Vol 10, No 3 (2024)


Analysis of Approaches to Optimization of V2X Systems: Clustering, Edge and Fog Computing

Plotnikov P.V., Vladyko A.G.


The review sets the task of analyzing existing solutions for communication systems based on Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) technology using clustering and edge computing mechanisms in order to determine the conceptual model of the V2X system and the most significant indicators of quality of service (QoS), taking into account the application of the specified complex of technological solutions. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that the research is aimed at identifying the possibilities of integrating clustering mechanisms, edge and fog computing to determine optimal solutions for the deployment of roadside network infrastructure objects while maintaining high QoS indicators for communication equipment of this type. The result is that a scientifically based technological approach to constructing a conceptual model of a V2X system with specified QoS indicators has been proposed. Practical and theoretical relevance. The results obtained can be used in the design and deployment of V2X systems.
Proceedings of Telecommunication Universities. 2024;10(3):7-22
pages 7-22 views


Dynamic Fog Computing Towards Green ICT

Volkov A.N.


Relevance: In the context of the growing fleet of data center equipment, the development of IMT-2020 networks and the imminent emergence of Telepresence services of IMT-2030 networks, a particularly relevant area of modern research is the search for non-trivial, non-standard approaches and solutions in the field of provision of computing and network resources. This article covers current issues in the infrastructure direction of IMT-2030 networks - dynamic fog computing. The contribution of this technology to improve the efficiency of used resources is considered, and current scenarios for IMT-2030 networks are presented. In particular, we study the problem of searching for a group of devices in the computing fog for subsequent migration of typical FaaS platform containers. Problem statement: Research on the joint use of serverless architecture and dynamic fog computing for efficient load distribution of telepresence services. Goal of the work: Research and development of an effective method for distributing a group of microservices in dynamic fog computing. Methods: the algorithms under study belong to the type of metaheuristic algorithms for solving multicriteria optimization problems. To test the method, a laboratory network segment was developed, which served as a generator of real data on the operation of the tested platforms under conditions of increasing load. Based on a series of experiments, data was collected that formed the basis for subsequent modeling of the proposed method, which in turn was implemented in the Python programming language. Result: Analysis of the results showed the effectiveness of the proposed method within the framework of the task, which ultimately makes it possible to make a decision on migration many times faster. Novelty: A model and method for serverless architecture have been developed for migrating groups of microservices to groups of fog computing devices, under conditions of their mobility, and a meta-heuristic algorithm of a pack of gray wolves has been used to determine a group of devices for subsequent migration of typical microservices. Practical significance: The developed model and method can be used in the implementation of fog Computing, in conditions of device mobility, including in order to achieve the requirements of promising Telepresence services.
Proceedings of Telecommunication Universities. 2024;10(3):24-34
pages 24-34 views

Interference Between Carrying Frequencies in DRM System

Kowalgin Y.A.


Relevance. In Russia and worldwide, there is a gradual transition to digital radio broadcasting DRM. This transition offers higher quality sound reproduction, significant radio frequency resource savings, high interference resistance, substantial energy savings compared to analog broadcasting systems, and the ability to build single-frequency networks. The cliff effect inherent in DRM-systems necessitates considering the influence of the interference level between subcarriers (ICI, Intercarrier Interference) of the OFDM-signal (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing) on the overall interference resistance of DRM-systems. This is partly due to the mismatch of generators in the transmitting and receiving paths of DRM-systems. However, the recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU-R) and available publications lack requirements for the stability of generators in the transmitting and receiving paths of digital radio broadcasting systems, which significantly affect their interference resistance. This work addresses this gap. Goal. Improve the interference resistance of the DRM-system. Methods. Based on the analysis and development of data available in publications, a method for calculating the interference level between subcarrier frequencies is proposed for situations where there is no loss of orthogonality of subcarrier frequencies during OFDM signal reception, and only white noise (AWGN - Additive White Gaussian Noise) is present in the radio channel. Results. The impact of normalized frequency shift of generators in the DRM-system's transceiver path on the degradation of the signal-to-noise ratio when modulating subcarrier frequencies with QPSK for different levels of interference resistance (PL0-PL3) has been studied and evaluated. It is shown that the interference level between subcarrier frequencies of the OFDM signal depends on reception conditions, modulation type, code rate, required minimum signal strength of the transmitter's electromagnetic field, and the required minimum signal-to-noise ratio at the reception point, receiver's own noise, and atmospheric noise level. The validity of the obtained results is confirmed by experimental data from other researchers. Novelty. The obtained results are new for the DRM-system. In mode stability under stationary reception and QAM-4 subcarrier frequency modulation, DRM-system OFDM signal reception becomes impossible when the frequency mismatch of the transceiver path generators exceeds (2.07…2.32) Hz. Practical significance. Knowledge of the ICI level of the OFDM-signal when the frequency of the generators in the transmitting and receiving clocks of DRM-systems is detuned is necessary for developing national regulatory documents that govern the operational characteristics of DRM system equipment.
Proceedings of Telecommunication Universities. 2024;10(3):35-44
pages 35-44 views

Code Division Based on Double Spread Spectrum Signal

Kukunin D.S.


