Vol 23, No 1 (2023)


Gender aspects of the gaming practices in the youth segment of the Russian computer games audience

Elutina M.E., Nerush A.A.


In the last decade, all over the world and in Russia, in particular, there has been an active development of the computer games industry and an increase in the gaming audience, while an outstripping growth of the youth audience is recorded every year. The presentation of the realities of the gaming audience of computer games is fruitful, taking into account the gender characteristics accumulated in computer games. Against this background, in the scientifi c discourse, with a few exceptions, the problem of gender characteristics of gaming practices among the youth segment of the Russian audience of computer games is only sporadically objectifi ed. To study the gender characteristics of gaming inclusion and youth participation in gaming practices, an author’s sociological study was conducted using a questionnaire method, for which an author’s survey toolkit was developed. The target sample was 1700 people, the main selection criteria were: age (18–30 years), participation in the practice of computer games, country of residence (the Russian Federation). The survey was conducted anonymously in a digital format. The results of the survey in the youth segment of the Russian audience of computer games are presented. Based on the data of the study, The gender aspects of the gaming practices in the youth segment of the Russian computer games audience were analyzed considering the survey data. The study showed that today there is a tendency towards the feminization of the youth segment of the Russian computer games community, which destroys the stereotypes about the “masculinity” of this type of leisure activity. The data obtained made it possible to identify gender diff erences and similarities in the participation of gamers in gaming practices.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):4-13
pages 4-13 views

Labor mobility of youth: Potential and factors of its activation in contemporary Russian conditions

Pasovets Y.M.


The article substantiates the author’s interpretation of labor mobility potential and the factors of its activation in line with the subjective mobility concept. Its empirical verification is carried out on the basis of the analysis of the mass survey data and in-depth interviews conducted by the author among the young people employed in the economy of Kursk region, and their comparison with the results of all-Russian and regional studies. The research reveals a relatively high potential for labor mobility of working youth, expressed in the readiness to change jobs in the near future. About half of the young people employed in the economy can be attributed to the social base of potential labor mobility, within which there are two signifi cant groups: some of them have a clearly defi ned attitude to change jobs in the near future, the second one allows such changes in their employment status. It determines the key role of two groups of factors in activating the potential of youth labor mobility. The fi rst of them includes the intentions of young people to realize themselves and their professional potential in labor activity and career in a new job; the second one is represented by the main reasons for dissatisfaction with the working conditions at the current job – the level of wages and the amount of workload. The research establishes the prevalence in the youth environment of employment not according to the profi le of the received profession (specialty), and young people’s lack of assessment of the discrepancy between work and profession as a causal factor for changing jobs and as an obstacle to their career.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):14-21
pages 14-21 views

Technical progress as a factor in the development of the institute of education

Filippov A.A.


Education is one of the most important institutions of social reproduction, providing both the processes of socialization and the formation of the professional competence of society members. Education as an institution is not static. It changes under the infl uence of various social factors, and, in particular, it is transformed depending on what social demands are. The author, on the basis of the systematic approach, believes that positive transformations in the conditions for the implementation of educational activities initiate the development, not only of the institution of education, but also indirectly aff ect the entire society. In this context, signifi cant social transformations are accompanied by changes in the characteristics of educational activities. The article raises the question of what kind of transformations take place in connection with the development of information technology. The prospects associated with the modern development of information technologies are assessed, as well as the problems and risks associated with the introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process. In particular, the positive results of the impact of technological progress on the capabilities of teachers, include the increase in the availability of materials, the improvement of illustrative methods, and the simplifi cation of communication channels. The negative consequences shows how easy it is for contemporary students to bypass the forms of monitoring the performance of tasks, which, in turn, aff ects the quality of mastering competencies. Also, the author takes into account the fact that technical progress after the second half of the 20th century is signifi cantly ahead of the needs for the transformation of the education system. The article discusses the experience of using distant forms of educational activity during the pandemic and evaluates the positive and negative aspects of distant education.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):22-27
pages 22-27 views

Medical tourism in Russia: Design of sociological research and prognosis

Stolz L.Y.


