Implementation of a Highly Mobile UAVs Direction Finding Complex Using Virtual Magnetic Dipoles

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Relevance. In the context of the development of modern broadband communication systems, the task of performing direction finding of signals using highly mobile direction finding systems (UAVs) is becoming especially urgent. They impose restrictions on the size of antenna elements and the distance between them, which leads to an increase in the mathematical error of the bearing. Problem statement. The paper sets the task of considering the possibility of increasing the direction finding accuracy of a highly mobile complex by using virtual magnetic dipole technology. A feature of this method is the minimization of distortions introduced by the carrier body into the characteristics of the measured field. To measure the field characteristics, as well as their partial components, vector antenna elements were used. Goal of the work is to study the characteristics of a radio direction finding complex using virtual magnetic dipole methods in conditions of distortions introduced by the carrier body. As an example, cases of direction finding of differently polarized waves, taking into account the influence of radomes of antenna elements, assessment of the maximum resolution accuracy, as well as noise stability are considered. The finite element method implemented in DS CST Studio Suite 2024 was used in the modeling. Result. During the research, a plane wave with different bearings fell on a UAV with a direction finding complex, which made it possible to carry out the most accurate research. The results of the work also include the creation of a model of a radio direction finding complex, which can be installed on a small UAV, providing high accuracy of wave direction finding in passive mode.The novelty of the method used lies in the application of methods for the formation of virtual magnetic dipoles based on the measured characteristics of the distorted electric field. New to this work are modeling cases that are associated with noise suppression, the influence of antenna element housings, as well as assessment of the maximum resolution accuracy.Practical significance of the work lies in the creation of a model of a radio location system based on vector antenna elements, which are used to measure the characteristics of the electromagnetic field with subsequent direction finding based on the magnetic field.

About the authors

E. A. Ishchenko

Voronezh State Technical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5270-0792
SPIN-code: 4717-9881

Yu. G. Pasternak

Voronezh State Technical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2031-5531
SPIN-code: 6388-4739

S. M. Fedorov

Voronezh State Technical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9027-6163
SPIN-code: 4428-8790

I. A. Barannikov

Voronezh State Technical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3093-0455
SPIN-code: 3365-8542


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