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Vol 11, No 6 (2017)


The in vitro effect of methylprednisolone on the processes of activation of CD4+CD45RO+ T-cells from healthy subjects and rheumatoid-arthritis patients

Todosenko N.M., Khaziakhmatova O.G., Yurova K.A., Malinina I.P., Litvinova L.S.


Flow cytometry has been used to analyze the changes in the number of CD4+ cells that expressed surface markers of activation (CD25, CD71, HLA-DR, and CD95) in cultures of TCR-stimulated CD3+CD45RO+ Т-lymphocytes after in vivo exposure to different concentrations of methylprednisolone (MP). T-cells were obtained from healthy donors and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients. Suppressive action of МР on the expression of activation and proliferation markers (CD25 and CD71, respectively) by CD4+ T-cells was observed in all study subjects. МР increased the number of CD4+ HLA-DR+/CD95+ cells among the СD3+CD45RO+ cells obtained from RA patients and subjected to TCR activation, whereas the number of such cells in the control group decreased after MP treatment. The MP-induced changes in the cells subjected to TCR activation can be indicative of relative resistance of the CD4+CD45RO+HLA-DR+/CD95+ cell population in RA patients to the action of glucocorticoids and the possible role of this subpopulation in RA pathogenesis.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(6):427-433
pages 427-433 views

Expression of ergotope-associated markers of T lymphocytes in atopic dermatitis after in vitro polyclonal activation

Blinova E.A., Pashkina E.A., Tevs A.E., Nepomnyashchikh V.M., Leonova M.I., Demina D.V., Kozlov V.A.


The antiergotypic response leads to the formation of effector T cells able to eliminate activated lymphocytes independently of their antigenic specificity, since the targets of these cells are molecules produced during cell activation (ergotopes). In this paper, we describe the level of expression of the ergotope-associated markers CD25, HSP60, and HLA-DR by the T lymphocytes isolated from the blood of atopic dermatitis patients immediately after isolation and after cultivation. After 10-day cultivation in the presence of anti-CD3 antibodies and IL-2, the expression levels of early and late activation markers in T cells have changed: the shares of CD25-positive CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes increase to 68 and 47%, respectively, and the share of HLA-DR-positive cells increases to 26 and 33%. The density of HLA-DR molecules on the surface of activated T cells increases more than fivefold. Almost all T cells before and after cultivation express 60 kDa heatshock protein (HSP60); however, the CD4+ cells activated in vitro contain more HSP60 molecules than do the in vitro-activated CD8+ cells and the CD4+ cells of peripheral blood. Thus, the T cells of atopic-dermatitis patients have the status of activated cells because they express sufficient amounts of early and late activation markers; presumably, they can enhance the induction of antiergotypic response when administered to patients. Taking into account that antiergotypic regulation acts on activated T cells independently of their antigenic specificity, immunotherapy utilizing autologous activated T lymphocytes can be of interest as a method for targeted action on pathogenetic components of atopic dermatitis.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(6):434-439
pages 434-439 views

Differential expression of CD42b and CD9 proteins in platelets and extracellular membrane vesicles during platelet-concentrate storage

Kishenko V.V., Kondratov K.A., Belyakova M.V., Mikhailovskii V.Y., Sidorkevich S.V., Vavilova T.V., Fedorov A.V., Sirotkina O.V.


Platelet concentrate is used to restore and maintain hemostasis in patients with a reduced number or activity of platelets. Platelet concentrate changes its properties when stored, which leads to a weakening of the therapeutic effect, as well as the occurrence of transfusion side effects. One of the processes that alter platelet concentrates during storage is the secretion of several types of membrane vesicles. Despite the fact that platelet-derived membrane vesicles affect homeostasis and transmit signals of intercellular communication, mechanisms of their formation, features of regulatory activity and molecular composition are still poorly understood. In this paper, the results of analysis of CD42b and CD9 membrane proteins expression in platelets and platelet-derived membrane vesicles during platelet-concentrate storage are presented. Populations of membrane vesicles of different sizes were isolated from the platelet concentrates and characterized. Aggregation and morphological alteration of platelets are observed during storage; the protein composition of platelets, as well as membrane vesicles, changes, and there is a significant increase in the levels of CD42b and CD9 proteins in fractions of membrane vesicles. The results obtained indicate that platelet concentrates contain different populations of membrane vesicles, the molecular composition of which varies during storage.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(6):440-446
pages 440-446 views

Human IL-36RA production in Escherichia coli with coexpression of E. coli methionine aminopeptidase. I. Comparison of IL-36RA production in different strains

Kolobov A.A., Kondratyeva E.V., Kudling T.V., Karasev M.M., Kalinin R.S., Khizhina A.A., Nimiritsky P.P., Stefanov V.E., Petrov A.V.


Generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP) is a rare, sometimes lethal, form of psoriasis caused by series of mutations in the interleukin-36 receptor antagonist (IL-36RA) gene associated with its reduced expression or activity. Administration of exogenous IL-36RA can be a potent therapeutic approach to treating GPP and other forms of psoriasis. Since cleavage of the starting N-formylmethionine residue from the N-terminal end is needed for full biological activity of IL-36RA, we have developed a technique for producing IL-36RA lacking N-formylmethionine residue in E. coli. We have created a series of plasmids carrying the E. coli methionine aminopeptidase (MAP) gene under the control of different promoters for coexpression of IL-36RA and MAP and tested their effect on IL-36RA production. The highest production of IL-36RA with <3% of unprocessed molecules with uncleaved N-terminal formylmethionine residue has been shown for E. coli strain carrying the MAP gene under the control of arabinose-inducible promoter.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(6):447-452
pages 447-452 views

Human IL-36RA production in Escherichia coli with coexpression of E. coli methionine aminopeptidase. II. Comparison of IL-36RA biological activity from different strains

Kolobov A.A., Kondratyeva E.V., Sharafutdinova T.A., Kalinin R.S., Nimiritsky P.P., Stefanov V.E., Petrov A.V.


Proinflammatory cytokines of the interleukin-36 (IL-36) family are involved in the pathogenesis of different skin diseases in human and mice. Administration of exogenous IL-36 receptor antagonist (IL-36RA) may be an approach to therapy of different dermatitises. For its full biological activity, IL-36RA requires cleavage of N-terminal methionine residue. We created three E. coli strains producing IL-36RA coexpressed with E. coli methionine aminopeptidase under control of different promoters. To test the biological activity of IL-36RA from different strains we transfected А549 cells with plasmid carrying the IL-36 receptor gene (IL1RL2). These cells respond to IL-36g treatment with production of IL-8, which can be quantified with ELISA. IL-36RA treatment disrupts IL-36 receptor activation by IL-36g and production of IL-8. Using this system, we proved that IL-36RA from all three producer strains is fully biologically active.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(6):453-457
pages 453-457 views

The features of mitochondria of cardiomyocytes from rats with chronic heart failure

Stepanov A.V., Baidyuk E.V., Sakuta G.A.


Electron-microscopy study of rat myocardium 2 weeks after a heart attack revealed significant alterations in the ultrastructure of cardiomyocytes than for the control. The location of myofibrils was less regular than for normal cells. The population of interfibrillar mitochondria decreased. Mitochondrial cristae were located less densely and formed cellated structures. Swollen mitochondria were observed in the periinfarction and intact areas, indicating the development of ischemia in the myocardium as a whole. Six months after the occlusion of coronary vessels alterations in the location of myofibrils and mitochondria were mainly observed in the peri-infarction area. Mitochondria also formed cellated structures. A 30% decrease in the density of the arrangement of the inner membranes of mitochondria on an area unit was found in the periinfarction zone. The ratio between the relative volumes of mitochondria and myofibrils in the cardiomyocytes of the peri-infarction area was increased by 20%. The area of mitochondria in the intact zone of the left ventricle was 30% greater than for the control. A study of isolated living cardiomyocytes revealed that the mitochondrial- membrane potential in the rats subjected to myocardial infarction half a year ago previously was significantly lower than for the mitochondrial-membrane potential in the control rats. Thus, cardiomyocytes that were similar to healthy cardiomyocytes in their morphology exhibited lower total mitochondrial-membrane potential, indicating their decreased energy state.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(6):458-465
pages 458-465 views

The creation of a recombinant single-chain antibody against α/β-hydrolase of microsporidium Paranosema locustae and immunolocalization of the enzyme in an infected host cell

Dolgikh V.V., Tsarev A.A., Senderskiy I.V., Timofeev S.A.


Microsporidia are a group of widespread fungi-related obligate intracellular parasites. Direct contact of most microsporidia with the cytoplasm of an infected host cell entails possible secretion of various proteins from the parasite that allows control physiological processes of the host. Earlier, by means of polyclonal antibodies against α/β-hydrolase of microsporidium Paranosema locustae, the secretion of large amounts of the enzyme into the cytoplasm of fat body cells of infected migratory locust Locusta migratoria was demonstrated. However, yeast fungi Pichia pastoris did not recognize this enzyme as a secretory one during its heterologous expression. In the present study, a library of recombinant single-chain antibodies (scFv fragments) against proteins of the infected fat body of locust was constructed. The use of the phage display technology enabled choosing a miniantibody that specifically recognized the studied enzyme. Immunoblotting and immunolabeling of frozen sections of locust fat body with the selected scFv fragment confirmed the fact of secretion of P. locustae α/β-hydrolase (as two forms of different size) into the infected host cell. Prospects of using the selected scFv fragment for further studies of the secretion mechanism of the parasite’s protein and its role in host–parasite interactions are discussed.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(6):466-474
pages 466-474 views

Specificity of heterotrimeric G protein regulation by human chorionic gonadotropin and low-molecular agonist of luteinizing hormone receptor

Derkach K.V., Bakhtyukov A.A., Shpakov A.A., Dar’in D.V., Shpakov A.O.


