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卷 13, 编号 3 (2019)


Numerical Simulation of Planar Oscillations of a Landing Gear Leg along the Longitudinal Axis of an Aircraft During the Landing Impact

Bagrov K.


The study is presented of the aircraft landing gear deformations in the axial direction of the aircraft (gear-walk) under the load from a runway. Some beam-based model is proposed to describe the elastic properties of landing gear and the oleo strut behavior. The primary verification of the model is carried out: The characteristic frequencies of oscillations are found, and the behavior of the system under harmonic load is investigated.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):385-389
pages 385-389 views

On Necessary Conditions for the Solvability of One Class of Elliptic Systems in a Half-Space

Bondar’ L.


We consider boundary value problems in a half-space for a class of elliptic systems. Assuming that the boundary value problems satisfy the Lopatinskiı˘ condition, we give necessary conditions for the unique solvability in Sobolev spaces.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):390-404
pages 390-404 views

2-Factors Without Close Edges in the n-Dimensional Cube

Bykov I.


—We say that two edges in the hypercube are close if their endpoints form a 2-dimensional subcube. We consider the problem of constructing a 2-factor not containing close edges in the hypercube graph. For solving this problem,we use the new construction for building 2-factors which generalizes the previously known stream construction for Hamiltonian cycles in a hypercube.Owing to this construction, we create a family of 2-factors without close edges in cubes of all dimensions starting from 10, where the length of the cycles in the obtained 2-factors grows together with the dimension.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):405-417
pages 405-417 views

On the Minimization of Boolean Functions for Additive Complexity Measures

Chukhrov I.


The problem of minimizing Boolean functions for additive complexity measures in a geometric interpretation, as covering a subset of vertices in the unit cube by faces, is a special type of a combinatorial statement of the weighted problem of a minimal covering of a set. Its specificity is determined by the family of covering subsets, the faces of the unit cube, that are contained in the set of the unit vertices of the function, as well as by the complexity measure of the faces, which determines the weight of the faces when calculating the complexity of the covering. To measure the complexity, we need nonnegativity, monotonicity in the inclusion of faces, and equality for isomorphic faces. For additive complexity measures, we introduce a classification in accordance with the order of the growth of the complexity of the faces depending on the dimension of the cube and study the characteristics of the complexity of the minimization of almost all Boolean functions.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):418-435
pages 418-435 views

A Numerical Method of Determining Permittivity from the Modulus of the Electric Intensity Vector of an Electromagnetic Field

Dedok V., Karchevsky A., Romanov V.


The system of equations of electrodynamics is considered for a nonmagnetic nonconducting medium. For this system, the problem is under study of determining the permittivity ε from the given modulus of the electric intensity vector of the electromagnetic field that is the result of the interference of the two fields generated by some point sources of an extraneous current. It is assumed that permittivity is different from a given positive constant ε0 only inside a compact domain Ω0 ⊂ ℝ3, whereas the modulus of the electric field intensity vector is given for all frequencies starting from a fixed frequency ω0 on the boundary S of some domain Ω that includes Ω0. It is shown that this information allows us to reduce the original problem to the well-known inverse kinematic problem of determining the refraction index inside Ω by the travel time of the electromagnetic wave between the points of the boundary of this domain. The algorithm for numerical solution of the inverse problem is constructed, and the test calculations on the simulated data are presented.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):436-446
pages 436-446 views

On One System of Ordinary Differential Equations of Large Dimension and a Delay Equation

Demidenko G., Uvarova I., Khazova Y.


We consider some system of ordinary differential equations modeling a multistage synthesis of a substance. We prove the global limit theorems that establish connections between the solutions to a system of ordinary differential equations of large dimension and the solutions to a delay equation. The obtained results enable us to find the approximate solutions to the systems under consideration of an arbitrarily high dimension on the whole half-axis. Some approximation estimates are established.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):447-459
pages 447-459 views

The Miles Theorem and the First Boundary Value Problem for the Taylor-Goldstein Equation

Gavril’eva A., Gubarev Y., Lebedev M.


