Vol 23, No 3 (2023)


GIS technology in the reconstruction of trade and transport system of the Golden Horde

Ablyazov K.A.


The article discusses the issues concerning historical reconstruction of trade and transport system of the Golden Horde based on the data analysis with the use of geographic information systems, logistics modeling and interdisciplinary technologies.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth sciences. 2023;23(3):144-146
pages 144-146 views

Ecological and sanitary condition of the Voronezh water reservoir under “blooming” conditions based on materials from 2016–2022

Antsiferova G.A., Shevyrev S.L., Kulnev V.V., Rusova N.I., Galkina E.S.


The aim. Study of the ecological state of the Voronezh reservoir under conditions of “blooming” of water by cyanobacteria. Materials and Methods. EEvaluating water quality data of hydrochemical analysis, assessment of suspended solids distribution and temperature in the water area, materials of hydrobiological study (phytoplankton), microcystin content in water have been taken into account. Results and Discussion. The direction of anthropogenic changes occurring in the ecological state of the reservoir has been traced for 2016–2022. The irreversible effects associated with water quality deterioration were clearly evident under the influence of abnormally high summer air temperatures in 2010–2012, accompanied by the massive development of water “blooms”. This has had irreversible consequences, as an ecological regression has finally taken shape in most of the water area. At present, including 2022, there is a prolonged summer-autumn “bloom” of waters, the associated with it an increase in the volume of organic matter, formation of aquatic toxicity due to cyanotoxins produced by cyanobacteria. For this period we have evaluated the distribution of the relative content of suspended solids and water temperature. Conclusion. The prognosis of water quality transformation is unfavourable, as it is accompanied by a directed ecological regression of the reservoir ecosystem, and is emphasized by intensive “blooming” of waters. For their rehabilitation, a biotechnological method of algolisation can be recommended.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth sciences. 2023;23(3):147-154
pages 147-154 views

The importance of decarbonization of industrial enterprises in the Volgograd region

Nikolaenko S.V., Stepanova N.E.


The article presents the influence analysis of industrial enterprises of the Volgograd region on the state of atmospheric air in the region. The importance of solving the problem of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere at the international level has been analyzed. Foreign experience in terms of reducing carbon dioxide emissions of industrial enterprises is considered. A method to reduce the environmental burden on atmospheric air by decarbonization, i.e. сarbon capture and storage of CO2 in deep geological objects is proposed.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth sciences. 2023;23(3):155-160
pages 155-160 views

Scheming of socio-economic development of Russian regions: Problems of multi-scale scenario planning

Preobrazhenskiy Y.V.


Introduction. Regional development in the last year and a half has faced new challenges related to the limitations of foreign economic relations, which poses the task of revising forecasts of socio-economic dynamics in the subjects of the Russian Federation. Such a task can be solved only by applying a deductive approach: combining development scenarios at different taxonomic levels. Theoretical analysis. Since the subject of the Russian Federation is an intermediate(betweenmacro- andmicro-level) link, the development of the regional system is determined by exogenous and endogenous processes. Of great importance are the properties of its stability and the effectiveness of adaptation to changing conditions. These properties are largely related to the complexity and diversity of the region’s industry, as well as its reproductive processes. This determines the importance of multi-scale scenario planning, as well as taking into account the spatial features of regional development. Conclusions. In general, in the scenarios of the economic development of the country as a kind of generalized sum of the development of the Russian regions, the differentiation of the latter by some signs is either not expressed at all, or is poorly expressed. The effectiveness of socioeconomic development in the regional context will largely be determined by the use of a multi-scale approach when working out alternative scenarios taking into account the spatial component.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth sciences. 2023;23(3):161-167
pages 161-167 views

Differentiation of population density within a large city to identify the level of anthropogenic load (on the example of Belgorod)

Razenkov P.I., Kornilov A.G.


