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Том 11, № 5 (2017)


The efficacy of mesenchymal stem cells for the improvement of cerebral microcirculation in spontaneously hypertensive rats

Sokolova A., Polyntsev D.


Elaboration of new correction methods for microcirculatory disorders in the brain caused by persistent high blood pressure is important for both medicine and biology. We studied the influence of intracerebral transplantation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) on the cerebral microcirculation in young (4 month) and mature (12 month) spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). It was shown that hMSC transplantation increased the density of the microvascular network of young SHRs to 1.6 and 1.9 times the density of the arteriolar area of the microvascular network of the pia. The density of microvascular network of mature SHRs increased by 1.4–1.5 times after hMSC transplantation. The perfusion and tissue saturation of sensorimotor cortex of young SHRs restored to the level of young normotensive rats. In mature SHRs, the perfusion and tissue saturation of sensorimotor cortex did not increase. In conclusion, the intracerebral transplantation of hMSC almost completely restored microcirculation in the sensorimotor cortex of the brain of young SHRs and slightly improved microcirculation in mature SHRs.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(5):343-348
pages 343-348 views

The changes of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells isolated from human adipose tissue during long-term cultivation

Savchenkova I., Savchenkova E., Gulyukin M.


Multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MMSCs) isolated from human adipose tissue have been subcultured for over 50 population doublings. In three cultures that experienced more than 50 cellular doublings, there appeared cells lacking contact inhibition upon reaching the monolayer. Karyotype analysis (GTG banding) showed a normal diploid karyotype, and aneuploidy and restructurings were not registered. Flow-cytometric analysis of 20 surface antigens on MMSCs in early and late passages revealed changes in the share of cells positively stained with antibodies against CD10 (a zinc depended metalloproteinase); CD34 (sialomucin); CD49 a, d, f, (α1, α4, α6, integrins); and CD71 (a transferrin receptor). Long-term cultivation influenced cell adhesion to proteins of the extracellular matrix (ECM), such as fibronectin and laminin (ligands to α, integrins), as well as the functional abilities of MMSCs to form cells of adipose and bone tissues in vitro. These findings extend our knowledge of cell behavior in culture and allow us to get closer to a deeper understanding of the processes happening to precursor cells in vitro.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(5):349-355
pages 349-355 views

Effect of cytokines (IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15) having common γ-chain of receptors on differentiation and maturation of CD4+/CD8+ T-cells in a CD45RA T-lymphocyte population in vitro

Yurova K., Khaziakhmatova O., Dunets N., Todosenko N., Shupletsova V., Litvinova L.


The effect of cytokines (IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15) having a common γ-chain of receptors on the maturation and differentiation of CD3+CD45RA+CD4+/CD8+ lymphocytes in homeostatic cultivation model in vitro was analyzed. It was found that the maximum IL-2 concentration in the helper CD45RA+-T-cell population mediates an increase in the number of CD45RA+CD4+ T lymphocytes with the phenotype of mature and immature terminally differentiated TEMRA T cells. IL-15 leads to the production of lymphocytes with CD27CD62L+ phenotype (presumably, TEMRA, in which the CD62L expression persists). In the CD45RA+CD8+ T lymphocyte populations, the studied cytokines (IL-2, IL-7, and IL-15) initiate the production of mature TEMRA (E) T lymphocytes and memory T cells with the CD45RACD27+CD62L+ central phenotype (TCM).

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(5):356-362
pages 356-362 views

The effect of periodic starvation on bone-marrow cells from animals of various ages

Kolot N.


At present, little is known of what happens to bone-marrow cells under caloric restriction or periodic starvation. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of periodic starvation on the proliferative potential and cell morphology of the heterogeneous bone-marrow pool of young and old rats. Periodic starvation reduced the number of bone-marrow cells independently of the animal age, but did not affect cell viability and morphology. In young rats, periodic starvation increased the proportion of differentiated cells in the bone-marrow population; in old animals, it increased the number of undifferentiated blasts and blood-cell precursors. Bone-marrow cell cultivation was accompanied with reduced cell heterogeneity. Periodic starvation increased proliferative potential of bone-marrow cells from old rats. This suggests that periodic starvation at late stages of ontogenesis has an antiaging effect on bone-marrow cells in vivo and in vitro.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(5):363-370
pages 363-370 views

Ultrastructural and gene-expression changes in the calcium regulation system of rat skeletal muscles under exhausting exercise

Korf E., Kubasov I., Vonsky M., Novozhilov A., Runov A., Kurchakova E., Matrosova E., Tavrovskaya T., Goncharov N.


