Routing Task in Dynamic Fog Computing Network

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Relevance. In the context of traffic growth, transition to IMT-2030 networks and Telepresence services, the tasks of efficient management of network and computing resources occupy a special place. Fog computing as the next stage of decomposition of the architecture of multi access edge cloud computing is designed to radically change the models and methods of distributing computing tasks, influencing, among other things, the user-operator interaction models. At the moment, there is a whole layer of scientific problems for revealing the possibilities of fog computing. They can be divided into a number of areas, such as: study of models and methods for implementing services of ultra-reliable and ultra-low latency communications, defined in IMT-2020 networks; study of models and methods for ensuring quality of service, including quality of experience; study of methods for live migration of microservices, as well as groups of typical microservices; study of models and methods for distributing resources of dynamic fog computing while ensuring the stability of fog computing forms (clusters, nebulae); one of the potentially effective areas is research in the field of combining federated learning with dynamic fog computing. This paper solves a routing problem that can be attributed to the direction of infrastructure research in dynamic fog computing.Problem statement: research and develop the effective methods for routes determination in a dynamic fog computing network, including tasks of migrating microservices of telepresence services. Goal of the work: research and development of an effective method for ways determination to migrate microservices in communication networks using fog computing technologies, which could take into account not only the characteristics of connections (edges of the network graph), but also the computing capabilities and limitations of fog computing devices, as well as their features - the dynamics of computing devices. Methods: in order to test the proposed method, the program model was developed in the NS-3 modeling environment. Result. Analysis of the results showed the effectiveness of the proposed method within the framework of the task and various application scenarios. Novelty. A microservice migration method has been developed as a new routing protocol in a dynamic fog computing environment, which differs from the known ones in that this method ensures the interaction of fog computing devices for migrating microservices, while achieving a reduction in energy consumption by fog computing devices by 41% and reducing the share of lost packages on average up to 34%. Practical significance: The developed method can be used to implement fog computing in conditions of mobility of end devices in order to achieve the requirements of promising services of IMT-2030 networks.

About the authors

A. N. Volkov

The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications

ORCID iD: 0009-0002-4296-1822
SPIN-code: 1311-9824


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