Residential areas occupy a special place in the planning structure of the city. The building density and the number of floors of houses have an impact on the architectural appearance of the city and the concentration of the population. However, the high population density indicates a significant pressure on the natural framework. The main objective of this article is to show the differences and heterogeneity of population density within the residential area of the city of Belgorod. To accomplish this task, a methodology for determining the population density in the private sector and blocks of high-rise buildings was developed. Using statistical data, the population of all apartment buildings is plotted on the map of the city, then, the city is divided into polygons that make up the residential area. The article proposes a methodological approach that allows taking into account the heterogeneity of the residential area – the private sector and high-rise buildings. The availability of statistical information on the number of registered residents of apartment buildings and the average size of a household made it possible to complete the task with a high percentage of accuracy. The results of this study do not take into account the migration of temporarily registered residents, students from other cities, etc. The population of the city, determined during the study, was 333,692 people, which is less than the result of the 2020 census (339,978 people); the accuracy of the study is 98.15%. More likely, this inaccuracy is due to the lack (or untimely updating) of the statistical information on new buildings. As a result, maps of population density and population distribution were constructed. The city is divided into areas that stand out due to the heterogeneity of the urban environment and the dominant mode of settlement. Through the analysis of the cartographic material, the features of the concentration and resettlement of the population were revealed. The approximate number of the population of the private sector and the main areas of settlement has been calculated.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth sciences. 2023;23(3):168-175
pages 168-175 views

Space and time in the development of geosystems in Pacific Russia

Skrylnik G.P.


Introduction. The analysis of geosystems development on the scale of geographic space on the territory within the framework of geographic time is presented. Space and Time are understood together as “timespace”, that is “time-space”. Theoretical analysis. It allows to conclude that there are different categories of Space and Time. A hidden presence in Space and Time was revealed not only in physical, but also in moral categories, within the framework of “Nature – Man; Man is Nature”. Conclusion. Spatio-temporal transformations of the day surface and natural risks within Pacific Russia are separated. In the North there is a slow emergence of a new exogenous relief, in the course of changes in the intensity of processes (mainly due to spatio-temporal crisis transformations of the cryosphere). In the South – the rapid formation of exoendodynamic forms (during the pyrogenic restructuring of the HS in the inland regions and due to the impact of the tsunami on the coastal systems).
News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth sciences. 2023;23(3):176-183
pages 176-183 views

Comparative characteristic of regional seismo-generating structures of the EuropeanAfrican through tectonic belt

Ogadzhanov V.A.


Based on new data on seismicity and materials from surveys of active faults, information was obtained on regional seismogenic structures of the European-African through tectonic belt. The kinematic characteristics of the faults that make up the through tectonic belt and earthquakes that occurred within these structures are given. An analysis of gravity anomalies based on satellite data suggests that the seismogenic structures of the European -African through tectonic belt have an ultra-deep penetration into the mantle, which determines their high seismic potential. This potential was manifested by catastrophic earthquakes in the Mediterranean-Caspian region on February 6, 2023. After the earthquakes on February 6, 2023,themigration of seismic activity in the northeast direction, in the area of the Caucasus fold structure and the East European platform, was noted.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth sciences. 2023;23(3):184-192
pages 184-192 views

Representatives of the genus Botryosella Schrammen, 1912 (Porifera, Hexactinellida) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Volga region

Pervushov E.M.


Among the numerous and diversiform Late Cretaceous siliceous sponges collected throughout the Volga region, several representatives of the genus Botryosella have been encountered, previously unknown for the area. Analysis of the skeleton morphology, peculiar for massive transverse outgrowths, confirms manifestations of isomorphism in Hexactinellids and the opinion of inaccuracies available in the descriptive terminology applied to the skeletal morphology of this Porifera group.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth sciences. 2023;23(3):193-204
pages 193-204 views

The first representatives of the genus Cameroptychium Leonhard, 1897 (Porifera, Hexactinellida) from the Upper Cretaceous of the Volga region

Pervushov E.M.


The first representatives of Cameroptychium on the territory of Russia, which are established in the rocks of the Upper Cretaceous of the Volga region, are described. The labyrinthine structure of the skeleton and the modular, colonial level of organization of these sponges are considered, which is typical for many Late Cretaceous Hexactinellids. The widespread manifestation of isomorphism indicates the finiteness of the formation of representatives of Hexactinellida. The origin of Cameroptychium is correlated with Santonian Plocoscyphia.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth sciences. 2023;23(3):205-212
pages 205-212 views

Dedicated to the memory of Ernest Lvovich Faibusovich (to the 90th birthday)

Makarceva L.V.


A memoir about Faibusovich Ernest Lvovich, associate professor of the Department of Economic Geography, who worked from 1960 to 1982 at Saratov State University, is presented.
News of Saratov University. Ser. Earth sciences. 2023;23(3):213-216
pages 213-216 views

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