The expression of genes responsible for the synthesis of essential proteins regulating the calcium-ion balance and ultrastructural characteristics of fast-twitch (m. extensor digitorum longus, EDL) and slow-twitch (m. soleus, SOL) skeletal muscles under prolonged exercise were studied in an experimental model of forced-swimming rats. A day after the end of the exercise, no significant changes in any of the five investigated genes were revealed in the SOL. A few triad elements (T-tubules and cisternae of sarcoplasmic reticulum) were revealed. A small number of excitation-contraction coupling (ECC) structures in the control and a slight increase in their amount after exercises were noticed. Polymorphism and mitochondrial defects within SOL muscles indicate the importance of these structures in the regulation of calcium balance. In EDL muscles, adaptation mechanisms are aimed mainly at pumping Ca2+ ions to the sarcoplasmic reticulum, where the main calcium buffer is calsequestrin. Expression of SERCA1 gene increased by an order of magnitude, and that of CASQ1 increased by three times. Electron microscopy showed a major role of triads in the maintenance of calcium homeostasis in the EDL muscles, as well as a greater destruction of these muscles compared to SOL after exhausting exercise. The high level of triads and a possible activation of the CICR (calcium-induced calcium release) mechanism in fast-twitch muscles can cause damage to them during exhausting exercise. Adaptation of SOL muscles is associated with structural rearrangements of the mitochondrial apparatus, while adaptation of the EDL muscles is caused by calcium removal from the sarcoplasm with Ca-ATPase and its retention in the sarcoplasmic reticulum by calsequestrin.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(5):371-380
pages 371-380 views

Characteristics of tumors that have developed in mice injected with syngenic irradiated mesenchymal stem cells of bone marrow

Moskaleva E., Zhorova E., Semochkina Y., Rodina A., Vysotskaya O., Glukhov A., Chukalova A., Posypanova G., Saprykin V.


Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are found in virtually all organs and tissues. These cells can presumably be transformed into tumor stem cells by genotoxic factors and, subsequently, initiate tumor growth. The aim of the present work consisted in analysis of the possibility of malignant transformation of cultured MSCs from the bone marrow (BM) of mice after in vitro exposure to γ-radiation and in the characterization of biochemical and histological features of tumors that developed after the transplantation of BM MSCs to syngenic mice. Two of five mice developed tumors 3 to 4 months after the subcutaneous injection of BM MSCs irradiated at a dose of 1 Gy, five of five animals developed tumors after the administration of BM MSCs irradiated at a dose of 6 Gy, and only one of five mice injected with nonirradiated BM MSCs developed a tumor 6 months after cell transplantation. Telomerase activity in a tumor that developed from BM MSCs irradiated at a dose of 6 Gy was twice as high as that in the tumor that developed from BM MSCs irradiated at a dose of 1 Gy. The histological structure of the neoplasms corresponded to that of multicomponent mesenchymoma, a malignant tumor also termed “a mix of sarcomas.” The tumors consisted of tissue fragments of different histological types. Thus, BM MSCs exposed to 1 or 6 Gy of radiation can be transformed into tumor cells and give rise to multicomponent mesenchymomas, whereas malignant transformation of control BM MSCs occurs much less often.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(5):381-388
pages 381-388 views

Influence of FtsZ proteins from some mycoplasma species on the division process in Escherichia coli cells

Vedyaykin A., Polinovskaya V., Sabantsev A., Khodorkovskii M., Borchsenius S., Vishnyakov I.


