Analysis of the efficacy and safety of eribulin therapy in patients with HR+/HER2- metastatic breast cancer pretreated with CDK4/6 inhibitors in real Russian practice

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Relevance. Data on the efficacy of endocrine and chemotherapy regimens in patients with hormone-resistant metastatic breast cancer (mBC) after progression with CDK4/6 inhibitors are limited; the search for an effective therapy regimen in this clinical situation is an urgent task of clinical oncology.

Aim. Evaluate the efficacy and safety of eribulin therapy in patients with HR+/HER2- mBC after progression with CDK4/6 inhibitors; compare the results of the Russian study and the EMPOWER observational study in the USA.

Materials and methods. The Russian observational study included 54 patients (pts) with HR+/HER2- mBC, who were treated with eribulin after CDK4/6 inhibitors in 24 Russian Cancer hospitals. The median age of pts was 56 years; 75.9% of them had recurrent BC, 24.1% – de novo BC stage IV; 51.9% of pts had progression with CDK4/6 inhibitors in the first 6 months of therapy (primary endocrine resistance); 48.1% of patients had progression in the period from 6 to 38 months; 89.1% had visceral site of metastases (liver MTS – 65.5%, lung MTS – 52.8%, brain MTS in 7.5%). Eribulin was used after anthracyclines and taxanes in 94.4% of cases. The efficacy and safety of eribulin therapy in patients with HR+/HER2- mBC after progression with CDK4/6 inhibitors was studied, as well as subgroup analysis according to age, sites of metastasis, and previously treatment options.

Results. Eribulin was prescribed in the standard regimen of 1.4 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8, the interval between cycles was 21 days, the number cyclys of chemotherapy was 1–44 (median – 8, the mean number of cycles – 10.5). With a median follow-up of 11.5 months (from 3 to 36 months), 30 patients (55.6%) continue therapy with eribulin at present; therapy was cancelled in 24 patients due to progression in 22 (40.7%) cases, and due to intolerable toxicity in 2 (3.7%) patients. The maximum response to eribulin therapy included partial response (in 11 cases, 24.4%), stable disease (in 30 cases, 66.7%) and progression in 4 (8.9%) patients. Median PFS with eribulin therapy was 10.0 months; the 6-month, 1-year, and 2-year PFS were 79.5%, 44.8% and 26.5%, respectively. Eribulin therapy was equally effective in different subgroups (p>0.05) and did not depend on the age of patients, the previously received treatment, the presence of visceral MTS and liver damage. The best response to chemotherapy with eribulin was observed in lung metastases: median PFS 24 months vs 9.1 months, p=0.056. The safety profile was favorable; adverse events were registered in 34.5% of patients, which required dose adjustment in 18.5% of cases. With a median follow-up of 11.5 months, 92.6% of patients remain alive.

Conclusion. Eribulin has demonstrated high efficacy and favorable safety profile in hormone-resistant HER2- mBC in patients with progression when receiving CDK4/6 inhibitor.

About the authors

Irina V. Kolyadina

Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education; Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology; Kulakov National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology;

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1124-6802

D. Sci. (Med.), Prof.

Russian Federation, Moscow; Moscow; Moscow

Natalia R. Abidova

Moscow City Oncological Hospital №62



Russian Federation, Moscow

Arshak A. Akopyan

Moscow City Oncological Hospital №62



Russian Federation, Moscow

Galina V. Antonova

City Clinical Hospital №40



Russian Federation, Moscow

Oksana I. Arapova

City Clinical Hospital №40



Russian Federation, Moscow

Elvira A. Bobrova

Loginov Moscow Clinical Research Center



Russian Federation, Moscow

Larisa V. Bolotina

Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research Institute – branch of National Medical Research Radiological Centre

