Political interest of the Russian state in participation in educational reforms: The problem of unspokenness

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The article provides a forecast of the risks associated with plans to continue reforms in Russian education. For many years and to these days one source of risk is the absence in the fundamental documents regulating the process of reforming domestic education, the exact formulations of those state interests for the benefit of which the reforms are being carried out. Another source of risk is the contradiction between the radical -liberal formulations, with the help of which their goal is brought to Russian society in normative documents and public speeches of the leaders of educational reforms, and the conservative “reversal” that is observed today in the rest of Russian domestic and foreign policy. The main risk itself lies in the fact that the unspoken state interest in reforming the educational sphere can become a defi ning characteristic of the state strategy at the new, so far only planned stage of educational reforms.

About the authors

Kristina A. Afanasyeva

Povolzhsky Institute of Management named after PA Stolypin - branch of the Russian Academy of Science and Engineering under the President of the Russian Federation, Saratov

ORCID iD: 0009-0001-2168-6334
410031, Saratov, Sobornaya str., 23/25


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