The article considers medical tourism in Russia as a social phenomenon. The design (development of a program, hypotheses, methodology) of sociological research is proposed, which involves understanding the existing and obtaining missing information about the investigated social phenomenon. In solving these problems, it is important to understand that the genesis and development of medical tourism are infl uenced by quite numerous social factors (often acting in directly opposite directions) that actualize social reality in the time period of one to two years ago. First of all, these are «covid» and «political» vectors of social processes. To develop a program for sociological research of the medical services market, it is important to keep in mind that tourists from the developed countries, where prices for similar services are much higher than in Russia, are more interested in them. The basic hypothesis of the resulting forecast today is formulated as follows: the Russian market for medical services currently and in the near future will become less attractive for foreign medical tourists than in previous years, in particular, due to the deterioration of the quality of the services provided and the rapid increase in prices for them. Domestic medical tourism will undergo both negative and positive changes. The promising branches of the medical services market in Russia are surgery and neurology. However, other areas of medicine both in the current period and in the medium term are in dire need and will need parallel import and import substitution.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):28-32
pages 28-32 views

University ranking as an element of attractiveness for potential enrollees

Ebzeeva Y.N.


The article presents the results of the students’ preferences study when choosing a place to receive higher education. The study was conducted at the Faculty of Philology at Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, its methodology is based on the principles of a survey implemented online on the RAEX Rating Review portal on June 14–23, 2022; the results are compared. The answers record factors that mark the quality of education and social aspects, noted by enrollees when choosing a university, indicate the actual place of global and national rankings among the channels of information about the activities of universities, as well as other sources of information about universities. The conclusions drawn from the results of the survey consider the importance of the quality of educational services and describe aspects that influenced the choice of students such as well-established relations between the university and employers, a high level of internationalization, the possibility of conducting scientifi c research and internships. The article discusses global and national rankings of institutions of higher education and their role in informing, attitude to the ranking as an assessment tool by enrollees and their parents as the most signifi cant group of stakeholders. It is concluded that a ranking has a teaching function, it is a tool for searching information about the quality of educational services for stakeholders and a tool for creating image for a university; we pay attention to the fact that at present the ranking is not a suffi ciently demanded tool. A new important task for universities and ranking agencies is training in how to work with rankings, developing communication channels between stakeholders and universities and monitoring the results of this activity.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):33-38
pages 33-38 views

Social control as a management function

Bychenko Y.G.


The article, on the basis the analysis of data from a semi-formalized interview of experts on management and social control (2022, N = 12), reveals the main and additional parameters of the assessment of social control. It is proved that the main parameters of the control assessment should include traditional subsystems for checking the complex of knowledge, shared norms, procedures and the eff ectiveness of labor actions. Additional parameters defi ne a list of possible motivating factors, as well as the assessment of the entire system of actors or social groups professional culture. It is proved that social control is not only a mechanism of managerial self–regulation of the population and its individual social groups, but also a way of involving the population in solving organizational and state tasks, integrating society, providing purposeful activation of the actions aimed at strengthening the rule of law, order, stability and stability of the functioning of society. In modern conditions, social control should be carried out not only through the structures of state power, but also as a result of the active purposeful action of representatives of civil society, monitoring and verifi cation by public organizations of the actions of both individuals and individual groups of the population. The directions of modernization of social control are proposed in the context of decentralization of the social management system, the transfer the part of the functions of state control to direct subjects of civil society, the formation of the complex of evaluation of the activities of public entities not only by representatives of state authorities, the media, but also by other institutions of civil society and individual politically active citizens.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):39-43
pages 39-43 views

Modern content culture of conflict-free communication of servicemen

Peredumov M.A.


