Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology

About the Journal


The Journal «Izvestiya of Saratov University. Sociology. Politology» is a scientific periodical.

Short title: Izv. Sarat. Univ. Sociology. Politology


ISSN 2541-8998 (online)
ISSN1818-9601 (print)


The Journal comes out 4 times a year.


The founder and the publisher of the journal is Saratov State University


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Journal Themes:

Sociology, including all major areas of sociology (theory and history of sociology, methodology and methods of applied sociological research, economic sociology, sociology of youth, sociology of family, sociology of deviant behavior, sociology of regional development, sociology of religion, sociology of social work, sociology of culture, sociology of politics, sociology of labor, etc.).
Political science, including all major areas of political science (theory and philosophy of politics, history and methodology of political science, political institutions, processes and technologies, public administration and sectoral policy, political culture and ideologies, political problems of international relations, global and regional development, political regionalism, ethnopolitics, conflictology).

Current Issue

Vol 23, No 4 (2023)


Social well-being and socio-psychological security of students with special needs in metropolis
Naberushkina E.K., Besschetnova О.V.
Currently the study of the problems of people with special needs is seen in an interdisciplinary fi eld, where medicine and physiology come into contact with urban, socio-cultural aspects of life, allowing to expand the range of problems of social inclusion and disability and consider them from a new research perspective. The purpose of the research is to study the social well-being of persons with special needs in the context of the inclusiveness into urban space. The article presents the results of the research, conducted in 2022 at inclusive higher education institution in Moscow. The research was based on the focus group method using the sample group of students with special needs (N = 40) of the musculoskeletal system who came from Russian medium and small size towns to Moscow. The research methodology was built on the interdisciplinary approach to disability in the context of urban studies. The study made it possible to identify the levels of social well-being of students with special needs (high, medium and low) and correlate them with the degree of their socio-psychological security (maximum, moderate and minimum). It has been empirically proven that Russian towns, depending on the number of inhabitants (megacities, large, medium and small) have a signifi cant impact on the social well-being and socio-psychological safety of students with special needs, which is due, fi rstly, to varying degrees of space inclusiveness; secondly, the diff erent attitudes of citizens towards young people with special needs (positive, neutral, negative). According to the subjective assessments of the majority of focus group participants, after moving to the capital in order to receive vocational education, their level of social well-being and the degree of socio-psychological safety increased due to a more comfortable and adapted urban environment for the needs of people with special needs, as well as a more friendly attitude of residents to young disabled people with ODA compared with small and medium-sized towns.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):366-372
pages 366-372 views
Social practices of environmental consciousness: Regional aspect
Kalinnikova M.V.
The article analyzes the environmental consciousness of the region's population as a special property of reflecting the social nature of a person, expressed through personal concern about the state of the environment, through the acquisition of environmental information and practical activities to preserve and restore the natural environment. Particular attention in the article is given to theoretical approaches to the consideration of the phenomenon of ecological consciousness. Human consciousness as a "specifi c property of organized complexity" is considered in the works of Teilhard de Chardin, V. I. Vernadsky, I. R. Prigogine. In the philosophical direction (R. S. Karpinskaya, I. K. Liseev, N. N. Moiseev), a co-evolutionary approach is used, which refl ects the unity of human, society and the nature that undergoes changes. The study of environmental consciousness with the help of a rational sociological approach involves the use of statistical methods for researching a particular region. Understanding the ecological consciousness as the three-element system "man – society – nature" enables us to compose a model of ecological consciousness in the form of three components: world perception, information, activity. In the course of the author's sociological study, it was found that a signifi cant number of the of the Saratov region residents (88%) are personally concerned about environmental problems. At the same time, the population is informed both about global environmental problems and about the environmental situation in the region. However, residents of the region towns do not consider themselves suffi ciently informed about the environmental problems of their place of residence. Most of the respondents (71%) take an active part in the implementation of environmental activities, for example, 67.5% participated in community work days to clean up the territory; 22.8% – participated in tree planting campaigns; 49.1% try not to use plastic bags and bottles, if possible, etc. The conclusion made is that the environmental consciousness of the population in the Saratov region fully corresponds to the compiled model, due to the fact that the population feels personal responsibility for the state of the environment, is aware of the environmental principles that enable conscious environmental activities of the nature protection to be performed.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):373-378
pages 373-378 views
Attitude towards cosplay practices in the gaming community of young Russian gamers
Elutina M.E., Nerush A.A.
