Pharmacoeconomic aspects of biosimilars

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The tendency towards replacement of reference preparation for biosimilars can be observed around the world. Registrational studies, concerning biosimilars suggest the comparison of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs, as well as their clinical efficacy, tolerability and immunogenicity in comparison with the original drugs. Biosimilars of monoclonal antibodies (bevacizumab, trastuzumab and rituximab) registered in Russia are widely used in oncology. The introduction of biosimilars to the pharmaceutical market has reduced costs (15-85%) on appropriate biological products and increased the availability of medicinal aid. Costs of rituximab have reduced by more than RUB 900 mln for the past 3 years of using biosimilar of rituximab in patients under 7 High-Cost Nosologies Federal Program. The first results of the treatment using such biosimilars as bevacizumab and trastuzumab in 2016, showed a significant increase in the availability of vital and highly effective drugs.

About the authors

A A Tryakin

N.N.Blokhin Russian Cancer Reseach Center of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

д-р мед. наук, ст. науч. сотр. отд-ния клин. фармакологии и химиотерапии ФГБУ «РОНЦ им. Н.Н.Блохина», национальный представитель ESMO 115478, Russian Federation, Moscow, Kashirskoe sh., d. 23

A V Rudakova

Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; Pediatric Research and Clinical Center for Infectious Diseases

д-р фарм. наук, канд. биол. наук, проф. каф. управления и экономики фармации ФГБОУ ВО СПХФА, ст. науч. сотр. отд. организации медицинской помощи ФГБУ ДНКЦИБ ФМБА России 197376, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, ul. prof. Popova, d. 14; 197022, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, ul. prof. Popova, d. 9

S N Fogt

Biotechnology company BIOCAD

канд. мед. наук, мед. советник II категории, Биотехнологическая компания BIOCAD 198515, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, p. Strelna, ul. Sviazi, d. 34A

A S Vaganov

Biotechnology company BIOCAD

рук. отд. стратегического развития, Биотехнологическая компания BIOCAD 198515, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, p. Strelna, ul. Sviazi, d. 34A

D G Tolkacheva

Biotechnology company BIOCAD

менеджер по экономике здравоохранения, Биотехнологическая компания BIOCAD 198515, Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg, p. Strelna, ul. Sviazi, d. 34A


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