The study clarifi es the current content and structure of the military personnel communication culture. To achieve this goal, the relevance of the analysis of military personnel communication culture and its functional role were concretized at the fi rst stage of the study. At the second stage, the study of the military personnel communication culture is theoretically justifi ed, its essential manifestation is revealed. At the third stage, the presented theoretical developments are correlated with the practical understanding of the problem by the servicemen themselves and the structural components of the culture of communication of servicemen are revealed. It is proposed to consider the culture of communication as a form of social culture – a narrower cultural complex of values, principles and norms accepted and shared by members of military collectives and defi ning the style of interaction and communication of military actors. In modern conditions, the military personnel communication culture is conditionally classifi ed into the culture of confl ict-free and confl ict-free communication. The characteristic of these forms is presented. At the same time, the culture of confl ict communication is studied in the context of the implementation of motivation for the confl ict solution of service and work tasks. It is proved that the culture of confl ict-free communication is based on the values, principles, traditions and norms that presuppose and orient the serviceman to resolve and prevent confl ict situations. The military personnel confl ictfree communication culture is characterized not only by knowledge and understanding of the need for confl ict-free professional interaction, the desire for a compromise solution of service issues, but also by the practical skills of actors to assess, prevent, and in some cases resolve confl icts in the course of their own offi cial activities. The presence of a culture of confl ict-free communication, on the one hand, determines the competence of confl ict-free communications, on the other hand, it is the practice of tolerant respect for colleagues. This culture allows a serviceman not to create conditions for transferring confl ict situations to service and labor interaction, to understand the meaning, motivation of the behavior of colleagues and opponents, constantly reduce, and in some cases completely eliminate excessive social tension, overcome emotional outbursts in the process of solving professional tasks.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):44-50
pages 44-50 views

Rural Muslim religiosity in the context of the transformation of Russian society

Kildeyev M.V.


The article reveals the specifi cs of rural religiosity as an important factor in the development of rural society in Russia. Sociological and historical material, related to the social life of the Tatars of the Middle Volga region in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods serves as an empirical base. New, previously unpublished archival documents have been introduced into scientifi c circulation. The connection is established between the level of religiosity and such factors as settlement size, socio-professional structure, intensity of atheistic propaganda and state-confessional relations at the local level, economic activity of the peasantry, and development of rural entrepreneurship. The authorities in the Tatar and Bashkir autonomous republics successfully solved the tasks of the Soviet anti-religious policy. However, in the other Volga regions, where the Tatars were an ethnic minority, there was a phenomenon of separate settlements with increased religious activity and informally economic active residents, which the authorities had to reckon with. In the post-Soviet period, this category of villages, in addition to high religiosity, is distinguished by a stable socio-demographic and economic situation. The article raises the question of the causes and conditions of the paradoxical situation, when the preservation of the patriarchal way of life and religious traditions accompanied the successful adaptation of rural communities to new economic realities. It is concluded that it is necessary to study the specifi cs of religiosity, since informal economic and social practices were built around national and religious traditions. The studied problem of the stability of rural religiosity is a part of a broader problem of preserving the Russian village as a stable ethno-social organism.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):51-56
pages 51-56 views

The concept of apparent time in modern sociolinguistics: Advantages and disadvantages of methodology

Bagirova K.E.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of apparent time used by modern sociolinguistics to identify the social features of the use of language by various socio-demographic groups. There are a number of problems that can be solved by using this empirical method. The fi rst problem is the “constraints”: which language changes are possible and which are not. Historical data can only show what changes have already occurred, but not what changes are possible/impossible. The second is the problem of “embedding”: how a language changes reach all (or almost all) the community members. The third problem is “assessment”: how community members react to language changes and what impact their assessments have on the course or nature of changes. The fourth is a “transitional” problem: how does the language change from one state at the moment A to another state at the moment B. Finally, the fi fth problem is “actualization”: why there is a change in a particular language, when and where it occurs. The founders of the method, Weinreich, Labov and Herzog, argued that these important problems can only be solved by observing the change of language as it arises and from different social points of view, including a wide range of ages, social statuses and places of residence. The diffi culties of applying this concept are considered: there are few comparable real-time data on earlier periods; methods of early work and socio-demographic characteristics do not correspond to modern research needs. The ways to overcome these diffi culties are proposed: research should be of a longitudinal nature with the unifi cation of the methodology for obtaining empirical data.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):57-60
pages 57-60 views

The coronavirus pandemic as a transformational processes factor of the urban creative environment (According to the sociological study results)

Kolobova A.E.