Video games are one of the most popular forms of digital leisure among Russians in general and young people in particular. Passion for video games can be accompanied not only by virtual practices, but also by participation in offl ine events of various levels: from regional “gatherings” to international festivals. Cosplay is one of the forms of activity of gamers in the offl ine space, the study of which can contribute to channeling the activity of young people into non-gaming projects. The purpose of the study is to analyze the attitude towards cosplay practices among young Russian gamers. The author's sociological research was carried out using qualitative methodology, the method of in-depth interviews. The sample consisted of 30 people, the main criteria for selecting respondents were: age (18–30 years), experience in participating in the practice of computer games (at least 3 years), the presence or absence of experience in participating in cosplay, residence in Russia. The number of respondents is due to the saturation of the coding categories (interviews with new respondents do not give researchers a new understanding to reveal the topic). The interview was conducted online using voice and video chats (TeamSpeak, Mumble, Discord). The results of an in-depth interview among the youth segment of the Russian audience of computer games are presented. The interviews were conducted among representatives of two segments of the Russian audience of online games: cosplay gamers and gamers who do not bother with cosplay. Based on the data of the study, the perception of cosplay among gamers and the experience of their participation in this offl ine practice were analyzed. The study showed that today in the community of young Russian gamers there are diff erent positions in relation to cosplay and cosplayers. Some gamers have noted a positive attitude towards this practice, however, their assessment of the quality of cosplay varies depending on their role in cosplay (cosplayer or spectator), others pointed to a lack of interest in cosplay or a lack of understanding of its meaning. The main reasons for refusal to participate in cosplay as actors among gamers who are positive about it are established: the resource-intensiveness of creating an image, lack of confi dence in one's skills and creative abilities, fear of the publicity of this activity and the possibility of replacing one's goals with someone else's, artifi cially created ones. The data obtained made it possible to identify the ambiguous attitude of gamers towards cosplay, which is important in the context of permanent monitoring of modern practices in the fi eld in order to highlight the value orientations of young people. 
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):379-385
pages 379-385 views
The regional poverty: Generation aspect
Mohnatkina K.V.
The article presents the results of an empirical sociological study conducted in 2022 in Saratov using the questionnaire method and dedicated to poverty. The volume of the quota-territorial sample amounted to 626 respondents. It was revealed that the middle generation was more likely to talk about absolute poverty, the younger – about relative poverty. Today, the majority of Saratov residents link poverty with an income of 8–12,000 rubles. Every fourth of them felt poverty at the beginning of their independent life path and the same number, mainly of the middle generation, at the time of the survey are in a situation of poverty. They feel more deprived in all areas of everyday life, especially on vacation. The dynamics of the assessment of the material situation indicates a relatively successful stable improvement in the situation of young people, and somewhat less favorable multidirectional vectors of change in the middle generation. Among young people, they more often talked about the risk of losing their jobs, low wages, and losing their breadwinner. Among the middle generation, the fear of illness and over-indebtedness are more common. For residents of the city of Saratov, the main objective factors of poverty were low wages (68.5%), unemployment (50.5%), insuffi cient state support (44.0%). Along with this, the subject characteristics that contribute to poverty are highlighted: laziness, alcoholism, low educational level, drug addiction, loss of health, over-indebtedness and loss of breadwinner. In other words, Saratov residents are more inclined to blame the state and its policies for poverty, not forgetting about the subjective characteristics of individuals. Young people are more optimistic than the average generation about overcoming poverty. 6.7% of Saratov residents leave the town for other areas to earn money, mainly young people (6.9%). 20.0% of the population, mostly the middle generation, still plan to do it. Most often, people leave for work to capital cities, less often - in other regions. The majority of the Saratov population, especially the middle generation, rather negatively evaluate the eff ectiveness of the strategy to overcome poverty in the region.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):386-397
pages 386-397 views
Financial and legislative support of the think tanks in Russia and the USA
Ivchenkova M.S.
The practice of implementation expert and scientific knowledge in the process of making political decisions has been formed for centuries and now it is well known as a social and political institution – think tanks. The capacity of think tanks can be analyzed from diff erent aspects. In this article the author refers to the institutional structure of think tanks and analyzes the fi nancial and legislative support of these organizations in Russia and the United States. The analysis revealed that think tanks have a long historical record in both countries and their activities are supported by a suffi ciently broad legal framework. Russian think tanks with their history stemming from the Soviet Union possess immense intellectual potential but being funded by the government they are largely controlled by the authorities in management. American NGOs are never managed by the funding authority even though they receive a signifi cant portion of their funding from the federal budget. A signifi cant advantage of American legislation is the possibility of obtaining tax incentives for non-profi t organizations. It is assumed that such a legal provision could stimulate Russian businesses and private donors to fi nance research projects. Think tanks tightly integrated in public policy require particular attention in terms of their legal regulation. On one hand, the law should grant freedom to think tanks’ research. On the other hand, think tanks need reliable legal regulation aimed at reducing risks to the national security of the country they operate in and work for.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):398-406
