The mythology of technologies in Russian legal discourse: Analytics of normative regulation in the fi eld of artifi cial intelligence

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Introduction. The intensification of technological progress in the modern world has led to the emergence of various discourses related to the capabilities of artificial intelligence systems. This process was accompanied by the creation of a technological myth that continues to take root in the digital space at the present time. Theoretical analysis. Technological myth reveals the cultural context from which it is formed, shows secondary meanings and connotations (R. Barth), performs a predictive function. The research methodology is based on a content analysis of the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation in the field of artificial intelligence. Empirical analysis. Consideration of the problem allowed us to identify the frequency of a Russian legislator’s appeal to the idea of “balance” in relation to pessimistic and optimistic trends in technological discourse. Technoprogressive markers manifested themselves in the form of a desire to spread artificial intelligence systems on the world market, and technopessimistic ones – in establishing the principles of “supervision” and “transparency”. Conclusion. A legislator sees the search for balance and the solution of contradictions in the penetration of ethical foundations into the development of artificial intelligence systems, in the formulation and establishment of fundamental moral and legal principles in the field of technology use. The key point in studying this issue is reflection and the use of methods of a constructive and critical approach to technomythology.

About the authors

Irina Valerievna Baturina

South Ural State University (National Research University)

76 Lenin prospekt, Chelyabinsk 454080, Russia


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