Relevance: The work addresses the problems of broadband modulation in relation to multiple access problems. The advantages of code multiplexing in the process of expanding the signal spectrum are indicated, which, as shown in the work, is a promising method of parallel data transmission. Purpose: The purpose of this work is, firstly, to increase the efficiency of using address sequences to identify the sender and recipient of information; secondly, to organize a parallel data transmission process from one node to many, ensuring the anonymity of the recipient and, thirdly, maintaining a low peak signal factor. Statement of the problem: The objectives of the work include the selection of address code structures, which, at two stages of expanding the signal spectrum, should solve the issues of identifying senders and recipients of information in the network at the physical level. It is required to build a system model that will ensure parallel data transfer from one node to many. An important requirement in such a multiple access network should be the ability to use modulation with the lowest signal crest factor. Methods: This work proposes two-stage wideband modulation using the direct spread spectrum method, where each sending node first generates an equivalent Gold code as the sum of sequences of maximum length addressed to recipient nodes, and then uses an address sequence identifying itself from set of orthogonal signals. The paper proposes methods for processing spectrum-expanding sequences based on the dual basis of the Galois field, which make it possible to quite effectively isolate information intended for each recipient. Results: A model of a parallel data transmission system with multiple access based on two-stage spectrum expansion is proposed. Identification of senders and recipients of information is carried out by mechanisms for the formation of address signal-code structures at the physical level. It is possible to implement a model with anonymous recipients, when any of the recipient nodes does not have information about the data addressed to other nodes. Also, this model does not contradict the use of the most noise-resistant type of modulation BPSK (or QPSK in single-bit transmission mode), which is designed to provide an extremely low signal crest factor. Novelty: A fundamentally new method of addressing at the physical level for a network with parallel information transmission is proposed, which increases the efficiency of using the frequency range. Theoretical and practical significance: The results obtained in the work, in the future, can be used in the construction of various highly noise-resistant networks with multiple access, where an important requirement is, first of all, an extremely low crest factor of the data source signal. Such networks include, in particular, networks formed by swarms of UAVs.
Proceedings of Telecommunication Universities. 2024;10(3):45-58
pages 45-58 views

Research of Average Delay in Telecommunication Networks Providing Telemedicine Services

Makolkina M.A., Sharlaeva M.V.


Relevance. According to the research of the consulting company Global Market Insights the volume of the market of telemedicine in the territory of the Russian Federation by 2025 is estimated at 96 billion. Rub. which is more than 3 times higher than the figures of 2023. Changes in telecommunications systems and networks have a direct impact on redesigning the network architecture and expanding the range of services provided. Thus, the emergence of fifth-generation communication networks is a necessary measure to ensure a high density of devices (1 million. per 1 sq. m) and the virtues of circular delay 1 ms. Communication networks 2030 will expand the services of the first set of telemedicine services through holographic avatars, augmented reality services, Tactile Internet.Purpose. Determination of the dependence of the delay on the intensity of traffic and the duration of packet servicing for the first set of telemedicine services in the communications networks of the fifth and subsequent generations. Analysis of ways to assess the quality of telemedicine services.Methods. The work uses methods of system analysis, cluster analysis and the theory of teletraffic. Mathematical modeling of the communication network is carried out.Solution. The characteristics of medical data used by telemedicine network are presented. Quality indicators of telemedicine services have been formulated. The model of communication network of the fifth and subsequent generations based on the quality of service provision and clustering of the territory was developed. The results of calculations for peak speeds 5G and 4G are obtained, which makes it possible to determine the dependence of delay on the coefficient of variation of service duration and on the coefficient of variation of interval between applications.Novelty. The idea of creating and calculating a network model for the provision of the first set of telemedicine services in fifth- and succeeding-generation networks has elements of scientific novelty, as well as the use of the term «Quality of Experience» for quality assessment in communication networks providing telemedicine services.Significance (theoretical). The location of data-processing centers in regional or regional centers could provide the first set of telemedicine services on ultra-low latency networks worldwide. The creation of digital clusters improves access to health care, partially reducing the digital divide without the need to expand the number of health organizations and increase the number of staff in remote locations.Relevance (practical). The results obtained in the work can be used to determine the characteristics of equipment used to provide real-time services in the communications networks of the fifth and subsequent generations.
Proceedings of Telecommunication Universities. 2024;10(3):59-65
pages 59-65 views

Technique for Automatic Profiling of Underlying Surface Electric Parameters on the Very Low Frequencies Radio Path

Tipikin A.A., Pakhotin V.A., Potapov D.S.