pages 398-406 views
The dynamics and features of the transformation process of political elite composition in the region of the transitive type
Pokatov D.V.
The article considers the basic features of the transformation process of the political elite in relation to the region of a transitive, agrarianindustrial type, like Saratov region. The differences between the transformation process and the change of the elite and the so-called "change of elites" are revealed. The characteristics of the structural-institutional, group and generational aspects of the dynamics of elites in the region are given. It is noted that the process of elite transformation aff ects, fi rst of all, such group indicators as socio-demographic parameters, social origin, educational characteristics of the elite, its length of service and experience in management activities. The analysis of the biographies of 67 politicians representing the elite of the transitive-type region allowed to conclude that the leading feature of the transformation of the composition of the political elite of the Saratov region is not a change in its external parameters, but the preservation of deep internal (structural-functional) characteristics. As a result, the parameters of the consolidation elite are approved, which is intended to largely consolidate the tendency to stabilize public-political life for a longer period.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):407-411
pages 407-411 views
Vulnerability of cultural codes as threat to the existence of civilization
Lysikova N.P.
The article deals with the consequences of the vulnerability of cultural codes as an actual threat to the existence of human civilization with the uncontrolled and unreasonable use of artifi cial intelligence. Positive as well as negative options for the interaction of artifi cial intelligence with cultural codes that level the understanding of the basic universals of human behavior, communication, and activity are analyzed. The influence of the human factor on the use of acquired skills by strong artifi cial intelligence in non-standard conditions, the responsibility of a particular specialist for the quality and quantity of input data under the infl uence of his gender, confessional, national, racial, cultural and linguistic characteristics, leading the system to erroneous actions and conclusions, are investigated. The negative consequences of an uncritical perception of reality, the inability of a modern person to distinguish content from fakes that are becoming massive, replacing the existing reality, used for unseemly and criminal purposes are considered. The necessity of state regulation of the ethical behavior of business engaged in the development and implementation of artifi cial intelligence technologies, the establishment of ethical behavior standards in this innovative area, the signing of the Code of Ethics of Artifi cial Intelligence, adopted by representatives of leading domestic companies, are substantiated. The practical implementation of the areas of training of highly qualifi ed IT specialists presented in it at universities, the system of additional education with the acquisition of demanded professions of specialists in data analysis and processing, ensuring the operation of corporate information systems, data analysis in the fi eld of education, programmers, including at the Saratov National Research State University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky, Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N. I. Vavilov.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):412-416
pages 412-416 views
The evolution of the language personality concept in the course of constructing social reality
Mogilevich B.R.
The article presents the stages of transformation of the concept “linguistic personality” in correlation with the changes of social reality. The reasons for the appearance of the concept “communicative personality” in connection with the formation of the social reality of the information society are substantiated. Comparative analysis of these concepts, involving linguistic, socio-cultural and socio-psychological factors is presented. The “linguistic turn” in socio-humanitarian research contributed to a new content of linguistic personality as a discursive concept. The sociological approaches of M. Weber and P. Bourdieu are given as the theoretical grounds of the connection between the social status of a linguistic personality and its belonging to a certain speech community. The example of the sociolinguistic discourse proves the infl uence of the level of education, linguistic in particular, on the access of the linguistic/communicative/discursive personality to the social lift (professional career development). Thus, the linguistic personality as a subject of social reality construction creates and maintains social communication, contributes to the enlargement of knowledge, intergenerational connections and, ultimately, to the improvement of the quality of life.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):417-420
pages 417-420 views
Features of labor behavior of modern Russian youth
Tereshonok T.A.
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the of modern Russian youth labor behavior specifics, namely: focus on the meaning and content of professional activity; desire for self-realization; the growing demand for social guarantees of labor provided by law; the importance of the fi nancial component; the importance of fair job evaluation; special requirements for the team, which should be based on a partnership type of relationship and be a set of friendly relations. Particular attention is paid to the diff erence between young people and the previous generation in the fi eld of attitudes towards money. Young people tend to quickly spend what they earn on pleasure in its various manifestations, which is largely dictated by the trends of the consumer society, where public opinion has undergone a transformation, within which it has ceased to be condemned to want to be saturated with all possible goods, services and travel. A generalized description of such a phenomenon as instant culture, erasing and forming the traditional hierarchical boundaries of a professional career and forms the attitude “here and now, everything at once” is given. In this regard, young people are extremely unhappy when they do not see the quick results of their work. The essence and the reasons for the career trend “quiet quitting” when an employee is limited to performing only his direct duties stipulated by the employment contract, are revealed. The main content of the article presents the expertise aff ecting the relevant subject area, and the results of sociological surveys of the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion, as well as data from other studies. The article may be useful for employers, human resource managers, specialists in the research fi eld on the attitude of modern youth to professional activities.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):421-426
