Cost-effectiveness of empegfilgrastim (Extimia®) for the prevention of severe neutropenia in patients with malignant neoplasm of female breast




Granulocyte colony stimulating factor (G-CSF), particularly filgrastim, significantly reduces the chance of developing side effects of chemotherapy. Pegylated G-CSF products are characterized as longer-acting drugs in comparison with non-pegylated forms. The aim of the study was to assess the cost-effectiveness of pegylated filgrastim (Russia) - empegfilgrastim (Extimia®) in comparison with non-pegylated filgrastim (Leucostim®). Material and methods. The assessment was conducted from the position of health systems based on the results of double-blind randomized trial concerning the comparison between Russian preparations such as empegfilgrastim and filgrastim using for the prevention of neutropenia in patients with breast cancer. Costs for G-CSF have been calculated on the basis of registered cost for non-pegylated filgrastim (Leucostim®) and anticipated costs for empegfilgrastim (in both cases - including VAT with 10% markup). Horizon scanning is first cycle of chemotherapy. Results. Empegfilgrastim (Extimia®), used for the prevention of severe neutropenia, reduces the impacts on budget by 9.2% in comparison with filgrastim (Leucostim®). Costs for each patient without grade 4 neutropenia were 62.5% lower on using empegfilgrastim in comparison with filgrastim. Conclusions. Empegfilgrastim has the same therapeutic efficacy, as well as pharmacoeconomic advantages in comparison with non-pegylated filgrastim, reducing impacts on a budget and can be recommended to be used in clinical practice.


A Rudakova

Saint Petersburg State Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy

д-р фарм. наук, проф. каф. управления и экономики фармации ГБОУ ВПО СПХФА 197376, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, ul. Professora Popova, d. 14

D Tolkacheva


менеджер по экономике здравоохранения ЗАО «Биокад» 198515, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, pos. Strel'na, ul. Sviazi, d. 34, lit. A

O Gavrilova


мед. советник II категории ЗАО «Биокад» 198515, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, pos. Strel'na, ul. Sviazi, d. 34, lit. A

A Vaganov


рук. департамента стратегического развития ЗАО «Биокад» 198515, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, pos. Strel'na, ul. Sviazi, d. 34, lit. A


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