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4879-2687

D. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Moscow

Chulpan K. Valiakhmetova

Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary


Cand. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Ufa

Anna V. Vasilevskaya

Moscow Regional Oncological Dispensary


Department Head

Russian Federation, Balashikha

Lyubov Y. Vladimirova

National Medical Research Center of Oncology

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4822-5044

D. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

Mikhail V. Volkonskiy

Moscow City Oncological Hospital №62

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4060-5015


Russian Federation, Moscow

Inna P. Ganshina

Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0105-9376

Cand. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Moscow

Irina E. Gudkova

Troitsk City Hospital


Department Head

Russian Federation, Troitsk

Alexandr S. Dergunov

Tver Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary


Department Head

Russian Federation, Tver

Irina V. Evstigneeva

Tver Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary


Department Head

Russian Federation, Tver

Viktoria S. Egurenkova

Loginov Moscow Clinical Research Center



Russian Federation, Moscow

Aleksei V. Emshanov

Oncology Center



Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

Lyudmila G. Zhukova

Loginov Moscow Clinical Research Center

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4848-6938

D. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Moscow

Elena V. Zueva

City Clinical Oncological Hospital №1


Cand. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Moscow

Elena V. Karabina

Tula Regional Oncological Dispensary



Russian Federation, Tula

James J. Kolokolov

Botkin City Clinical Hospital



Russian Federation, Moscow

Svetlana V. Kuzmicheva

Loginov Moscow Clinical Research Center



Russian Federation, Moscow

Olesya A. Kuchevskaya

City Clinical Hospital №40


Department Head

Russian Federation, Moscow

Ivan A. Luev

Moscow City Oncological Hospital №62

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7694-0862


Russian Federation, Moscow

Ksenia S. Maistrenko

City Clinical Hospital №40



Russian Federation, Moscow

Elena V. Markizova

City Clinical Hospital №40



Russian Federation, Moscow

Vasily V. Marfutov

Loginov Moscow Clinical Research Center



Russian Federation, Moscow

Sergey P. Medvedev

Treatment and Rehabilitation Center



Russian Federation, Moscow

Yulia I. Merzlikina

Loginov Moscow Clinical Research Center



Russian Federation, Moscow

Tatyana A. Nersesova

City Clinical Oncological Hospital №1



Russian Federation, Moscow

Elena G. Ovchinnikova

Nizhny Novgorod Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary


Cand. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Nizhny Novgorod

Svetlana A. Orlova

Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary


Department Head

Russian Federation, Cheboksary

Natalia Y. Samaneva

National Medical Research Center of Oncology

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0843-6012


Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

Olesya A. Stativko

City Clinical Oncological Hospital №1



Russian Federation, Moscow

Anna E. Storozhakova

National Medical Research Center of Oncology

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0965-0264


Russian Federation, Rostov-on-Don

Daniil L. Stroyakovskiy

Moscow City Oncological Hospital №62

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1973-1092

Cand. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Moscow

Alexander V. Sultanbaev

Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0996-5995

Cand. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Ufa

Asiat I. Tekeeva

Medical Center for Rehabilitation



Russian Federation, Podolsk

Natalia V. Fadeeva

Chelyabinsk Regional Clinical Center of Oncology and Nuclear Medicine


Cand. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Chelyabinsk

Alina N. Fedorova

City Clinical Oncological Hospital №1



Russian Federation, Moscow

Oksana M. Shalaeva

Perm Regional Oncological Dispensary


Department Head

Russian Federation, Perm

Irina A. Shangina

City Clinical Hospital №40



Russian Federation, Moscow

Oksana N. Shirokova

Sverdlovsk Regional Oncological Dispensary


Department Head

Russian Federation, Sverdlovsk

Alisa R. Shumskikh

Orenburg Regional Clinical Oncological Dispensary



Russian Federation, Orenburg

Mariam Z. Yakubova

Moscow Regional Oncological Dispensary

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0417-7028


Russian Federation, Balashikha


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. The main sites of metastasis in patients with HR+/HER2- mBC at the start of eribulin therapy.

Download (27KB)
3. Fig. 2. PFS according to recurrent and de novo stage IV mBC (p=0.389).

Download (47KB)
4. Fig. 3. PFS according to line of eribulin chemotherapy (p=0.567).

Download (49KB)
5. Fig. 4. PFS according to liver metastases (p=0.663).

Download (42KB)
6. Fig. 5. PFS according to bone metastases (p=0.726).

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7. Fig. 6. PFS according to skin and soft tissue metastases (p=0.726).

Download (45KB)
8. Fig. 7. PFS according to lung metastases (p=0.056).

Download (41KB)
9. Fig. 8. PFS according to adverse events during eribulin therapy (p=0.648).

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10. Fig. 9. PFS according to dose reduction of eribulin (p=0.612).

Download (44KB)

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