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卷 10, 编号 2 (2016)


Induction of decidual differentiation in endometrial mesenchymal stem cells

Domnina A., Novikova P., Fridlyanskaya I., Shilina M., Zenin V., Nikolsky N.


In this study, we compared the ability of human mesenchymal stem cells (eMSCs) derived from menstrual blood and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) from other tissues to differentiate into decidual cells in vitro. It was demonstrated that, during differentiation, secretion of prolactin and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-1 (key decidualization markers) markedly increased in eMSCs slightly augmented in bone marrow MSC (BM-MSCs) and did not change in MSCs from adipose tissue (AT-MSCs). Thus, eMSCs exhibited higher capacity for differentiation into decidual cells than BM-MSCs or AT-MSCs. This makes eMSCs promising for application in cellular therapy of infertility associated with insufficient decidualization of endometrium.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(2):95-99
pages 95-99 views

A study of the origin of human glioma based on cell lines and tumor specimens

Timin G., Lakhina Y., Gulyaev D., Tolkunova E.


This study is focused on the search for human glioma “cells of origin.” Specimens of tumor tissue have been assayed with RT-PCR for the expression of molecular markers specific for nerve tissue (NeuN, MOG, MBP, NG2, Olig2, Vimentin, GFAP, Aldh1L1), as well as markers of stem (Oct4, C-Kit) and cancerous stem (CD133) cells. It was found that the expression profiles of these markers were overlapped for different types of gliomas and the type of “cells of origin” cannot be determined. We suggest that more sophisticated culture conditions than traditionally used serum-based media should be applied to study the origin of glioma based on cell lines.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(2):100-105
pages 100-105 views

The effect of plakophilin-2 gene mutations on the activity of canonical WNT signaling

Khudiakov A., Kostina D., Kostareva A., Tomilin A., Malashicheva A.


Plakophilin-2 is a desmosomal protein encoded by PKP2 gene. Desmosomal proteins are usually considered as structural proteins with the main function of maintaining intercellular interactions. Genetic studies revealed that mutations in desmosomal genes could lead to arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, a heart disease characterized by substitution of cardiomyocytes by adipose and fibrotic tissue predominantly in the right ventricle. Wnt signaling is a signal transduction pathway presumably involved in the development of pathology. The purpose of this study was to investigate Wnt activity in cells with wild-type and mutant PKP2 gene during adipogenic and cardiomyogenic differentiation. We used multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells and iPS cells generated from a patient carrying PKP2 gene mutation. We found that cells with mutant PKP2 exhibited lower transcriptional activity of β-catenin, a key player of Wnt signaling, as well as attenuated expression of its targets SOX2 and SOX9. These findings suggest a signaling role of plakophilin2 by regulating Wnt activity

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(2):106-113
pages 106-113 views

Stem cells do not play a significant role in repopulation of adult human cardiomyocytes

Baidyuk E., Gudkova A., Sakuta G., Semernin E., Stepanov A., Kudryavtsev B.


Currently, there are two points of view on the ability of adult human heart to regenerate. One of them holds that the myocardium has a poor ability to regenerate. According to the other, the myocardium can rapidly regenerate due to the presence of resident stem cells in it. The purpose of this study was to test these hypotheses by investigating the distribution of cardiomyocytes by size and ploidy in human beings of different age. Using cytofluorometry and interferometry, we determined the dry weight, volume, and ploidy of myocytes isolated from the left ventricle of a normal heart of 12 men at the age of 20–30 (n = 7) and 40–50 (n = 5) years. The mean dry weight of cardiomyocytes was 6906 ± 182 pg (10–12 g) in the 20- to 30-yearold men and 9126 ± 263 pg in 40- to 50-year-old men; the myocyte volume was 55250 ± 1457 and 73005 ± 2106 µm3, respectively. Cells with volumes intermediate between the cells at the stage of “dividing myocytes” and mature myocytes were absent. The number of cardiomyocytes in the left ventricle was (3.18 ± 0.05) × 109 in the 20–30-year-old age group and (2.06 ± 0.6) × 109 in the 40–50-year-old group. The largest subset (41.3%) of the myocyte population was represented by mononuclear cells with tetraploid nuclei. The proportion of myocytes of different ploidy classes and their mean ploidy did not change in the range of 20–50 years. On the basis on these data, we concluded that stem cells do not play a significant role in restoring the number of lost myocytes. Hypertrophy of myocytes caused by the increase in their cytoplasm is the main mechanism of compensation of the function of the left ventricle of the heart in aging human beings.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(2):114-121
pages 114-121 views

Pairwise comparison of mammalian transcriptomes associated with the effect of polyploidy on the expression activity of developmental gene modules

Anatskaya O., Erenpreisa J., Nikolsky N., Vinogradov A.


Design and development of highly sensitive methods of bioinformatics are aßsociated with the need to obtain information on the impact of epigenetic changes on gene activity. One factor causing such changes is polyploidy. Polyploidy maintains the balance of gene dosage and, therefore, can have only a slight effect on their expression. Currently, there is no unified concept with respect to the impact of polyploidy on transcriptomes. To clarify this issue, we developed an integrative bioinformatics method aimed at accessing weak effects of polyploidy on the activity of genes by implementing a pairwise cross-transcriptome analysis of mammalian tissues with varying degrees of ploidy. The advantage of this method is its ability to distinguish between variable speciesand tissue-specific effects and evolutionarily conserved ones. The applicability of the developed methodology was demonstrated by analysis of genetic modules and protein interaction networks involved in the coordination of developmental processes. We carried out analysis of full transcriptome data for human and mouse heart and liver. We discovered that genes activated by ploidy are enriched (i.e., are presented above the random level) in transcriptomes of biological processes of the Gene Ontology (GO) database and in pathways in the KEGG database related to organism development, morphogenesis, and stem cell biology (including the signaling pathways Hippo, Pi3K, WNT, Hedgehog, and TGF-ß) to a greater extent than genes suppressed by ploidy. The structure and composition of the protein interaction networks constructed for ploidy regulated genes confirmed the results of analysis of gene modules. Thus, our data are the first to demonstrate that polyploidy can regulate the modules of organism development by increasing their activity.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(2):122-132
pages 122-132 views

Functional linkage between the transport characteristics of the MDCK1 cell monolayer and their actin cytoskeleton organization

Gorshkov A., Zaitseva M., Snigirevskaya E., Komissarchik Y.