The article reveals the specifics of transformational processes in the urban creative environment of modern Russian society in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The results of a sociological study (method of expert interviews) conducted in 2021 in Saratov as an empirical basis were used. The purpose of this paper is to present the assessment of the various experts who are respondents in this study regarding the pandemic factor of changes in the creative space of a typical Russian city. Almost opposite assessments were revealed regarding the nature of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the urban creative environment as a whole and its individual components. The respondents point out both the negative aspects (for example, a sharp decrease in the volume of client fl ow in the creative industry of the city, the closure of individual creative facilities and projects), and the positive aspects (the prompt introduction of modern formats for the work of objects in the creative sphere, the creation of new creative projects) of the infl uence of the phenomenon under consideration. In general, the experts admit that most of the subjects of the urban creative space have somehow adapted to the new, unprecedented conditions and challenges of the external environment, and some of them even received additional opportunities for development. The creative space of the Russian city as a whole demonstrated its stability, fl exibility and adaptability and constructive response to challenges. But due to the importance of the creative environment as a factor of improving the quality of life of the population, the state support is needed. The results of the study can be used as the basis for management activities to develop and support the urban creative environment of modern Russian society in diffi cult socio-economic conditions.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):61-65
pages 61-65 views

Scientific view on the values of modern Russian youth: Why has not a complete picture been formed yet?

Shestov N.I.


The publication presents the author’s explanation of the reason why the picture of the value political orientations of young people, created by the eff orts of many domestic researchers, does not look holistic and convincing enough to be used as an indisputable argument when choosing directions and methods for implementing state youth policy. The problem is not that diff erent researchers build a hierarchy of values in diff erent ways, to which the minds of young people are oriented. In a specifi c study, the greater signifi cance of some values and the lesser signifi cance of others is often determined, naturally, by its objectives, methodology, and conditions. The materials and conclusions presented in them convince the reader that the value orientations of young people for modern and future Russian politics contain as many threats as there are prerequisites for the state and society to be able to counter these threats. Such a “balanced” result of scientifi c research does not allow us to identify a trend towards changes in the value orientations of young people and, accordingly, to choose the most important direction for the implementation of state youth policy. The source of contradictions in the opinions of researchers about the state of value orientations of young people, the author considers the commitment of researchers to the social myth about youth, according to which the younger generation is both a risk factor for basic social practices and the main resource for their development. 
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):66-70
pages 66-70 views

Ideological preferences of youth as a factor of perceptions of the desired future of Russia

Vilkov A.A.


The article considers results of a representative social survey (N = 2021) and focus groups conducted in November 2022 on the issues of value motivation of young people’s attitude to the main directions of state policy in modern Russia. Based on the analysis of the received materials, the structure of the ideological preferences of various age groups of Russian youth, their influence on the perception of the current state of the main directions of domestic and foreign policy and ideas about the desired future of political and socio-economic development of Russia was revealed. Preferences and arguments in favor of social democratic, liberal, conservative and communist ideologies are revealed. An explanation is given for the greater commitment of Russian youth to the values of social democracy (26.2%) than to liberalism (22.3%). The main argument of representatives of diff erent age groups is that social democracy provides an opportunity to combine the advantages of socialism and the market system. Strengthening social functions of the state and its regulatory role in the economy makes it possible to concentrate resources on achieving socially signifi cant goals, while the preservation of private property and market mechanisms makes it possible to use personal interest and motivation in the face of fi erce global competition. The main reasons for the high level of ideological “nihilists” (25.1%), who noted that they do not support any of the existing ideologies, are revealed. The degree of confi dence of the representatives of the younger generation in the future (51.5%) was revealed and an explanation was given to the reasons why 47.4% of respondents chose the options for the absence of such confi dence. The ranked value priorities that representatives of diff erent age groups would like to see in the future political structure of Russia are revealed. An explanation is given for the actual deideologization of the ranking of these values. Characteristics of the readiness of representatives of Russian youth for various practical options for personal participation in the embodiment of their image of the future of Russia are given. It is concluded that the most radical moods are relevant to liberally oriented youth, which are intensifi ed by the negative perception of the special military operation in Ukraine and Russia’s confrontation with the United States and Western European countries.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):71-78
pages 71-78 views

Political and economic risks of energy security in the global world (On the example of Russia)

Burganova I.N.


