Social control as a management function

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The article, on the basis the analysis of data from a semi-formalized interview of experts on management and social control (2022, N = 12), reveals the main and additional parameters of the assessment of social control. It is proved that the main parameters of the control assessment should include traditional subsystems for checking the complex of knowledge, shared norms, procedures and the eff ectiveness of labor actions. Additional parameters defi ne a list of possible motivating factors, as well as the assessment of the entire system of actors or social groups professional culture. It is proved that social control is not only a mechanism of managerial self–regulation of the population and its individual social groups, but also a way of involving the population in solving organizational and state tasks, integrating society, providing purposeful activation of the actions aimed at strengthening the rule of law, order, stability and stability of the functioning of society. In modern conditions, social control should be carried out not only through the structures of state power, but also as a result of the active purposeful action of representatives of civil society, monitoring and verifi cation by public organizations of the actions of both individuals and individual groups of the population. The directions of modernization of social control are proposed in the context of decentralization of the social management system, the transfer the part of the functions of state control to direct subjects of civil society, the formation of the complex of evaluation of the activities of public entities not only by representatives of state authorities, the media, but also by other institutions of civil society and individual politically active citizens.

About the authors

Yuriy Grigorievich Bychenko

Saratov Military Order of Zhukov Red Banner Institute of National Guard Forces of the Russian Federation

Russian Federation, 410023, Saratov, ul. Moscow, d. 158.


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