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Vol 12, No 3 (2018)


Properties of Solutions for the Problem of a Joint Slow Motion of a Liquid and a Binary Mixture in a Two-Dimensional Channel

Andreev V.K., Efimova M.V.


Under study is a conjugate boundary value problemdescribing a joint motion of a binary mixture and a viscous heat-conducting liquid in a two-dimensional channel, where the horizontal component of the velocity vector depends linearly on one of the coordinates. The problemis nonlinear and inverse because the systems of equations contain the unknown time functions—the pressure gradients in the layers. In the case of small Marangoni numbers (the so-called creeping flow) the problem becomes linear. For its solutions the two different integral identities are valid which allow us to obtain a priori estimates of the solution in the uniform metric. It is proved that if the temperature on the channel walls stabilizes with time then, as time increases, the solution of the nonstationary problem tends to a stationary solution by an exponential law.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):395-408
pages 395-408 views

Generalized Cole–Hopf Transformation

Anikonov Y.E., Neshchadim M.V.


On the basis of generalization of the Cole–Hopf transformation for parabolic equations with a source, we obtain some new representations of solutions and coefficients of nonlinear parabolic equations of mathematical physics which in fact are differential-algebraic identities. These representations can be used in studying the multidimensional direct and inverse problems.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):409-416
pages 409-416 views

Bilevel “Defender–Attacker” Model with Multiple Attack Scenarios

Beresnev V.L., Davydov I.A., Kononova P.A., Melnikov A.A.


We consider a bilevel “defender-attacker” model built on the basis of the Stackelberg game. In this model, given is a set of the objects providing social services for a known set of customers and presenting potential targets for a possible attack. At the first step, the Leader (defender) makes a decision on the protection of some of the objects on the basis of his/her limited resources. Some Follower (attacker), who is also limited in resources, decides then to attack unprotected objects, knowing the decision of the Leader. It is assumed that the Follower can evaluate the importance of each object and makes a rational decision trying to maximize the total importance of the objects attacked. The Leader does not know the attack scenario (the Follower’s priorities for selecting targets for the attack). But, the Leader can consider several possible scenarios that cover the Follower’s plans. The Leader’s problem is then to select the set of objects for protection so that, given the set of possible attack scenarios and assuming the rational behavior of the Follower, to minimize the total costs of protecting the objects and eliminating the consequences of the attack associated with the reassignment of the facilities for customer service. The proposed model may be presented as a bilevelmixed-integer programming problem that includes an upper-level problem (the Leader problem) and a lower-level problem (the Follower problem). The main efforts in this article are aimed at reformulation of the problem as some one-level mathematical programming problems. These formulations are constructed using the properties of the optimal solution of the Follower’s problem, which makes it possible to formulate necessary and sufficient optimality conditions in the form of linear relations.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):417-425
pages 417-425 views

On the Complexity of Minimizing Quasicyclic Boolean Functions

Chukhrov I.P.


We investigate the Boolean functions that combine various properties: the extremal values of complexity characteristics ofminimization, the inapplicability of local methods for reducing the complexity of the exhaustion, and the impossibility to efficiently use sufficient minimality conditions. Some quasicyclic functions are constructed that possess the properties of cyclic and zone functions, the dominance of vertex sets, and the validity of sufficient minimality conditions based on independent families of sets. For such functions, we obtain the exponential lower bounds for the extent and special sets and also a twice exponential lower bound for the number of shortest and minimal complexes of faces with distinct sets of proper vertices.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):426-441
pages 426-441 views

Formation of the Development Options for Energy Systems by Combinatorial Modeling Methods

Edelev A.V., Zorkaltsev V.I.


Under discussion are the requirements from the tools for analysis of long-term strategies for the development of energy systems and the possibility of using combinatorial modeling methods for studying discrete solutions in this development. The basis of the methods is the representation of the development of the modeled system in the form of a directed graph whose nodes correspond to possible states of the system at certain time, whereas the links characterize the admissibility of transitions from one state to another. The methods of combinatorial modeling, as a visual form of representation of dynamic discrete branching alternatives, allow us to simulate a long-term process of the development of the investigated system under various possible external and internal conditions and then determine a rational strategy for its development. We describe an algorithm for formation of the graph of feasible options for the development of the system. The approach is illustrated by an example. The described algorithms are implemented in the software package for a distributed computing environment.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):442-452
pages 442-452 views

Primitivity and Local Primitivity of Digraphs and Nonnegative Matrices

Fomichev V.M., Avezova Y.E., Koreneva A.M., Kyazhin S.N.


The article surveys the main results on the primitivity and local primitivity of digraphs and matrices from the inception of this research area in 1912 by now. We review the universal and special criteria for primitivity and local primitivity as well as universal and special bounds on the exponents and local exponents of digraphs and matrices. We describe some cryptographic applications of this mathematical apparatus for analyzing the mixing properties of block ciphers and keystream generators. The new promising research directions are formulated in the study of primitivity and local primitivity of digraphs and matrices.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):453-469
pages 453-469 views

Reconstruction of Permittivity from the Modulus of a Scattered Electric Field

Karchevsky A.L., Dedok V.A.


We present a numerical algorithm for determining the inhomogeneities of permittivity from the strength modulus of a scattered electric field. The algorithm was tested on simulated noisy data and revealed its practical operability.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):470-478
pages 470-478 views

Application of Splitting Algorithms in the Method of Finite Volumes for Numerical Solution of the Navier–Stokes Equations

Kovenya V.M., Babintsev P.V.