Relevance. Information about the electrical characteristics of the underlying surface has a significant impact on the calculations results of the radio tracks energy parameters in the very low frequency band. Currently, various versions of developed digital maps can potentially improve the accuracy of calculations and simplify the operator's activities in the initial data input. However, the capabilities of digital cartography are not integrated into existing forecasting techniques. The purpose of the study is to reduce the number of manual operations during the forecasting of the radio tracks energy parameters in the very low frequency band by developing a technique that allows to automate the input of the underlying surface electrical parameters. Methods. In this study we used methods of mathematical statistics to choose the quantization levels of radio tracks electrical parameters rationally. We used an interpolation method with a given decimation coefficient to obtain an electrical characteristics profile that meets the requirements of the forecasting methodology. Result. We selected the levels and quantization intervals of the underlying surface electrical characteristics which are needed to obtain the horizontal profiles, using statistical estimates. Further, we performed interpolation with the «nearest neighbor» method with a given decimation coefficient to exclude areas with frequent changes in the profiling parameters values. The decimation coefficient relies on the condition that the smallest length of a homogeneous section should not be less than the wavelength. The developed technique is implemented in the Matlab modeling environment as a combination of scripts and auxiliary functions. We provided an example of the technique application as the forecasting the ground wave field strength on a heterogeneous track. The novelty lies in the development of an original technique that provides rational profiling of the underlying surface electrical conductivity and dielectric permittivity for the subsequent usage of the obtained data in the forecasting the radio tracks energy parameters in the very low frequency band. Practical significance. The developed technique makes it possible to reduce the operator load during the initial data input and increases the accuracy of presenting this data. The technique can be used in a wavehop method for the predicting the radio tracks energy parameters to determine the vector sum of spatial and ground waves at the receiver.
Proceedings of Telecommunication Universities. 2024;10(3):66-73
pages 66-73 views


Swarm Robotics System Algorithm for Defense against Coordinated Behavior Strategy Attacks

Zikratov I.A., Zikratova T.V., Novikov E.A.


Problem statement: designing the defense mechanism against coordinated behavior strategy attacks for mobile multiagent robotic systems. Possible attacks of that kind may be carried out by use message interception, creating and transmitting disinformation, and other actions, that does not have identifiable characteristics of saboteur intrusion, and lead to making incorrect or non-optimal decision by group of robots. The purpose of the work: the increase of probability of detection coordinated behavior strategy attacks on mobile multiagent robotic systems. Methods used: proposed algorithm is further development of self organization mechanism, using trust and reputation metrics for detection and counteraction against malicious robots. Accuracy of proposed method is confirmed using imitation model of collective exploration task. The novelty: algorithm is based on quantification of consensus achievement process into consecutive time periods, which is followed by inter- and intraperiod processing of information, produces by robots of the swarm and by malicious robots during communication. The result: experiment shows that the swarm is capable to counteract against coordinated attack of malicious robots, when concentration of malicious units is more than 51 %. The probability of such counteraction is close to 1. Known detection and counteraction methods for destructive informational influence in homogeneous swarms of robots prove to be effective in cases, when concentration of malicious units is less than 45 %. Practical significance: developed algorithm may be used for multiagent robotic systems security system design to protect against attack, executed during interactions between agents of the swarm. Algorithm allows to successfully counteract coordinated attacks similar to «51 percent attack».
Proceedings of Telecommunication Universities. 2024;10(3):75-86
pages 75-86 views

Optimization of Information Resources Distribution in Common Information Space

Nikolaev V.V., Saenko I.B.