Luteinizing hormone (LH) and its homologue, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), are very important regulators of the reproductive system. These hormones stimulate various types of G proteins—primarily, Gs and Gq proteins—by binding to the specific LH-hCG receptor, which leads to the activation of adenylate cyclase (AC) and phospholipase C, respectively. It has been suggested that many side effects of LH and hCG are associated with low selectivity of their effect on G proteins. Low-molecular agonists of LH-hCG receptor developed on the basis of thienopyrimidine derivatives do not cause these side effects, and differences in the interaction with G proteins may be ones of the cause for this. To test this, a comparative study of the effect of hCG and synthesized by us thienopyrimidine derivative, 5-amino-N-tert-butyl-2-(methylsulfanyl)-4-(3-(nicotinamido)phenyl)thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidine-6-carboxamide (TP03) on the AC activity and GTP binding of G proteins in plasma membranes isolated from the rat ovaries and testes was performed. Cholera toxin (CT) and pertussis toxin (PT) were used to selectively switch off the signal transduction via Gs and Gi/o proteins, the peptide corresponding to the C-terminal segment 349–359 of the Gαq subunit was used to suppress Gq-dependent cascades. It was shown that treatment of ovarian and testicular membranes with CT resulted in suppression of TP03 and hCG stimulatory effects on the AC activity, but in different ways influenced the GTP binding stimulation: it completely blocked the effect of 10–6 M TP03 and reduced by 45–46% the effect of hCG (10–8 M). Preincubation of membranes with the peptide 349–359 reduced the hCG stimulatory effect on GTP binding by 34 (ovaries) and 45% (testes), but did not affect the corresponding effect of 10–6 M TP03. Preincubation with the peptide 349–359 also reduced the GTP stimulatory effect of 10–4 M TP03, but to a small extent. The obtained data indicate that, in contrast to hCG, the targets of which in the ovaries and testes are Gs and Gq proteins, the action of TP03 is realized mainly via Gs proteins. Only at a concentration that exceeds EC50 by two orders TP03 is capable to relatively weakly activate Gq proteins. The PT treatment of the membranes did not affect the effects of TP03 and hCG, which indicates the lack of their effective interaction with Gi/o proteins. Thus, the selectivity of activation of Gs-dependent cascades responsible for the synthesis and production of steroid hormones is a significant advantage of low-molecular agonists of LH-hCG receptor over gonadotropins.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(6):475-482
pages 475-482 views

Dehydrin stress proteins in birch buds in regions with contrasting climate

Tatarinova T.D., Bubyakina V.V., Vetchinnikova L.V., Perk A.A., Ponomarev A.G., Vasilieva I.V.


Dehydrin stress proteins were identified in buds of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth) grown in regions with contrasting climate, Karelia and Central Yakutia, using specific antibodies. Two types of dehydrins present in the plant buds, proteins with average (56–73 kDa) and low (14–21 kDa) molecular weight, as well as 17-kDa dehydrin, were detected in all studied plants. The most sensitive to seasonal changes are 14- to 21-kDa dehydrins, the level of which, regardless of the region where the birch grows, significantly increased during the autumn–winter period. The intraspecific polymorphism of dehydrins was more pronounced in B. pendula grown under the sharply continental climate of Yakutia, which is probably due to the peculiarities of the adaptation of woody plants to the extremely low temperatures of the cryolitic zone.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(6):483-488
pages 483-488 views

The effect of benzylaminopurine on fatty-acid composition of membrane lipids in shoots of Karelian birch in vitro

Vetchinnikova L.V., Titov A.F., Kuznetsova T.U.


The effect of the synthetic analogue of natural cytokinin 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) on the fatty-acid composition of membrane lipids in shoots of Karelian (Curly) birch Betula pendula Roth var. carelica (Mercklin) Hämet-Ahti under in vitro conditions was studied. It was found that the addition of BAP (in a concentration of 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, or 2 mg/L) to the nutrient medium leads to an increase in the proportion of saturated fatty acids in phospholipids, whereas in the control variant unsaturated fatty acids predominated in phospholipids. In glycolipids, on the contrary, BAP caused an increase in the synthesis of unsaturated fatty acids (predominantly, linolenic), but the degree of its effect depended on the concentration of the hormone. In particular, when the maximum amount of the studied concentration (2.0 mg/L) was used, the use of BAP was shown to decrease the proportion of linolenic acid. It is suggested that the revealed changes in the composition of glycolipids are indicators of the stimulating effect of cytokinin (up to a certain concentration) on the structure and function of chloroplasts. Due to the photomixotrophy of shoot cultures, chloroplasts are an important factor determining not only their photosynthetic activity, but also cell proliferation and the direction of in vitro morphogenesis.

Cell and Tissue Biology. 2017;11(6):489-495
pages 489-495 views

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