Vol 26, No 1 (2024)

Informatics and information processes

Ontology-oriented information system for verification of formalized documents

Balashova I.Y., Dzyuba E.A., Popova N.A.


The paper raises the problem of improving the efficiency of processing documents submitted to the tax authority during the state registration of entrepreneurial activity by reducing the time of document processing through the automation of the verification process. The relevance of the study is due to a significant number of routine operations performed manually by specialists of the tax authority, as well as a large volume of income documents. The article considers the process of processing documents submitted to the tax authority when registering various forms for business activities. On the basis of the conducted research the expediency of development of software tools for automated verification of documents is substantiated. The peculiarities of this task requiring the use of ontological approach to data representation are highlighted. The ontology of a formalized document and the rules of its verification are described. An algorithm of document verification within the framework of the constructed ontological model is proposed. The architecture of information system including metadata, application server and user application is described. The metadata layer is represented by a set of ontologies built on the basis of the developed ontology model. An information system providing support for ontologies as well as automated document verification is developed. The results of automated document processing using the developed system are presented, confirming the reduction of time costs for verification of documents.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(1):11-20
pages 11-20 views

Information support for quality management processes of products from multi-component elastomer composites

Kuznetsov A.S.


This article discusses in detail the main issues of quality management of products made from multicomponent elastomeric composites based on information models. The main technological stages, technical procedures and production operations in a complex chemical-technological system for producing finished products from multi-component elastomeric composites are described (considered). A logical-information model of a production system is presented based on a verbal model for describing processes in tabular form. The main actions and functions of process performers that implement specific stages of production of semi-finished and finished products are presented. Based on the principles of the systems approach and the SADT methodology of structural analysis, a set of logical-information and functional models was built for the production system – descriptions of a complex chain of production processes for producing elastomeric composites. A generalized functional and technological scheme for the production of a finished product is proposed based on the IDEF0 functional modeling methodology. A functional decomposition of a generalized structural-functional model of production was carried out in order to detail the production stages, operations and actions of individual performers of process groups. All technological stages and operations for the production of the finished product – an elastomeric composite with a level of properties and performance characteristics that meet the required level of quality indicators – have been formalized. The proposed information support in the form of a complex of structural and functional production models can be used for further intensification of production processes, organization of a more flexible and adaptive, highly efficient process of operational management and production control by identifying the most sensitive control points. Identifying and using new control points will allow you to more effectively manage the quality characteristics of the finished product. The scientific research methodology is based on the analysis of scientific data, comparative analysis, data synthesis, and graphic interpretation. The result of the study is the creation of an information support model for managing the quality of products made from multi-component elastomeric composites. The work also identifies development prospects and reviews research in this area.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(1):21-28
pages 21-28 views

Methods for solving iOS applications localization task

Naumenko A.E.


The article is dedicated to exploring the main methods of localizing an application into any number of languages. It examines localization methods available for XCode 14, describes practical cases of their application, and provides examples of use. In addition to this, it looks at tasks that require more flexibility than standard approaches offer and explores solutions for such tasks, specifically, methods of dynamic localization, based both on the use of runtime features and on the creation of custom localization containers.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(1):29-38
pages 29-38 views

Development of an approach to ensuring information security in web-based information systems when transferring data using the Web Cryptography API interface

Stupina M.V.


The aim of the research is to formulate general principles for ensuring information security in web-oriented information systems. The paper describes the main concepts of the Web Cryptography API interface, as well as presents practical aspects of using cryptographic methods to ensure data security in web-oriented information systems. The proposed approach, based on the introduction of a secure system for generating and storing users private keys through the use of the asynchronous ECDSA encryption algorithm via the Web Cryptography API interface, combined with encrypting private keys with passphrases and additional user authentication, allows a high level of protection of private keys from unauthorized access.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(1):39-47
pages 39-47 views

Agrochemistry, agrosoil science, plant protection and quarantine

Improving the chemical protection of corn crops by developing universal agricultural robots

Shuganov V.M.


