Communicative measurement of the state migration policy

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The complication of the migration situation in the world, observed in the 21st century, necessitates the search for optimal mechanisms for regulating population migration both at the global and national and regional levels. These mechanisms must, firstly, correspond to the current heterogeneous confi guration of international migration fl ows, the continuous dynamics of the migration situation, secondly, take into account the network nature of the development of social relations, and, thirdly, comply with modern innovative management technologies. In this context, issues are signifi cantly updated that are directly or indirectly related to the disclosure of the communicative aspect of migration policy, an aspect that allows in modern conditions to qualitatively assess the eff ectiveness of solving state problems in the migration sphere, identify problem areas in the process of regulating population migration, determine the most eff ective approaches and measures of state migration policy. The purpose of this article is to make a communicative dimension of the modern state migration policy and reveal its information and communicative infrastructure. The research methodology includes a structural and functional analysis and a modeling method. Migration policy is interpreted as a separate sphere of activity of a number of interrelated communicators to organize and control population migration in the interests of the state. The main attention is focused on the communicative space of the state migration policy, which is presented in the format of two models: “two-dimensional horizontal” and “three-dimensional vertical”. This made it possible to analyze the impact of communicative networks on the process of regulating migration of the population, to show the specifi cs of information interactions between state migration management bodies, migrants and their associations, and intermediary organizations. As a result of the study, the role of formal and informal communications in the process of state regulation of population migration was determined, and the determining factors of the communicative structure of the state migration policy were identified.

About the authors

Andrey A. Korobov

Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after PA Stolypin - branch of the Russian Academy of Science and Engineering under the President of the Russian Federation, Saratov

410031, Saratov, Sobornaya str., 23/25


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