During this period, there must be at least 25.0 mm of moisture in the soil layer at a depth of 20 cm, and winter wheat must be grown using intensive technology. The main goal was to conduct a comprehensive study aimed at improving the sowing qualities of winter soft wheat seeds. As a result of the research, it was found that one of the main ways to increase the yield and quality of winter wheat seeds is to grow the best zoned varieties, adapted to the specific agroclimatic conditions of the cultivation zone. The article analyzes domestic and foreign literature on the research topic, uses generally accepted methods and conducts field and laboratory experiments. To process the experimental data, dispersion analysis was carried out according to B.A. Dospehov. Based on research results, it has been established that optimal conditions for the growth and development of winter wheat are achieved by the predecessor soybean. Here, the Tanya, Grom and Kalym varieties provide the highest production profitability (grain/seeds – 81.8/119.5%; 78.8/93.4% and 74.3/93.8%, respectively). Peas for grain as a predecessor provide the maximum yield for the Grom variety of 6.51 t/ha, with a profitability of 77.9/85.0%, respectively. The maximum grain yield of winter wheat for the Grom and Kalym varieties was achieved according to the predecessor corn for silage and amounted to 6.08 and 6.02 t/ha, respectively. The highest production profitability was obtained in terms of the yield of quality seeds for the varieties Tanya (88.9 %) and Grom (77.4 %).

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):53-63
pages 53-63 views

Breeding, seed production and plant biotechnology

Analysis of the chemical composition of grain of white grain corn hybrids bred by the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Corn

Galgovskaya L.A., Terkina O.V., Romanova A.N.


At the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Research Institute of Corn, breeding work is being carried out to create promising white-grain corn hybrids with an improved chemical composition of the grain. The article presents the results of studies of white grain corn hybrids bred by the All-Russian Research Institute of Corn on the chemical composition of the grain: protein, oil, starch. Samples of white grain corn hybrids of different ripeness groups were studied – 11 mid-early and 6 mid-ripening, including standards. As a result of the research, it was noted that the grain of white corn hybrids is characterized by a high starch content. 75 % of mid-early white-grain hybrids contain 68.5–72.1 % of starch. In terms of protein content in grain, only 8 % of the total number of hybrids studied are worthy of attention. Almost all experimental hybrids had an average oil content of 4.2–5.1 %. Hybrids of the mid-ripening ripeness group were distinguished by a high starch content of 68.7–72.9 % and a low protein level. The number of hybrids with an average oil content of 4.2–5.1 % amounted to 83 % of the total number of hybrids. Data analysis made it possible to identify the best experimental hybrids that combine high yields with high starch content. The mid-early hybrid 280–11 contains 72.1 % starch and the mid-season 278–153 – 72.9 % with a yield of 7–8 t/ha. Promising white grain corn hybrids with increased content of basic nutritional nutrients have been identified.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):64-71
pages 64-71 views

Agrochemistry, agrosoil science, plant protection and quarantine

Computer vision for monitoring and accounting Pyrenophora teres of winter barley

Arinicheva I.V., Volkova G.V., Yakhnik Y.V., Arinichev I.V.


The traditional practice of diagnosing a disease and determining the economic threshold of harmfulness is based on visual assessment. But it is difficult and requires highly qualified specialists, whose timely departure is not always possible, especially to small farms. A fundamentally new and extremely promising approach to diagnose the development of net leaf spot of barley is an approach based on automatic (without the participation of a human expert) recognition of the pathogen and the degree of its development from an image or series of images. The article proposes the use of an innovative approach to diagnosing the development of net blotch (Pyrenophora teres) of winter barley, based on advanced computer vision technologies. This approach involves a two-step image analysis process designed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of plant disease diagnosis. The first step uses two convolutional neural networks to perform two key tasks: separating barley leaf blades from the image background and segmenting net spot lesions. This allows for precise identification of affected areas, which is critical for subsequent analysis. At the second stage, a quantitative assessment of the degree of damage occurs, based on counting the pixels of affected and healthy areas of the leaf. The ratio of the areas of the affected areas to the total leaf area is determined, which provides an accurate and objective assessment of the degree of disease development. This method demonstrates significant advantages over traditional visual diagnostic methods, including increased accuracy and objectivity, as well as an accelerated analysis process. Field and laboratory studies were carried out in 2021–2023 at the sites of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Research Center for Biological Plant Protection.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):72-79
pages 72-79 views

Effectiveness of Kelvin Plus herbicide against weeds in corn crops

Bagrintseva V.N., Guba E.I., Kuznetsova S.V.