We study the problem of the linear stability of stationary plane-parallel shear flows of an inviscid stratified incompressible fluid in the gravity field between two fixed impermeable solid parallel infinite plates with respect to plane perturbations in the Boussinesq approximation and without it. For both cases, we construct some analytical examples of steady plane-parallel shear flows of an ideal density-heterogeneous incompressible fluid and small plane perturbations in the form of normal waves imposed on them, whose asymptotic behavior proves that these perturbations grow in time regardless of whether the well-known result of spectral stability theory (the Miles Theorem) is valid or not.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):460-471
pages 460-471 views

Monotonicity of the Poincaré Mapping in Some Models of Circular Gene Networks

Golubyatnikov V., Minushkina L.


We obtain some sufficient conditions for the existence of a periodic trajectory of the Elowitz-Leibler type piecewise linear dynamical system that simulates a simplest nonsymmetric circular gene network. We prove the monotonicity of the corresponding Poincaré mapping and construct an invariant toric neighborhood of this cycle.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):472-479
pages 472-479 views

Poloidal-Toroidal Decomposition of Solenoidal Vector Fields in the Ball

Kazantsev S., Kardakov V.


Under study is the polynomial orthogonal basis system of vector fields in the ball which corresponds to the Helmholtz decomposition and is divided into the three parts: potential, harmonic, and solenoidal. It is shown that the decomposition of a solenoidal vector field with respect to this basis is a poloidal-toroidal decomposition (the Mie representation). In this case, the toroidal potentials are Zernike polynomials, whereas the poloidal potentials are generalized Zernike polynomials. The polynomial system of toroidal and poloidal vector fields in a ball can be used for solving practical problems, in particular, to represent the geomagnetic field in the Earth’s core.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):480-499
pages 480-499 views

A Bilevel Competitive Location and Pricing Model with Nonuniform Split of Demand

Kononov A., Panin A., Plyasunov A.


Under study is the bilevel competitive facility location and pricing problem which is formulated in terms of the Stackelberg game. The problem involves the two producers: the Leader and the Competitor. They consistently place their facilities and set prices. The choice of prices is based on the Bertrand model of price competition and the possibility of dividing a client’s demand if this will be profitable for both players. In this case, the demand is divided between the players in a given proportion. The complexity is investigated of finding the optimal solution of the problem and its particular cases. It is shown that the problem is \(\Sigma_2^P\)-hard. However, under certain conditions on the input parameters, the complexity decreases significantly and in some cases the problem becomes polynomially solvable.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):500-510
pages 500-510 views

Estimates of the Exponential Decay of Solutions to Linear Systems of Neutral Type with Periodic Coefficients

Matveeva I.


We consider the class of linear systems of delay differential equations with periodic coefficients. Using a special class of Lyapunov–Krasovskiĭ functionals, we establish conditions for the exponential stability of the zero solution and obtain estimates characterizing the exponential decay rate of solutions at infinity.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):511-518
pages 511-518 views

A Method for Solving an Exterior Boundary Value Problem for the Laplace Equation by Overlapping Domain Decomposition

Savchenko A., Petukhov A.


We propose a numerical method for solving an exterior three-dimensional boundary value problem for the Laplace equation based on the overlapping decomposition of the computational domain. The initial boundary value problem is reduced to solving an operator equation for the sought values of the function on an auxiliary sphere enclosing the interior boundary. This equation is approximated by a system of linear algebraic equations which is solved by iterative methods in the Krylov subspaces. A series of numerical experiments for model problems with known solutions demonstrates not only the convergence of the method and the attained accuracy of the calculations but also a sufficiently short runtime.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):519-527
pages 519-527 views

On m-Junctive Predicates on a Finite Set

Selezneva S.