The dynamics of the actin cytoskeleton spatial organization and transepithelial electric resistance (TEER) in the MDCK1 cell monolayer exposed to arginine–vasopressin (AVP) and forskolin, a protein kinase A (PKA) activator, have been studied. These physiologically active substances are shown to depolymerize filamentous actin in MDCK1 cells (in both the apical and basal cytoplasm) and, concurrently, to considerably decrease the TEER of the cell monolayer. A decrease in TEER suggests an increase in the ion current through the cell monolayer. Correspondingly, the created ion gradient stimulates AVP-sensitive water flow. To clarify the routes of ions and water in MDCK monolayer, the localization of claudin-1 and -2 in tight junctions of ATCC (American Type Culture Collection) MDCK (a low TEER) and MDCK1 (a high TEER) cells was studied by immunofluorescence assay. Claudin-1 and -2 are detectable in the tight junctions of ATCC MDCK cells; however, the tight junctions of MDCK1 cells contain only claudin-1, whereas poreforming claudin-2 is absent. The exposure of MDCK1 cells to forskolin fails to change the distribution of the studied claudins, thereby suggesting that a decrease in TEER caused by forskolin is associated with a change in transcellular, rather than paracellular, permeability of the monolayer

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(2):133-144
pages 133-144 views

Dual proapoptotic and pronecrotic effect of hydrogen peroxide on human umbilical vein endothelial cells

Nadeev A., Kudryavtsev I., Serebriakova M., Avdonin P., Zinchenko V., Goncharov N.


Human umbilical vein endothelial cells were exposed in culture to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), keeping them close to physiological conditions (high cell density, high serum content, H2O2 concentration not over 500 µM). Cell viability was assessed by flow cytometry using simultaneous staining with the fluorescent dye PO-PRO-1 to detect early apoptotic cells and DRAQ7 to detect late apoptotic and necrotic cells. The data obtained suggest that the primary mechanism of the cytotoxic response to H2O2 is apoptosis. The critical concentration of H2O2 causing death in a dense monolayer is 250 µM. Lower H2O2 concentrations (up to 200 µM) cause death of individual cells. The population of endothelial cell retains viability and response to calcium activating agonists does not change compared to control cells.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(2):145-151
pages 145-151 views

Functional differentiation in bryozoan colonies: a proteomic analysis

Kutyumov V., Maltseva A., Kotenko O., Ostrovsky A.


Bryozoans are typical modular organisms. They consist of repetitive structural units, the zooids. Bryozoan colonies grow by zooidal budding, with the distribution pattern of the budding loci underlying the diversity of colony forms. Budding is usually restricted to the colony periphery, where a “growing edge” or local terminal growth zones are formed. Non-budding parts of the colony can be functionally subdivided, too. In many species colonies consist of regular, often repetitive zones of feeding and non-feeding modules, associated with a periodical degeneration and regeneration of the polypide retractile tentacle crown with a gut and the accompanying musculature. The mechanisms of functional differentiation in bryozoan colonies are unknown. Presumably, budding and/or polypide recycling are induced or inhibited by certain determinants of functional specialization in different colony parts. An effective tool of their identification is the comparison of proteomes in functionally different zones. Here we report the results of proteomic analysis of three bryozoan species from the White Sea with a different colony form: Flustrellidra hispida, Terminoflustra membranaceotruncata and Securiflustra securifrons. Using differential two-dimensional electrophoresis (2D-DIGE), we compared proteomes of the growing edge, the zone with polypides and the zone without polypides. We assessed the general level of differences between the zones and revealed proteins whose relative abundance changed gradually along the proximal-distal colony axis. These proteins might be involved in the determination of the functional differentiation of the colony.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(2):152-159
pages 152-159 views

Mechanisms of adaption to salinity stress in marine gastropods Littorina saxatilis: a proteomic analysis

Muraeva O., Maltseva A., Mikhailova N., Granovitch A.


Salinity is one of the most important abiotic environmental factors for marine animals. If salinity deviates from optimum, adaptive mechanisms switch on to maintain organism’s physiological activity. In this study the proteome of the marine snails Littorina saxatilis from natural habitats (12, 23 and 32‰ and in response to experimental salinity decreasing (from 20‰ to 10‰) was analyzed. The isolation of all snails inside their shells and gradually declining mortality was observed under an acute experimental salinity decrease. Proteomic changes were evaluated in the survived experimental mollusks compared to control individuals using differential 2D gel-electrophoresis (DIGE) and subsequent LC-MS/MS-identification of proteins. Approximately 10% of analyzed proteins underwent upor down regulation during the experiment. Proteins of folding, antioxidant response, intercellular matrix, and metabolic enzymes were identified among them. Proteomic changes observed in experimental hypoosmotic stress partially reproduced in the proteomes of molluscs that live in conditions of natural freshening (estuaries). Possible mechanisms involved in the adaptation process of L. saxatilis individuals to hypoosmotic stress are discussed.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2016;10(2):160-169
pages 160-169 views