The article solves the problem of optimal distribution of information resources across the storage nodes of a common information space. The relevance of the work is due to the contradictions between the required level of timeliness in a common information space and the insufficient level of development of a scientific and methodological apparatus for improving this property for similar systems. The research methods are based on the use of elements of queuing theories, Markov chains, evolutionary calculations, as well as statistics and general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, deduction). The purpose of the work is to increase the timeliness of processing requests by officials to a common information space, taking into account the fulfillment of the requirements for sustainability and safety. Results. The goal was achieved through the development of scientific and methodological support: a model for the exchange of information resources and a methodology for optimizing the information resource allocation plan, as well as scientific and technical proposals for implementation, developed models and methods. When creating the model, conceptual, analytical and simulation approaches were used, which together make it possible to calculate indicators of timeliness, sustainability and safety for any distribution plan. The methodology for optimizing the information resource allocation plan allows you to create an optimal information resource allocation plan that meets the specified requirements. The use of these scientific results in the applied field made it possible to formulate an applied result with practical significance - scientific and technical proposals. In conclusion, an experimental assessment of the proposed approach is presented, proving its effectiveness. Novelty. The scientific results make it possible to evaluate the indicators of the common information space, as well as to search for an optimal plan for the distribution of information resources both at the design stage and at the stage of system reconfiguration. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that it is aimed at further developing the theory of building a common information space in terms of optimizing the information resource allocation plan, and the practical significance lies in the development of technical and applied tools that improve the timeliness, security and sustainability of a common information space.
Proceedings of Telecommunication Universities. 2024;10(3):87-103
pages 87-103 views

Estimation of the Multifractal Spectrum Characteristics of Fractal Dimension of Network Traffic and Computer Attacks in IoT

Sheluhin O.I., Rybakov S.Y., Vanyushina A.V.


Relevance. Changes in the fractal dimension of network traffic can serve as an indicator of attacks or anomalous activity. Fractal analysis allows to identify changes in the temporal structure of traffic and signal possible threats. The self-similarity observed over wide time scales indicates the multifractal nature of the anomalies, which requires further study. Thus, the development of methods for detecting and classifying cyber attacks using multifractal analysis is an urgent task to improve information security.The aim of the article. Increasing the efficiency of detection and classification of computer attacks in IoT networks using machine learning methods by expanding the number of attributes characterizing the parameters of the multifractal spectrum of fractal dimension.Research methods: discrete wavelet analysis, multifractal analysis, machine learning, software implementation of a combined multiclass classification method in conjunction with fractal analysis methods.Results. A methodology has been developed for assessing the characteristics of the multifractal spectrum of the fractal dimension of traffic using a sequence of current estimates of the fractal dimension in an analysis window of a fixed length depending on the resolution interval (sampling time). The analytical results of experimental assessments of multifractal analysis of processed processes in IoT networks are presented. The informational significance of additional attributes of computer attacks and normal traffic is assessed for the case of binary and multi-class classification using the Gini index for two cases: without adding a multifractal spectrum of fractal dimension and with the addition of a multifractal spectrum of fractal dimension. It has been shown that the main concentration of the most significant attributes falls on the sampling interval of 500 ms...1.5 s.Novelty. The concept of a multifractal spectrum of fractal dimension is introduced in the form of a sequence of current estimates of the fractal dimension in an analysis window of a fixed length depending on the resolution interval.Practical significance. The presented method for estimating the parameters of a multifractal spectrum of fractal dimension is universal and can be applied in various information systems.
Proceedings of Telecommunication Universities. 2024;10(3):104-115
pages 104-115 views

Evaluation of Visual Interfaces in Information Security Management Systems

Chechulin A.A.


This article discusses methods for evaluating the effectiveness of information presentation forms in application software, with a focus on developing a comprehensive methodology for assessing interfaces in information security monitoring and management systems. The user interface is a key element that affects the functionality, convenience, and aesthetic appeal of software. These aspects directly influence how users perceive and interact with the software, which is especially important in the context of information security systems to ensure effective and timely responses to incidents and threats. The aim of this study is to develop a comprehensive methodology that allows for the evaluation of the effectiveness of information presentations in security systems. This methodology combines user surveys to obtain an overall quality indicator of the interface with the use of the GOMS method (Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection Rules) to assess the speed of task completion. The proposed methodology includes two main stages: the first stage involves user surveys to gather subjective assessments and determine an overall quality indicator of the interface; the second stage involves the application of the GOMS method, which provides a quantitative evaluation of interface efficiency by measuring the time users spend on completing tasks. These two stages complement each other, providing a comprehensive approach to evaluating the user interface. This approach allows for the classification of user interfaces into four quality levels: "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", and "unsatisfactory". The novelty of the study lies in its unique approach that combines both subjective and objective methods of analysis, providing a more accurate and comprehensive evaluation of interface quality in information security systems. The theoretical significance of the work is in the creation of a new methodology for evaluating user interfaces, which can be applied to various information security systems. The practical significance is in the potential use of the results to improve the interaction between operators and information security monitoring and management systems, ultimately enhancing the overall security and efficiency of information systems by improving the quality of operator decision-making. Future research plans include expanding the study to cover additional aspects such as the impact of cognitive loads on operators and adaptive visualization methods that can adjust to individual user characteristics.
Proceedings of Telecommunication Universities. 2024;10(3):116-126
pages 116-126 views

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