We consider predicates on finite sets. The predicates invariant under some (m + 1)-ary near-unanimity function are called m-junctive. We propose to represent the predicates on a finite set in generalized conjunctive normal forms (GCNFs). The properties for GCNFs of m-junctive predicates are obtained. We prove that each m-junctive predicate can be represented by a strongly consistent GCNF in which every conjunct contains at most m variables. This representation of an m-junctive predicate is called reduced. Some fast algorithm is proposed for finding a reduced representation for an m-junctive predicate. It is shown how the obtained properties of GCNFs of m-junctive predicates can be applied for constructing a fast algorithm for the generalized S-satisfiability problem in the case that S contains only the predicates invariant under a common near unanimity function.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):528-535
pages 528-535 views

New Three-Dimensional Plastic Flows Corresponding to a Homogeneous Stress State

Senashov S., Savostyanova I.


Three-dimensional plasticity equations for the Mises medium are under consideration. For these equations, the velocity fields for a three-dimensional homogeneous plastic stress state are investigated. We discover new velocity fields having functional arbitrariness for a homogeneous stress state.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):536-538
pages 536-538 views

The Branch and Cut Method for the Clique Partitioning Problem

Simanchev R., Urazova I., Kochetov Y.


A numerical study is carried out of the branch and cut method adapted for solving the clique partitioning problem (CPP). The problem is to find a family of pairwise disjoint cliques with minimum total weight in a complete edge-weighted graph. The two particular cases of the CPP are considered: The first is known as the aggregating binary relations problem (ABRP), and the second is the graph approximation problem (GAP). For the previously known class of facet inequalities of the polytope of the problem, the cutting-plane algorithm is developed. This algorithm includes the two new basic elements: finding a solution with given guaranteed accuracy and a local search procedure to solve the problem of inequality identification. The proposed cutting-plane algorithm is used to construct lower bounds in the branch and cut method. Some special heuristics are used to search upper bounds for the exact solution. We perform a numerical experiment on randomly generated graphs. Our method makes it possible to find an optimal solution for the previously studied cases of the ABRP and for new problems of large dimension. The GAP turns out to be a more complicated case of the CPP in the computational aspect. Moreover, some simple and difficult classes of the GAPs are identified for our algorithm.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):539-556
pages 539-556 views

Adaptive Mirror Descent Algorithms for Convex and Strongly Convex Optimization Problems with Functional Constraints

Stonyakin F., Alkousa M., Stepanov A., Titov A.


Under consideration are some adaptive mirror descent algorithms for the problems of minimization of a convex objective functional with several convex Lipschitz (generally, nonsmooth) functional constraints. It is demonstrated that the methods are applicable to the objective functionals of various levels of smoothness: The Lipschitz condition holds either for the objective functional itself or for its gradient or Hessian (while the functional itself can fail to satisfy the Lipschitz condition). The main idea is the adaptive adjustment of the method with respect to the Lipschitz constant of the objective functional (its gradient or Hessian), as well as the Lipschitz constant of the constraint. The two types of methods are considered: adaptive (not requiring the knowledge of the Lipschitz constants neither for the objective functional nor for constraints, and partially adaptive (requiring the knowledge of the Lipschitz constant for constraints). Using the restart technique, some methods are proposed for strongly convex minimization problems. Some estimates of the rate of convergence are obtained for all algorithms under consideration in dependence on the level of smoothness of the objective functional. Numerical experiments are presented to illustrate the advantages of the proposed methods for some examples.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):557-574
pages 557-574 views

On the Stability of Systems of Linear Differential Equations of Neutral Type with Distributed Delay

Yskak T.


We consider one class of systems of nonautonomous linear differential equations of neutral type with distributed delay. We obtain sufficient conditions for the exponential stability of the zero solution and conditions on perturbations of the coefficients under which the exponential stability of the zero solution is preserved. Using a Lyapunov—Kjasovskiĭ functional of a special kind, we prove some estimates that characterize the exponential decay of solutions at infinity.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2019;13(3):575-583
pages 575-583 views