pages 421-426 views
Women’s careers in sports during the COVID-19 pandemic: Socio-economic aspect
Rykova I.I.
The article discusses the features of implementing women's sports career in the context of the coronavirus epidemic. Ways to maintain a career in isolation and options for its development, as well as government initiatives during this period, are analyzed. This includes a comparison of budget expenditures from the start of physical education funding to the post-pandemic period. In addition, types of careers are considered, including the ones typical to the current situation particular, the transformative type of career with a gradual upward movement and subsequent change of activity. This type of career is characterized by a high rate of job advancement (expansion of influence), which can be either gradual or abrupt. The predisposition of women to end their sports career is considered. The author's analysis is based on a sociological study conducted in 2021 in a specially designed questionnaire in Telegram using the survey method, as well as an in-depth interview with a master of sports in ballroom dancing and her career path, which combined several sports, as well as coaching. The current changes in sports practices, including the example of innovations with the help of social networks, which infl uenced the popularity of a healthy lifestyle are analyzed. The problems of youth sports school students and professional athletes due to the lack of equipment and the complexity of professional training at home are considered. In conclusion, the article examines the consequences not only of the pandemic, but also the ban on the participation of Russian athletes in international competitions, as well as the Olympic Games, and its possible consequences, which will negatively aff ect the wages of our athletes. In addition to that, there is a number of serious socio-economic problems, including the lack of fi nancial resources for the construction of sports facilities in the regions.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):427-432
pages 427-432 views
Digitalization and patriotic education: Confl ict of two basic state strategies to form political identity of Russian youth
Shestov N.I.
There are two important directions within the structure of current Russian domestic policy, i.e. the policy of patriotic education of youth and the policy of digitalization of various areas of public and state, as well as private life of citizens. Based on the idea of the need for a state to maintain the integrity and consistency of its political interests and management decisions, both directions should complement each other and thereby make domestic policy more eff ective. Especially taking into account the fact that both of these directions are connected to the solution of a strategic task of formation of a stable political identity among the new generation of Russian citizens. In reality, these two directions are in confl ict today at the highest level of public presentation of those specifi c tasks that the younger generation will have to solve in the process of fi nding their identity. An analysis of the way digitalization policy is presented shows that today it contains a real risk of undermining all the work to form the patriotic identity of Russian youth.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):433-440
pages 433-440 views
Basic scholarly interpretations of new markers of political identification of youth in modern Russia
Vilkov A.A.
The article examines the main trends in understanding political identifi cation of the main groups of Russian youth in the last year and a half. Based on the analysis of the latest scholarly literature on this issue, it has been revealed that the attention of researchers continues to be attracted by the development of a methodology for analyzing various structures of youth identity, the justifi cation of new types of their typology, the possibilities of combining various identifi cation matrices for a more accurate correlation of the ideological, worldview and activity positioning of representatives of the younger generation. In scientifi c discourse, the position of supporters of a liberal interpretation of civic identity based on the justifi cation of the priority of civil rights and individual freedoms has signifi cantly weakened. The position whose supporters actually equate civic identity and national identity acquires dominant signifi cance. This is due, fi rst of all, to the offi cial goal of introducing into the mass consciousness of young people an understanding of the social signifi cance of the state and its functionality and the need to stimulate the corresponding active civic position of each individual in protecting the interests of the state and society as a whole. It is concluded that most researchers do not touch upon the specifi cs of identifying various groups of Russian youth in relation to the special military operation in Ukraine. On the one hand, this is understandable, given the complexity of the situation and the ambiguous possible consequences regarding any critical assessments on the part of researchers. On the other hand, there is a need for an objective understanding of new lines of demarcation, which, in terms of their motivational signifi cance, are often ranked at a higher level than the traditional party-ideological and worldview preferences of Russian youth. Understanding these identifi cation markers is the most important scientifi c task in theoretical and practical senses.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):441-446
pages 441-446 views
