Advance in Applied Cryptography Theory: Survey and New Results. Part 1. Key Cryptography

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In the current paper, consisting from two parts, are presented both results already published before (but hard for access) and new once. Actuality of this work is firstly in a fact that recently has been obtained a number of new results in area of applied cryptography that are needed both in a clarification and be put into practice. This is namely the main goal of the current paper. The setting problem in the first paper part concerns to a complexity of symmetric cipher breaking while in the second part of the paper is discussed, so called, keyless cryptography, namely: wiretap channel concept, execution of communication channels which allow to provide information security without of key exchange procedure  between legal correspondences. In the part widely used methods of applied mathematics, namely: algebra, number, probability and information theories. Computer simulation also used there. A novelty of the first part of work consists in the following: first of all it is clarified the sense of a key lifetime limitation for different symmetric cipher modes, secondly, it is explained an approach of cipher breaking by the use of quantum computers, finely, the key authentication for the Diffie ‒ Hellman protocol based on the mobile device pairing technology is investigated in detail. In the second part of the current paper has been presented a vulnerability of Dean ‒ Goldsmith cryptosystem under some extension of attacks. The main results of this paper are: estimation of the key lifetime of single key for symmetric cipher in CBC mode, clarifying of Grover’s algorithm breaking of symmetric ciphers by brute force attack, development of a method for authentication of Diffie ‒ Hellman values based on pre-distributed sequences, selection of ciphers which allow to execute with Shamir’s protocol without any key sharing in advance, breaking of Dean ‒ Goldsmith protocol under some conclusions, proof the fact regarding of a possible breakability of the key sharing protocol over noiseless communication channels. Practical application of paper results consists in the fact of stimulation the correct choice of ciphers and their parameters in order to provide their resistance to different attacks and more attention to algorithms of keyless cryptography.

About the authors

V. I. Korzhik

The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8347-6527

V. A. Yakovlev

The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

ORCID iD: 0009-0007-2861-9605
SPIN-code: 5273-8655

B. V. Izotov

JSC Scientific Instruments

ORCID iD: 0009-0004-7081-3610
SPIN-code: 8892-1996

V. S. Starostin

The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

ORCID iD: 0009-0000-2939-1971
SPIN-code: 8998-5162

M. V. Buinevich

Saint Petersburg University of State Fire Service of Emercom of Russia

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8146-0022
SPIN-code: 9339-3750


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