Emergency management and globalization: Modern challenges

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Globalization has a significant impact on the process of emergency management. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown the relevance of studying the problem of globalization in relation to emergency management. Nevertheless, this topic has been poorly studied in Russian science, while receiving some coverage abroad. This article examines both positive and negative aspects of the impact of globalization on the process of emergency management. The challenges of globalization include the emergence of new types of crises, the problem of preserving national sovereignty, uneven eff ectiveness of emergency management, diffi culty in coordinating actions, information threats, etc. The positive aspects include an increase in the effi ciency and speed of emergency response around the world, an increase in the resource base, as well as the transit of knowledge and technology. The author gives certain recommendations in overcoming the challenges of globalization to increase the eff ectiveness of its positive aspects on the process of emergency management, such as the creation of specialized international organizations, the creation of international emergency response strategies and the creation of operational channels for the exchange of reliable information.

About the authors

Yexin Sun

Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov

ORCID iD: 0009-0008-9160-3259
119991, Russian Federation, Moscow, Leninskie gory, 1


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