Strategic planning in public administration as a political system of institutional instruments and goal-setting mechanisms
Sanzharevsky I.I.
The article is devoted to the subject fi eld of political science research within the scientifi c specialty “Public Administration and sectoral policies” and the analysis of the practice of state strategic planning as a political system of institutional instruments and goal-setting mechanisms in the Russian Federation. The article discusses public political and legal mechanisms for combining values and goals with the choice of ways and methods to achieve them. The constitutional exclusivity and independence of each branch of government as the basis of its strategic resource and strategic planning potential is highlighted as the fundamental public political and legal mechanism for combining values and goals with the choice of ways and methods to achieve them. A general description of the architecture of the unifi ed system of public power in accordance with the amendments to the Constitution of Russia and the current confi guration of the public administration system is given. The importance of political factor of the eff ectiveness of the administration of strategic management system and the implementation of sectoral policies in modern Russia on the basis of the mechanisms of coordinated functioning and interaction of public authorities and local self-government in a single system of public authority is shown. Fundamental changes are highlighted that make it possible to signifi cantly increase the effi ciency of the federal government in a unifi ed system of public authority with an emphasis on the implementation of national development goals of both the Russian Federation as a whole and the regions based on the sectoral structure of the economy. Attention is focused on the political goals of the regional factor of socio-economic development of territories on the basis of mechanisms and tools of strategic planning, the directions of fundamental political, legal, administrative and managerial decisions on the implementation of the regional investment standard are determined. The role of federal institutions of innovative development and provision of infrastructure projects and programs for solving the tasks of ensuring sustainable economic growth and diversifi cation of the modern Russian economy, which cannot be optimally implemented by market mechanisms, was demonstrated. Conclusions are drawn about the importance of the interpretative understanding of politics as a system of institutional tools and goal-setting mechanisms in the political and legal practice of state strategic planning for determining promising directions in the subject fi eld of scientifi c research within the specialty “Public Administration and sectoral policies”, for solving problems of improving the quality of public administration through the introduction of a management model based on big data and artifi cial intelligence, the transition of the public authority system to a data-based management model using a platform approach.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):447-453
pages 447-453 views
The main trends in the participation of domestic representative institutions in the state foreign policy mechanism
Pashkovsky P.I.
The article considers the features of the functioning of early models of the Russian foreign policy mechanism. With this in mind, in the process of research, institutional, historical-genetic and activity methods have been applied. On the basis of a retrospective analysis, the traditional features of domestic systems for making and implementing foreign policy decisions that functioned within the framework of the Ancient Russian State, the Moscow State and the Russian Empire have been characterized. Five main models of the mechanism for the formation and implementation of foreign policy,which were characterized by varying degrees of subjectivity of representative institutions, have been identifi ed: the system of making foreign policy decisions in the Ancient Russian principalities in the X–XIV centuries (a high degree of subjectivity of the veche, taking into account the infl uence of the activation of external threats and internal instability); 2) the mechanism for the formation and implementation of the foreign policy of the Moscow State in the XVI–XVII centuries (increase in the subjectivity of the Boyar Duma and the Zemsky Sobor in the context of exacerbation of external threats and internal crisis manifestations); 3) foreign policy mechanism of the Russian Empire in the XVIII – early XX centuries (low subjectivity of the Senate, the Legislative Commissions, the State Council in the circumstances of constant external threats, the strengthening of central power and relative domestic political stabilization); 4) the mechanism of foreign policy activity of the Russian Empire in 1906–1917 (a higher level of subjectivity of the State Duma against the background of the crisis of the international system, the aggravation of external threats and internal economic and political problems); 5) a conventionally distinguished foreign policy mechanism that functioned in the period after the February Revolution of 1917 until the formation of the USSR (deviant model: contradictions between the Petrograd Soviet and the Provisional Government on foreign policy issues against the background of the transformation of the system of international relations, the activation of external threats and internal shocks). It has been established that these models (except for the last one, which seems to be a special case) have in common the presence within the state bureaucracy of the dominant role of the «fi rst person», which, at diff erent historical stages, could have the powers of a commander and sovereign, exerting the greatest infl uence on the process of foreign policy formation. At the same time, the supreme leader, as a rule, relied on a narrow circle of trusted persons in the implementation of their functions in the foreign policy sphere. Traditionally, «power departments» (military, naval, foreign aff airs) were personally subordinated to the head of state. It is concluded that the subjectivity of representative institutions within the framework of the state foreign policy mechanism increased in the face of increased external threats and internal crises and, accordingly, decreased against the background of general stabilization and strengthening of the central government.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):454-460