The main parameters influencing the effectiveness of chemical protection of corn are considered. A detailed analysis of the influence of weather factors (temperature, relative humidity and air speed), choice of pesticide, application rate and droplet size of the working solution, and timing of treatment on the yield of corn crops is presented. The optimal droplet size of the working solution for controlling weeds, diseases and pests of corn is indicated, and their dependence on the type of sprayer. The need to improve the chemical protection of corn crops from weeds, diseases and pests was noted in order to improve the quality of processing, optimize the consumption of pesticides, and reduce environmental damage. The features of ultra-low-volume spraying (ULV) are noted, and the advantages and disadvantages of this method are indicated. The article describes the prerequisites facilitating the transition of agriculture to the use of digital and intelligent technologies, automation and robotization of the industry, including in the field of chemical protection of corn crops, as well as the advantages of their use. Based on our own experiments and data analysis, domestic and foreign researchers in the field of chemical plant protection, a justification is given and the feasibility of further improving the autonomous mobile agricultural “Robot Agroprotector” of the KBSC RAS with a weed recognition system and a mechanism for local (point) application of pesticides based on meteorological data is noted. conditions in real time.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(1):48-58
pages 48-58 views

Regional and sectoral economics

China's foreign economic policy: trading instruments

Tishchenko S.V.


The purpose of the work is to analyze and evaluate the trading instruments used by the Government of the People's Republic of China for the development of foreign trade. To achieve these goals, the tasks are defined: to identify the main instruments of China's trade policy; to analyze the features of using the declared trade instruments in China's modern economic policy. The object of the study is the instruments of trade policy declared by the Government of the People's Republic of China. The subject of the study is the impact of measures taken by China on foreign trade turnover. The theoretical basis was the research of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the works of leading Russian scientists. The information base is the documents of the WTO, China, scientific publications on the topic. The work uses general scientific methods: analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization; economic analysis. In the course of the work, the following trade instruments used by China to develop trade and increase the country's foreign trade turnover were identified: 1) simplification of import procedures, reduction of import duties; 2) creation of "demonstration zones" to promote the import of goods and services; 3) implementation of the provisions of the Agreement on Trade Facilitation (TFA); 4) implementation of electronic document management in the field of licensing and trade; 5) use of "unifications" for customs clearance; 6) improvement of China's Mandatory Certificate System (CCC); 7) development of cross-border e-commerce.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(1):59-68
pages 59-68 views

Математика и механика

Boundary value problem for loaded parabolic equations of fractional order

Karmokov M.M., Nakhusheva F.M., Abregov M.K.


The article considers the second boundary value problem for a loaded parabolic equation with a fractional Riemann – Liouville integro-differentiation operator. The unambiguous solvability of the second boundary value problem is proved. Using the Green function method with the theory of the potential of a simple layer, the problem is reduced to a system of Volterra integral equations of the second kind.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(1):69-77
pages 69-77 views

Historical Sciences

The extraterritorial principle of the activity of the mountain verbal courts of the Terek region in 1871–1918

Khagazheev M.A.


The article examines the extraterritorial principle of the organization of the activities of the mountain verbal courts of the Terek region in 1871-1918. The territorial jurisdiction of the Nalchik, Grozny, Vedensky, Khasav-Yurtovsky, Shatoevsky and Nazranovsky mountain verbal courts is considered. Attention is drawn to the fact that against the background of frequent administrative and territorial transformations in the region (changing the boundaries of districts and departments, changing their names, etc.), their territorial subordination practically did not change. It is concluded that the extraterritorial principle of their activities manifested itself in different variations: when representatives of different nations living on the territory of one district belonged to the jurisdiction of one court; when representatives of one nation living on the territory of different districts (departments) belonged to the jurisdiction of one court; when more than one court was created on the territory of one district.

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(1):78-86
pages 78-86 views


Kh.A. Malkanduev

News of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. 2024;26(1):87-88
pages 87-88 views

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