FtsZ is a highly conserved protein that performs one of the key roles in cell division of most prokaryotes. At the present time it is believed that the main role of FtsZ in the cells of the microorganisms studied (Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, etc.) is to control the process of cell wall synthesis at the site of future septum. In this regard, the presence of FtsZ in the cells of mycoplasmas – bacteria that lack the cell wall, looks intriguing. In the present work we investigated the influence of FtsZ proteins of three mycoplasmas – Mycoplasma hominis, Mycoplasma gallisepticum and Acholeplasma laidlawii – on the cytokinesis of E. coli. FtsZ proteins were able to interact with the E. coli division machinery, including inhibiting the cytokinesis process, while demonstrating various patterns of distribution in the cell. The data obtained support the hypothesis that FtsZ plays a significant role in the division of mycoplasma cells.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(5):389-398
pages 389-398 views

The action of osmolytes on the destructive effect of ionizing radiation, hyperthermia, microwave radiation, and ultrasound

Morozov I., Petin V., Khryachkova A.


New data on the influence of osmolytes (NaCl, glycerol) on the destructive effect of ionizing radiation, hyperthermia, microwave radiation and ultrasound were obtained from experiments with bacterial cells. The pattern of manifestation of the osmolyte protective effect is presented. It was found that the protective effect of osmolytes from damaging factors (antagonistic interaction) can be detected only within a certain range of agent “doses.” Inside this range, there is an optimum providing the maximum protection. It was shown that, to provide the highest antagonistic effect with increased intensity of one of the agents, a corresponding change in the intensity of the other agent involved in the interaction is required. It is concluded that, in addition to DNA damage, membrane injury and osmotic homeostasis system may be considered as critical targets in cell destruction after the combined action of various environmental factors.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(5):399-404
pages 399-404 views

Use of HepG2 cell line for evaluation of toxic and metabolic antipsychotic action

Snopov S., Teryukova N., Sakhenberg E., Teplyashina V., Nasyrova R.


The toxic and metabolic effects of antipsychotics on cells of hepatic origin have been studied in vitro using human hepatoblastoma cell line HepG2. The cells were cultured in the presence of two first- and second-generation antipsychotics, haloperidol and olanzapine, respectively, at concentrations that can exist in the blood, liver and other tissues with high lipid content when the drugs are used for therapeutic purposes. During cultivation in several periods, the products of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism were quantified, the activities of several enzymes in the culture medium were measured, and viability (proliferation) of cells was assessed with MTS assay. Both drugs were toxic to HepG2 cells, which was manifested in inhibition of proliferation and an increased alkaline phosphatase activity in the culture medium. The toxic action of olanzapine in the doses used was less significant than that of haloperidol. According to literature data, antipsychotics increase the expression of lipogenesis genes in cells of the central nervous system, adipose tissue and liver, which can lead to hyperlipidemia. However, we have not observed increased levels of total cholesterol, cholesterol of low and high density lipoproteins, and triglycerides in the culture medium of HepG2 cells in the presence of haloperidol and olanzapine. This may be associated with the fact that both drugs, which are cationic amphiphiles, are able to inhibit intracellular lipid trafficking. Moreover, both drugs had no effect on the activity of aspartate aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyltransferase in the culture medium, but contributed to a decrease in the activity of alanine aminotransferase. Overall, our work has confirmed that HepG2 cells may serve as a useful model to obtain new data on drug effects on the metabolism of cells of hepatic origin and to assess the risk of hepatotoxicity in preclinical studies.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(5):405-415
pages 405-415 views

Localization of the chromatin-remodeling protein ATRX in the oocyte nucleus of some insects

Stepanova I., Bogolyubov D.


A comparative study of nuclear distribution of the chromatin-remodeling protein ATRX in the oocytes of three species of insects in which the oocyte nucleus at the diplotene stage differs in structure, has been carried out using fluorescent and immunoelectron microscopy. In tóhe oocyte nucleus of the tenebrionid beetles, Tribolium castaneum and Tenebrio molitor, ATRX preferably associates with the karyosphere (karyosome) that represents a result of concentration of the condensed chromosomes in a limited volume of the nucleus. In the oocyte nucleus of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, in which a karyosphere does not form, the protein ATRX is distributed in the entire nuclear volume in association with the chromatin. The fact of ATRX presence in the extrachromosomal structures of the insect oocyte nucleus, the karyosphere capsule and specific nuclear bodies, is documented for the first time.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(5):416-425
pages 416-425 views

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