The article discusses the energy security of the Russian Federation in the context of aspects of national security. The transnational level of energy security is investigated, where global risks are taken into account. Attention is drawn to the unfriendly actions of actors who are unfriendly to the Russian Federation (on the example of the construction of the Nord Stream). Moreover, the blocking of certain sections of the Nord Stream is no longer correlated with economic expediency, the prevention of Moscow’s hegemony in the energy sector by the EU. The article concludes about reputational, economic and economic losses for Russia after the explosions on the Nord Stream-1 and Nord Stream-2 in September 2022. There is also a threat to Russia’s security from Turkey’s dependence in the event of the full implementation of the Turkish Stream, which will play a key role in the supply of resources between the Russian Federation and the EU. A possible change in the political course of the Turkish authorities in favor of Russia may aff ect the general background of contacts between Moscow and Brussels. The paper examines the regulatory framework for energy security (the Energy Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030 and 2035). Among the key areas of energy security, it can be noted: the guarantee of energy security, satisfaction of domestic energy demand; rational use of natural resources; gradual transition to resource-saving energy. At the same time, the analysis of internal risks allows us to draw conclusions about signifi cant equipment wear, a sharp reduction in the volume of geological exploration, high energy intensity, and a decrease in investments in the fuel and energy sector. Russia demonstrates long-term plans both to expand energy contacts and to deepen dialogue in the energy sector. Based on these problems and risks, the prospects for energy security should be built in accordance with such directions as: economic effi ciency and political stabilization.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):79-83
pages 79-83 views

The participation of young executives in the procedure for competitive filling of the positions of municipalities heads in the Altai Territory 2017–2020

Sharapov A.V.


The Russian political sphere has witnessed a clear trend towards the rejuvenation of federal and regional heads. Science and practice have proven that young people have innovating thinking, are energetic and more motivated for results. Now at the federal level the corporate style in the implementation of the state personnel policy prevails. The aim of the research is to study the processes of updating executives at the local government level in the Altai Territory. Collection of empirical data by analyzing the results of elections of municipalities heads at the city and district levels using the State Automated System “Elections” (SAS-”Elections”) of the offi cial website of the Election Commission of the Altai Territory and analyzing the lists of candidates for the position of the municipal level on a competitive basis. As of January 1, 2022, the Altai Territory has 708 municipalities. Of these, 58 are municipal districts, 10 urban districts, 7 urban settlements, 632 rural settlements. It ranks 4th in terms of the number of territorial entities in the Russian Federation. In order to objectively reveal trends in the process of rejuvenation of heads of district and city municipalities, the attention was focused on the data of the recent years when municipalities heads were appointed through a competitive procedure and the last fi ve years when direct elections for these positions took place. The category of a young leader includes a citizen of the Russian Federation not older than 35 years. The analysis revealed a slight rejuvenation of executive personnel at the local level over the past four years. The Altai Territory was not fully aff ected by the presented federal trend. The main reason for this trend is the high requirements for young applicants.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):84-90
pages 84-90 views

Local self-government within a unified system of public authorities: Prerequisites and prospects

Kuznetsov I.I., Zharov A.S.


The article is devoted to the theoretical understanding of the issues of improvement and development of local self-government in the context of transformation of the local self-government status in modern Russia, which occurred during the adoption of amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020. The adopted amendments were the result of the work of the working group formed by the initiative of the President of Russia V. V. Putin. A working group has been formed for the preparation of proposals for amendments to the Constitution. An important aspect regarding the organization of local authorities is the fact of inclusion of local self-government bodies along with state authorities in the unifi ed system of public authority. This process defi nitely increases the prestige of the municipal level of government and makes the issue of fi nancial support and economic independence of local governments more relevant, given the potential expansion of their powers and the range of tasks entrusted to them. At the same time, an important question is how responsibilities will be distributed between state authorities and local governments in a unifi ed system of public authorities in the course of implementation of their functions, in particular, provision of resources for normal functioning of municipalities and in terms of autonomous decision-making of local governments in the interests of the population living on the relevant territory. The process of actualization of the status of local government allows to optimize the institutional structure and improve the relations between the elements of the system of public authority. Theoretical understanding of these issues can be of great help in the practical implementation of the normative provisions enshrined in the updated Constitution of the Russian Federation.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):91-95
pages 91-95 views

Communicative measurement of the state migration policy

Korobov A.A.