pages 454-460 views
Problems of Lebanese democracy: Costs of the confessional system
Roumani M.B.
The article deals with the diffi culties associated with the confessional system of government in Lebanon; the key characteristics of consociative democracy in Lebanon and its diff erences from other democratic systems are analyzed. A consociation is a system of governance that grants members of various faiths certain rights and political representation in government. In Lebanon, the confessional system was introduced in 1943 and has since played a key role in the country’s political system. The author of the article considers Lebanon as a consociative democracy and discusses the features of the confessional system of government. He also analyzes the problems associated with the application of consociative democracy in Lebanon, including restrictions on freedom of expression. In addition, the risks and consequences of consociationalism in a confessional context are discussed, such as skewed representation and preallocation of seats. The infl uence of the division of power on the stability of the Lebanese political system is considered. The division of power into executive, legislative and judicial branches is one of the key features of a democratic system of government. However, there are problems in Lebanon with a lack of effi ciency and transparency in each of these branches of government, as well as cooperation between them. It is concluded that highly institutionalized consociative arrangements can lead to institutional instability of the state. Attention is drawn to negative confessional narratives at the local and regional levels and the conclusions that can be drawn from them are given. In general, the difficulties associated with the confessional system of government in Lebanon are revealed, and the influence of the division of power on the stability of the country’s political system is analyzed.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):461-466
pages 461-466 views
Threats to human security in Latin America
Smirnova A.S.
Like any other region of the world Latin America is a subject to threats that negatively affect the standard of living of people. The author identifi es and analyzes the main economic, social, political, and environmental threats of the region, referring to the documents of international organizations such as the UN, the World Bank, Human Rights Watch and experts studying the problems. The author notes that the immediate economic threat to human security arises from a drop in production, loss of income and rising unemployment, which leads to a signifi cant increase in poverty and a decrease in citizens’ confi dence in the future. Against the backdrop of global crises, the World Bank forecasts a modest increase in the GDP of countries in the coming years. The author identifi es three social groups that are most vulnerable to threats to human security: migrants, indigenous people, women, and children. A common problem for the region is the high percentage of cases of violence that also come from the authorities. The main threat to the political security of citizens is the weakness of democracies, since this political system in the region has existed for about forty years and is not yet as developed as in other regions of the world. The high level of corruption among offi cials aggravates the situation in the country, which often leads to rallies and strikes throughout the region. Among the transnational threats to human security, the author notes terrorism and organized crime, including money laundering and drug traffi cking, as well as traffi cking in short-barreled weapons. These threats pose a direct danger to people’s lives. Against the background of deforestation of tropical forests, the threat to environmental security is extremely acute. The danger is that deforestation leads to the deprivation of indigenous peoples of their habitat, which directly aff ects the human security of the region.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):467-473
pages 467-473 views
Emergency management and globalization: Modern challenges
Sun Y.
Globalization has a significant impact on the process of emergency management. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the relevance of studying the problem of globalization in relation to emergency management. Nevertheless, this topic has been poorly studied in Russian science, while receiving some coverage abroad. This article examines both positive and negative aspects of the impact of globalization on the process of emergency management. The challenges of globalization include the emergence of new types of crises, the problem of preserving national sovereignty, uneven eff ectiveness of emergency management, diffi culty in coordinating actions, information threats, etc. The positive aspects include an increase in the effi ciency and speed of emergency response around the world, an increase in the resource base, as well as the transit of knowledge and technology. The author gives certain recommendations in overcoming the challenges of globalization to increase the eff ectiveness of its positive aspects on the process of emergency management, such as the creation of specialized international organizations, the creation of international emergency response strategies and the creation of operational channels for the exchange of reliable information.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):474-481
pages 474-481 views
Using video games in patriotic education
Baranovskiy N.S.
The article analyzes possibility of using video games for the patriotic education of youth. The experience of foreign and domestic game developers in filling them with political content is presented, which forms a certain attitude among users to politics, to its past and present, its values and subjects. The risks that may arise when using video games as a means of patriotic and civic education and that are important to consider when designing and implementing such educational technology are noted. In addition, the author suggests some variations of video games that are able to form patriotic feelings among the players.
Izvestia of Saratov University. New series. Series: Sociology. Politology. 2023;23(4):482-486
pages 482-486 views

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