
Edição Título Arquivo
Volume 13, Nº 3 (2019) Lateral Zonality of the East Sikhote-Alin Volcanic Belt: Geodynamic Regime in the Late Cretaceous PDF
Martynov A., Golozubov V., Martynov Y., Kasatkin S.
Volume 13, Nº 3 (2019) The Itmurundy Accretionary Complex, Northern Balkhash Area: Geological Structure, Stratigraphy and Tectonic Origin PDF
Safonova I., Perfilova A., Obut O., Savinsky I., Chyornyi R., Petrenko N., Gurova A., Kotler P., Khromykh S., Krivonogov S., Maruyama S.
Volume 13, Nº 3 (2019) Basaltic Volcanism of Island-Arc–Back-Arc Basin System (Altai Active Margin) PDF
Kuibida M.
Volume 13, Nº 2 (2019) Geochemical Features of Early Mesozoic Metabasalts of the Western Part of the Tukuringra Terrane, Mongol–Okhotsk fold belt PDF
Zaika V., Shilovskikh V.
Volume 13, Nº 2 (2019) Rare-Metal Mineralization of Sn Occurrences in the Area of Li–F Granites, Verkhneurmiysky Ore Cluster, Amur Region PDF
Alekseev V., Marin Y., Gavrilenko V.
Volume 13, Nº 2 (2019) Conodont Assemblage from the Upper Part of the Lower Olenekian Abrek Bay Section, South Primorye PDF
Bondarenko L., Popov A.
Volume 13, Nº 2 (2019) New Evidence of Eocene Ingression in Grabens of the Tan-Lu Fault System (East Asia): An Important Event Level PDF
Kirillova G.
Volume 13, Nº 2 (2019) Geological Conditions of Gas Accumulation in the Coastal–Shelf Zone of the Peter the Great Bay, Sea of Japan PDF
Okulov A., Obzhirov A., Shcherbakov V., Mishukova G., Okulov A.
Volume 13, Nº 2 (2019) Natural and Technogenic Mineral Formation in the Aquifer of the Amur-Tunguska Interfluves PDF
Kulakov V., Berdnikov N., Krutikova V., Arkhipova E.
Volume 13, Nº 2 (2019) Reconstruction of Sources in River Sediments in the Lower Part of the Bureya River Based on Geochemical Indices PDF
Sorokina O.
Volume 13, Nº 2 (2019) Geochemistry and Conditions of the Formation of the Ulsk Thermal Spring (Coasts of the Sea of Okhotsk, Khabarovsk Krai) PDF
Chelnokov G., Bragin I., Kharitonova N., Aleksandrov I., Ivin V., Chelnokova B.
Volume 13, Nº 2 (2019) New Age Data on the Volcanic Rocks of the Alazey Plateau (Northeastern Yakutia) PDF
Tsukanov N., Sokolov S.
Volume 13, Nº 1 (2019) Development of the Natural Environment of Midlands of the Southern Sikhote-Alin Recorded in the Sergeev Plateau Peat Bogs PDF
Razzhigaeva N., Ganzey L., Grebennikova T., Mokhova L., Kopoteva T., Kudryavtseva E., Arslanov K., Maksimov F., Petrov A., Klimin M.
Volume 13, Nº 1 (2019) Episodes of Abnormally High Intensity of Tectonic Dislocations PDF
Golozubov V., Zheldak M., Kruk N., Kasatkin S.
Volume 13, Nº 1 (2019) Manganese Mineralization in the Mesozoic Siliceous Deposits of the Central Sikhote-Alin and Nadanhada-Alin PDF
Volokhin Y., Karabtsov A., Ustinov A.
Volume 13, Nº 1 (2019) A New Type of Noble Metal Mineralization in Fluidolites of the Poperechny Deposit, Lesser Khingan, Russia PDF
Nevstruev V., Berdnikov N., Saksin B.
Volume 13, Nº 1 (2019) High-Phosphorous Lithium–Fluorine Granites of Eastern Yakutia (Verkhoyansk–Kolyma Orogenic Region) PDF
Trunilina V., Orlov Y., Zaitsev A., Roev S.
Volume 13, Nº 1 (2019) Mineralogy of Fluidolites and Genetically Related Igneous Rocks of the Mokrusha Area, the Taukha Terrane (Sikhote Alin, Russian Far East) PDF
Kazachenko V., Perevoznikova E., Lavrik S.
Volume 12, Nº 6 (2018) Structure of the Cenozoic Cover of the Sanjiang–Middle Amur Sedimentary Basin (Russia, China) PDF
Razvozzhaeva E., Taltykin Y., Yongheng Z.
Volume 12, Nº 6 (2018) Stratigraphic Subdivisions of the Lower Triassic of South Primorye Region. Article 3. First Findings of Euflemingites prynadai and Shimanskyites shimanskyi (Ammonoidea) in the SMID Section PDF
Smyshlyaeva O., Zakharov Y., Popov A., Bondarenko L., Borisov I.
Volume 12, Nº 6 (2018) Geodynamic, Tectonic, and Magmatic Indicators of Large Uranium Clusters of the Transbaikal–Mongolia–North China Province PDF
Khomich V., Boriskina N.
Volume 12, Nº 6 (2018) Geological–Geophysical Model of Northeastern Kamchatka and Regional Seismic Activity in 2013 PDF
Nurmukhamedov A., Sidorov M., Nedyad’ko V.
Volume 12, Nº 6 (2018) New Data on the Age and Composition of Cenozoic Andesibasalts and Andesites of the Bolshaya Garmanda River (North Okhotsk Region) PDF
Smirnov V., Fedorov P., Bogomolov E.
Volume 12, Nº 6 (2018) Microfacies and Mineral Assemblages of Silver–Base-Metal Ores of the Maiminovskoe Vein Deposit (Sikhote-Alin, Dal’negorsky Ore District) PDF
Ratkin V., Simanenko L., Eliseeva O.
Volume 12, Nº 6 (2018) Early Cretaceous Kalakan Magmatic Area (Vitim Region, Northern Transbaikalia): Stages of Formation, Magmatic Sources, and Tectonic Setting PDF
Stupak F., Yarmolyuk V., Kudryashova E., Lebedev V.
26 - 50 de 158 resultados << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 > >> 

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