The complication of the migration situation in the world, observed in the 21st century, necessitates the search for optimal mechanisms for regulating population migration both at the global and national and regional levels. These mechanisms must, firstly, correspond to the current heterogeneous confi guration of international migration fl ows, the continuous dynamics of the migration situation, secondly, take into account the network nature of the development of social relations, and, thirdly, comply with modern innovative management technologies. In this context, issues are signifi cantly updated that are directly or indirectly related to the disclosure of the communicative aspect of migration policy, an aspect that allows in modern conditions to qualitatively assess the eff ectiveness of solving state problems in the migration sphere, identify problem areas in the process of regulating population migration, determine the most eff ective approaches and measures of state migration policy. The purpose of this article is to make a communicative dimension of the modern state migration policy and reveal its information and communicative infrastructure. The research methodology includes a structural and functional analysis and a modeling method. Migration policy is interpreted as a separate sphere of activity of a number of interrelated communicators to organize and control population migration in the interests of the state. The main attention is focused on the communicative space of the state migration policy, which is presented in the format of two models: “two-dimensional horizontal” and “three-dimensional vertical”. This made it possible to analyze the impact of communicative networks on the process of regulating migration of the population, to show the specifi cs of information interactions between state migration management bodies, migrants and their associations, and intermediary organizations. As a result of the study, the role of formal and informal communications in the process of state regulation of population migration was determined, and the determining factors of the communicative structure of the state migration policy were identified.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):96-102
pages 96-102 views

Left parties in the modern political process in Europe

Trushin M.S.


The article examines the role of European left parties in the politics of their countries and the European Union. The author of the article examines the main types of European left parties, their program goals and the electorate. Modern left-wing European parties in terms of ideological orientation are mostly representatives of social democrats, the Greens, democratic socialists and communists, which roughly corresponds to the left-wing party coalitions existing in the European Parliament, with the exception of communists of the Marxist-Leninist type popular mainly outside the EU. Based on the analysis of successes and defeats in elections in diff erent countries, the author examines the reasons for the popularity or unpopularity of left-wing parties and their specifi c types among certain categories of the electorate, taking into account their age or membership in a particular social group, as well as their regional affi liation. It is noted that the Social Democrats are most popular in Western Europe, the Greens in Northern and Central Europe, and the Democratic Socialists in Southern Europe. In turn, in Eastern Europe, left-wing parties continue to be associated with communist ones. These regional political preferences of the leftist electorate largely refl ect the diff erences in the perception of leftist ideas among residents of diff erent regions of Europe. In this regard, the author also emphasizes diff erent role of the left parties in the political process of diff erent regions, whether it is the promotion of globalist ideas by the Greens in Western and Central Europe, or the reaction to economic crises in Southern Europe by democratic socialists. The author also notes the borrowing of elements of the programs of the left parties from each other in order to preserve the electorate. The impetus for this process, as a rule, is various political and economic crises, when the inability of the left parties in the ruling position to cope with the situation forces them to move to qualitatively new ideological positions, which the author of the article shows by the example of the radicalization of the Social Democrats in Western Europe or the socialist democratization of communists in Eastern Europe after the defeat in the Cold War.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):103-109
pages 103-109 views

International relations of Moscow city in modern conditions

Sudantz M.B.


The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the international activity of the cities of our country in the context of the escalating geopolitical confrontation, which has global and regional dimensions, is becoming increasingly important for the formation and implementation of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation. The city is becoming a real actor in modern international relations, often being able to defend its own interests by infl uencing the foreign policy of the state to meet local needs. Through its international activities, the city creates the image of the state in the world political arena, shows its reputation and solvency. In the course of the study, it was revealed that Russian cities, when building their international relations, act within the framework of federal legislation. By their activities, they confi rm their ability to be present in the international arena. Their activity is conditioned by the concentration of power structures, resources, fi nances, motivation and capabilities of governors and mayors. Basically, cities implement paradiplomatic and soft-power approaches to conducting their international relations, and in this regard, they develop relations with foreign partners in the fi eld of culture, education, etc. Thus, as a result, it can be stated that Moscow is a “global city” and a megacity in which key political and other structures, both national and international, are concentrated. Being the capital of the country, Moscow has suffi cient infl uence on the world community, conducts active international activities, and has the ability to infl uence the foreign policy course of the Russian Federation. Consequently, Moscow occupies a signifi cant place in the system of international relations. 
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(1):110-117
pages 110-117 views

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