In 2022–2023 on the experimental field of the FSBSI ARRSI of corn in a zone of sufficient moistening in the Stavropol region, studies were conducted to examine the effectiveness of the use of the Kelvin Plus herbicide, VDG in corn crops. We studied the effectiveness of using the herbicide Kelvin Plus, VDG on corn hybrids at the 5 leaves phase with application rates of 0.35 and 0.4 kg/ha, as well as with a rate of 0.4 kg/ha at 8 leaves phase. Herbicide Kelvin Plus was used in a mixture with DASH (1.2 l/ha). Research tasks included determining the number and phytomass of the weed component of the agrophytocenosis. In 2022, 21 days after herbicide application at a rate of 0.35 kg/ha at 5 leaves phase, weeds death was 94.3 %, from 0.4 kg/ha of the chemical at 5 leaves phase 92.1 % died, at 8 leaves phase – 73.5 % of weeds. Kelvin Plus herbicide at an application rate of 0.35 kg/ha showed high efficiency against dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous weeds. On average for 2022–2023 21 days after the application of the Kelvin Plus herbicide at an application rate of 0.35 kg/ha, the total infestation decreased by 84.7 %, the above-ground mass of weeds decreased by 83.0 %. The death of dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous weeds was 86.3 and 82.6 %, their weight decreased by 79.7 and 92.8 %, respectively. Due to weeds destruction while using the herbicide, the grain yield of the hybrid Mashuk 185 MV increased by 2.44 t/ha (66,7 %), Mashuk 355 MV – by 2.26 t/ha (67,7 %).

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):80-88
pages 80-88 views

Regional and sectoral economics

The attitude analysis of the student youth of Kabardino-Balkaria to the preservation and use of the ethnocultural potential of the region

Baysultanova L.B., Karasheva A.G., Mambetova F.M., Attoeva Z.K.


This article is devoted to the study of the attitude of the student youth of Kabardino-Balkaria to the preservation and transmission of history, national culture and traditions and the use of the ethnocultural potential of the region through the development of domestic tourism, since the ethnocultural potential represented by various objects and phenomena of ethnographic, socio-cultural, historical, cultural, natural and ecological character plays a significant role in stimulating domestic tourism and contributes to increasing demand for products and services of national and local markets, complementing and developing the tourism industry. Thus, the ethnocultural potential can be considered as a key factor that can turn into a competitive advantage for the tourism industry of the region.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):89-100
pages 89-100 views

Features of the development of the digital economy at the present stage

Dokholyan S.V.


Digitalization acts as an integrator of the country's entry into the global economic and information space, opens up new innovative opportunities in the future. The study of the economic essence of the digital economy is a particularly important strategic task for the formation of socio-economic relations of interaction and the construction of an effective economic system. The article examines the essence of the digital economy as an economic category and highlights the main approaches to understanding the essence of the digital economy. The conceptual vision of the digital economy as an economy based on digital technologies is revealed; the consequences of the evolution and development of society, the result and catalyst of innovation in the economy; the development of e-business and e-commerce infrastructure; a method for automating digital data processing; a method of communication between participants in socio-economic activities; a network economy of flows and processes of organizing the activities of enterprises and society; synthesis of real production and electronic platforms, etc. Based on the identification of the features of the development of the digital economy, the definition of the digital economy as an economic category has been formed. It is determined that the digital economy is an activity aimed at strengthening the influence of innovative digital technologies on certain links of information, material, financial, intellectual and service flows based on their integration into the processes of an enterprise and the transformation of its business model.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):101-109
pages 101-109 views

Human capital: regional aspects of labour market and migration

Efimochkina N.B., Mamedov A.K., Sulumov S.K.


The article examines the changes caused by the transformation of the labor paradigm and the shift of priorities in regional labor markets towards strengthening the role of human capital as a key factor in economic development. In the conditions of lockdown and the sanctions regime, human capital becomes critically important and the state of the labor market becomes the main indicator of the adequacy of the reaction of economic actors to changes taking place in the external environment. The changes and transformational flows in the labor market of the Russian Federation are shown. The possibilities for maneuvering in the actualization of human capital are highlighted. The gender and age aspects of changes in the labor market are shown, as well as changes in the set of tools for motivating and stimulating an employee.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):110-121
pages 110-121 views

Current issues in assessing a healthy lifestyle as a win-win investment in the future

Karmanov M.V., Kiseleva I.A., Kuznetsov V.I., Tramova A.M.


