
Modeling of electromagnetic wave reflection from wet soil taken into account of dispersion, heterogeneity and surface roughness
Panin D., Osipov O.
Influence of atmospheric wind on the propagation of radio waves
Klyuev D., Volobuev A., Adyshirin-Zade K., Antipova T., Aleksandrova N.
Numerical and experimental score of the zigzag UHF antenna characteristics of radio relay communication tools for compliance with the requirements of current legislation and international standards
Medvedev Y.
Flickering of a radio-signal due to an atmospheric turbulence
Klyuev D., Volobuev A., Krasnov S., Adyshirin-Zade K., Antipova T., Aleksandrova N.
The structure of the radiation field of a symmetric slot line perpendicular to the edge of an infinite half-plane, taking into account the cross-polarization component
Nefyodov E., Ponomarev I., Zayarnyi V.
High resolution acoustic tomography based on backpropagation of waves
Sukhanov D., Kuzovova A.
Occurrence of fluctuations in the amplitude and phase of the radio signal in a turbulent atmosphere
Klyuev D., Volobuev A., Krasnov S., Adyshirin-Zade K., Antipova T., Aleksandrova N.
Linearly polarized field of a flat aperture
Skulkin S., Lysenko N., Uskov G., Kashcheev N., Smuseva K.
Comparison of the main aspects of modern approaches to the development of surface acoustic wave filters: model of the coupling of mode and the finite element method
Koigerov A.
Substantiation of the concept of a communication system in the range of medium waves in underground quasi-one-dimensional structures
Fedosov D., Kolesnikov A.
The calculation of reflections of linear polarization plane electromagnetic wave from the boundary of the «air – wet soil» based on heterogeneous Maxwell Garnett and Brughehman models
Panin D., Osipov O., Bezlyudnikov K.
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