We generalize the splitting algorithms proposed earlier for the construction of efficient difference schemes to the finite volume method. For numerical solution of the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations written in integral form, some implicit finite-volume predictor-corrector scheme of the second order of approximation is proposed. At the predictor stage, the introduction of various forms of splitting is considered, which makes it possible to reduce the solution of the original system to separate solution of individual equations at fractional steps and to ensure some stability margin of the algorithm as a whole. The algorithm of splitting with respect to physical processes and spatial directions is numerically tested. The properties of the algorithm are under study and we proved its effectiveness for solving two-dimensional and three-dimensional flow-around problems.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):479-491
pages 479-491 views

Estimation of the Probability of Capture into Resonance and Parametric Analysis in the Descent of an Asymmetric Spacecraft in an Atmosphere

Kurkina E.V., Lyubimov V.V.


Under consideration is the nonlinear dynamical system describing the near-resonance motion in the atmosphere of a spacecraft with small aerodynamic, mass, and inertial asymmetries. The aim of the study is to obtain an expression for estimating the probability of capture into the principal resonance. It is shown that the expression for estimating the probability of capture into resonance makes it possible to determine the magnitude of asymmetries of the spacecraft both in the realization of capture into and in passing through the principal resonance. The veracity of the obtained estimate of the probability of capture into resonance is confirmed by the results of numerical simulation in the problem of descent of a spacecraft in the atmosphere of Mars.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):492-500
pages 492-500 views

Biot Stress and Strain in Thin-Plate Theory for Large Deformations

Myntiuk V.B.


We propose a theory of nonlinear deformation of a plate on the basis of an energetically conjugate pair of the Biot stress tensors and the right stretch tensor. When the dimensionality of the problem is reduced from three to two, the classical Kirchhoff conjectures are used, the linear part is retained in the expansion of the right stretch tensor with respect to a degenerate coordinate, and no additional simplifications are assumed. Connection is obtained between the asymmetric and symmetric components of the Biot tensor; the equivalence is demonstrated of the virtual work principle with the equilibrium equations, the natural boundary conditions, and additional conditions for the dependence of asymmetric stress moment resultants on symmetric moments.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):501-509
pages 501-509 views

Free Cavitational Deceleration of a Circular Cylinder in a Liquid after Impact

Norkin M.V.


The problem is considered about the vertical continuous impact and subsequent free deceleration of a circular cylinder semi-immersed in a liquid. The specificity of this problem is that, under certain conditions, some areas of low pressure near the body appear and the attached cavities are formed. The separation zones and the motion law of the cylinder are unknown in advance and have to be determined in solving the problem. The study of the problem is conducted by a direct asymptotic method effective for small spans of time. Some nonlinear problem with unilateral constraints is formulated that is solved together with the equation defining the law of motion of the cylinder. In the case when the space above the external free surface of a liquid is filled with a gas with low pressure (vacuum), an analytical solution of the problem is constructed. To determine the main hydrodynamic characteristics (the separation point and acceleration of the cylinder), we derive a system of transcendental equations with elementary functions. The solution of this system agrees well with the results obtained by the direct numerical method.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):510-518
pages 510-518 views

Robust Controllability of Linear Differential-Algebraic Equations with Unstructured Uncertainty

Petrenko P.S.


We consider the linear stationary systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that are unsolvedwith respect to the derivative of the unknown vector-function and degenerate identically in the domain of definition. These systems are usually called differential-algebraic equations (DAEs). The measure of how a system of DAEs is unsolved with respect to the derivative is an integer which is called the index of the system of DAEs. The analysis is carried out under the assumption of existence of a structural form with separated differential and algebraic subsystems. We investigate the robust controllability of these systems (controllability in the conditions of uncertainty). The sufficient conditions for the robust complete and R-controllability of a system of DAEs with the indices 1 and 2 are obtained.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):519-530
pages 519-530 views

Estimation of the Solution Stability of the Cauchy Problem with the Data on a Time-Like Plane

Romanov V.G.


Under consideration is the problem of continuation of the wave field from the boundary of a half-plane inside it. We obtain stability estimate for the solution of the corresponding Cauchy problem.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):531-539
pages 531-539 views

Complexity of the Realization of a Linear Boolean Function in the Class of π-Schemes

Rychkov K.L.


Using Khrapchenko’s method, we obtain the exact lower bound of 40 for the complexity in the class of π-schemes of a linear Boolean function depending substantially on 6 variables. We give a simplified proof of several lower bounds for the complexity of linear Boolean functions which are previously obtained on the basis of the same method.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):540-576
pages 540-576 views

Numerical Solution of the Retrospective Inverse Problem of Heat Conduction with the Help of the Poisson Integral

Vasil’ev V.I., Kardashevskii A.M.


We consider the retrospective inverse problem that consists in determining the initial solution of the one-dimensional heat conduction equation with a given condition at the final instant of time. The solution of the problem is given in the form of the Poisson integral and is numerically realized by means of a quadrature formula leading to a system of linear algebraic equations with dense matrix. The results of numerical experiments are presented and show the efficiency of the numerical method including the case of the final condition with random errors.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):577-586
pages 577-586 views

Minimizing a Symmetric Quasiconvex Function on a Two-Dimensional Lattice

Veselov S.I., Gribanov D.B., Zolotykh N.Y., Chirkov A.Y.


We consider the minimization problem for a symmetric quasiconvex function defined by an oracle on the set of integer points of a square. We formulate an optimality criterion for the solution, obtain a logarithmic lower bound for the complexity of the problem, and propose an algorithm for which the number of inquiries to the oracle is at most thrice the lower bound.

Journal of Applied and Industrial Mathematics. 2018;12(3):587-594
pages 587-594 views

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