Model and Methods of Traffic Routing in a Communication Network Using UAVs

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Relevance. The development of 5G networks and subsequent generations is accompanied by the development of new services, in particular, virtual, augmented reality services, as well as telepresence, as well as radio access networks. In particular, there is an increase in operating frequencies, which poses additional challenges for organizing a network that can meet the requirements for the quality of traffic service from new services and ensure the availability of communication to users. These problems can be solved by various methods of placing access points, including using UAVs. This approach ensures the efficiency of construction and flexibility of the access network structure, but also requires the use of methods for placing access points in relation to users and other elements of the communication network. Problem statement: development of methods for placing routers in a UAV swarm and selecting traffic routes when organizing an access network, in order to improve the efficiency of the communication network. Purpose of the work: improving the efficiency of building an access network using UAVs through the development of clustering methods and distributing routers in a UAV swarm. Methods. The studies were carried out using the provisions of information theory, mathematical optimization methods, graph theory methods and clustering methods. The numerical results were obtained using the numerical simulation method in Python. Result. The developed model and methods allow for the distribution of network routers (access points) located on UAVs taking into account the quality of service and ensuring the construction of a connected mesh network and its connection with the mobile network, which can be used in both modern and future communication networks. Novelty: a modeling and methodological apparatus has been developed that allows for increasing the efficiency of building wireless access networks using UAVs, in particular, allowing for selecting the placement positions of routers in a UAV swarm and the logical structure of the network. The developed modeling and methodological apparatus solves the problem of traffic routing taking into account the quality of its service. Practical significance: the proposed model and methods can be used to organize service in 5G networks and subsequent generations. In particular, they allow for ensuring the availability of communication and the efficiency of network organization in cases of insufficient coverage, as well as in cases of failure of individual network elements. The ability to unload traffic to a local network allows for improving the quality of traffic service in the operator's network.

About the authors

K. A. Kuznetsov

The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

ORCID iD: 0009-0001-6167-2711
SPIN-code: 9601-1160

A. I. Paramonov

The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4104-3504
SPIN-code: 6569-4460

A. S.A. Muthanna

The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0213-8145
SPIN-code: 2214-6441

A. E. Kucheryavy

The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0213-8145
SPIN-code: 1012-4238


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