Population and health statistics are considered as the basis for monitoring the implementation of the country’s demographic, migration and family policies, achieving the goals of the national project “Demography” and the state program “Health Development”. Currently, Rosstat calculates such indicators as “Healthy life expectancy”, “(Number of) share of citizens leading a healthy lifestyle”. These indicators are used to monitor the national project "Demography". At the same time, the concept of “healthy lifestyle” is interpreted differently; accordingly, there is no uniform methodology for assessing it. In connection with the above, the issues of improving the methodology for statistical assessment of a healthy lifestyle, which are discussed in the article, are relevant. Aim. To clarify the essence of the concept of “healthy lifestyle”, to consider methodological issues of statistical measurement of a healthy lifestyle, give recommendations for the formation of a system of statistical indicators, which includes partial and integral quantitative indicators. Methodology. Methods of theoretical research are used in the form of generalization, comparison and special analytical procedures. The recommendations for the formation of partial and integral quantitative indicators and monitoring of key aspects of a healthy lifestyle are given. Scope of application of the results obtained. The material may be useful in improving methods for assessing a healthy lifestyle, setting target indicators, and giving lectures on demographic statistics. Results. The article provides a review of the literature on the problems of assessing a healthy lifestyle. It is noted that the concept of “healthy lifestyle” has different interpretations. The methodology for obtaining an integral index of a healthy lifestyle, proposed by Rosstat, is considered. The authors give recommendations for improving the methodology for integral assessment of a healthy lifestyle. Conclusions. The problems of measuring a healthy lifestyle in the modern world are becoming particularly relevant. To monitor the national project “Demography”, the target indicator “(Number of) share of citizens leading a healthy lifestyle” is calculated quarterly. At the same time, measuring the actual prevalence of a healthy lifestyle objectively seems to be a rather complex process, the algorithm of which needs constant improvement.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):122-131
pages 122-131 views


Rural territories management: problems and directions for improvement

Adukov R.K.


In many rural areas in Russia, crisis phenomena continue that cannot be stopped, despite the implementation of many programs. In this regard, the next stage of reforms aimed at the socio-economic development of rural areas is currently being implemented. These include the transition from the historically established four-level administrative structure to a three-level one, the consolidation of municipalities, and the creation of rural agglomerations. The listed and other structural transformations contribute to a significant transformation of the system of management of rural areas. Thus, municipal authorities are actually completely turning into lower levels of government. They are increasingly moving away from the population and becoming less controlled by local communities. In general, the main feature of the changes taking place in the management system of rural areas is that they do not take into account global trends in the area under consideration. Taking these into account, the article identifies problems and expedient directions for the development of this system in the country.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):132-140
pages 132-140 views

The concept of the management mechanism of economic development by the harmonization of society

Komkov N.I., Sutyagin V.V.


A study of the interaction of components of the economic development of social justice and economic efficiency was carried out to develop a concept for a rational mechanism for managing the development of the economy in Russian conditions. Based on the analysis of the relationship between social justice and economic efficiency, the process of forming its own modern independently developing, based on real resources of the country economic policy, the management concept is determined as the need to create a mechanism that ensures increased efficiency of economic development, increases social well-being and intellectual development of the population. The concept includes social harmonization and a system of state-public social regulation of the economy, an institute for monitoring and controlling social justice.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):141-151
pages 141-151 views

Historical Sciences

About the features of collecting fines for violation of the rules of drinking trade in the Nalchik district in the last third of the 19th century

Anishchenko E.A.


The article discusses the features of the organization of the drinking trade in the Nalchik district of the Terek region in the last third of the 19th century based on an analysis of office documentation on the collection of fines for violating the rules on the drinking trade. The features of the functioning of administrative and financial institutions whose competence included issues of control over trading activities were considered: Stavropol Treasury Chamber, Excise Department of the Stavropol Province, Terek and Kuban Regions, district treasuries. Aspects of interaction between government structures at the regional, district and precinct levels and local governments on the implementation of tax policy in terms of control over the payment of drinking taxes in the Nalchik district are considered. A conclusion is drawn about the procedure and features of collecting fines for violating the rules of the drinking trade in the Nalchik district in the last third of the 19th century.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):152-160
pages 152-160 views


Typology of conflict in Karachay-Balkar historical-heroic song

Berberov B.A.


The article is an analysis of Karachay-Balkar folk songs belonging to the historical-heroic genre. Using a continuous sampling method, five main models of artistic conflict, determined by factors of a historical, geographical and ethnocultural nature, were identified and described. Among them are geopolitical, environmental, religious, class and family conflicts. Their features are examined on the basis of such works as «Princess Zurum», «Dyugerbiy», «Bijneger», «Sorrowful Song of the Sogaevs», «Ashtotur and Prince Batok», «Bekbolat Makhiev», «Let’s go to the Baksan village». The conclusion is drawn about the importance of preventing and resolving conflicts of any kind through cultural dialogue.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):161-169
pages 161-169 views


А.М. NAKHUSHEV. Biography (for the 85th anniversary of his birth)

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(2):170-175
pages 170-175 views

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