Molekulyarnaya Meditsina (Molecular medicine)

Рецензируемый научно-практический медицинский журнал.

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О журнале

«Молекулярная медицина» - журнал освещает результаты научных исследований в таких областях, как исследование молекулярных и генетических основ этиологии и патогенеза социально значимых заболеваний с целью разработки новых методов диагностики и способов эффективной терапии заболеваний человека, в том числе на основе технологий ядерной медицины.

Особое внимание уделяется формированию принципов персонализированной медицины, базирующейся на принципиально новом подходе к болезни и больному, в условиях активного внедрения в практику достижений геномики, протеомики, метаболомики и биоинформатики, использующей современные знания и компьютерные технологии, опирающиеся на богатый международный опыт в этой области.

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  • 03.01.01 – Радиобиология (медицинские науки)
  • 03.01.02 – Биофизика (медицинские науки)
  • 03.01.03 – Молекулярная биология (химические науки)
  • 03.01.04 – Биохимия (медицинские науки)
  • 03.01.04 – Биохимия (химические науки)
  • 03.01.06 – Биотехнология (в том числе бионанотехнологии)
    (химические науки)
  • 03.01.07 – Молекулярная генетика (химические науки)
  • 03.01.08 – Биоинженерия (химические науки)
  • 03.03.01 – Физиология (медицинские науки)
  • 03.03.03 – Иммунология (медицинские науки)
  • 03.03.04 – Клеточная биология, цитология, гистология
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  • 03.03.06 – Нейробиология (медицинские науки)
  • 14.03.02 – Патологическая анатомия (биологические науки)
  • 14.03.02 – Патологическая анатомия (медицинские науки)
  • 14.03.03 – Патологическая физиология (биологические
  • 14.03.03 – Патологическая физиология (медицинские
  • 14.03.06 – Фармакология, клиническая фармакология
    (биологические науки)
  • 14.03.06 – Фармакология, клиническая фармакология
    (медицинские науки)
  • 14.03.09 – Клиническая иммунология, аллергология
    (биологические науки)
  • 14.03.09 – Клиническая иммунология, аллергология
    (медицинские науки)
  • 14.03.10 – Клиническая лабораторная диагностика
    (биологические науки)
  • 14.03.10 – Клиническая лабораторная диагностика
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Modification of hyaluronidase microenvironment: innovatory approaches for development of biocatalytic medical preparations
Maksimenko A.

The computational study of 3D-model hyaluronidase interaction with shortchain glycosaminoglycan ligands had performed demonstrating the diversity and significance of their reaction on enzyme structure. The purpose of this review was evolution of limiting enzyme functioning interactions (impact on stability, biocatalyst activity) with grounding of recommendations for experimental modification of hyaluronidase for obtaining of its derivative of medicine destination (according the results of theoretical researches). The analysis was performed on databases of PubMed, Web of Science, MedLine, E-library in frames last 15 years. The binding of chondroitin trimers (on centers cn6, cn3, cn1) to hyaluronidase molecular surface increased the enzyme stability, binding of chondroitin sulfate trimers (on centers cs2, cs4, cs7, cs8 or cs1, cs2, cs4, cs7, cs8) decreased the inhibition of enzyme by tetramer heparin. It should be noted the importance of ligand binding for regulation of enzyme functioning and existence of multiform and multicomponent microenvironment of enzyme. The sequence of preferable coupling of ligands with hyaluronidase is elicited in our study and with its help was evaluate reality of experimental selective modification of enzyme (possibly noncovalent or covalently, for instance, with chondroitin sulfate trimers on centers cs7, cs1, cs5) for experimental obtaining of stabilized enzyme forms. The perspective approaches for this aim may be the noncovalent reaction on hyaluronidase by chondroitin or chondroitin sulfate trimers as well covalent modification of biocatalyst by chondroitin sulfate trimers.

Molekulyarnaya Meditsina (Molecular medicine). 2024;22(2):3-8
pages 3-8 views
Sequencing of single cells: application and perspectives
Neryakhin A., Tukhbatullin A., Khannanova G., Rafikova G., Enikeeva K.

Introduction. Sequencing of single cells makes it possible to characterize the cellular and molecular composition of tissues, the state of DNA, RNA and expressed proteins. The «single-cell» sequencing method is gaining increasing popularity in modern biology and medicine.

The purpose of the study. Analysis and characterization of single-cell sequencing techniques and their applied significance.

Material and methods. The literature search was conducted in the open electronic databases of scientific literature PubMed, Elibrary, bioRxiv and Scopus. The search depth was 27 years. 46 articles were selected for analysis.

Results. Single-cell RNA sequencing – scRNA–seq – transcriptomics of individual cells with gene expression profiling. It allows clustering cells by state or type; registering rare genes that are discarded when sequencing a common transcriptome; detect point mutations.

Spatial transcriptomics – smFISH and MERFISH – methods for mapping gene expression at the genome level in stationary tissue samples developed in addition to RNA sequencing technologies. With these methods, an image is obtained using fluorescent labels.

Spatial sequencing – Slide-seq – allows us to characterize the entire transcriptome of a certain area of the isolated tissue on a slide with a resolution close to one cell. Further research of this analysis is required to reduce its cost and adapt it for more convenient use.

Conclusions. The use of single-cell sequencing methods, as well as the study of the epigenome and transcriptome, will help to differentiate cells into various subpopulations, as well as to find new predictive and prognostic targets for therapy.

Molekulyarnaya Meditsina (Molecular medicine). 2024;22(2):9-15
pages 9-15 views
Biomarkers of oxidative stress and proteopathies in the diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases
Mikashinovich Z., Telesmanich N., Smirnova O., Chernogubova E.

Introduction. Despite numerous studies in the field of neurodegenerative diseases, the exact mechanisms of these processes have not yet been identified.

The purpose of this review is to analyze the methodological approaches necessary to revise the traditional and create new reliable prognostic and diagnostic algorithms that reflect pathogenetic features at different stages of neurodegeneration and atypical course of the disease.

Material and methods. The review highlights the results of clinical and experimental studies obtained using a complex of clinical, laboratory and instrumental methods with an emphasis on markers of oxidative stress and proteopathy. In preparing the materials, sources from international and domestic databases were used: Scopus, Web of Science, Pub Medline, RSCI mainly for the last 15 years.

Results. An idea has been formed about the molecular mechanisms of neural tissue regression in a number of neurodegenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The relationship between the parameters of the oxidative process and the features of metal-energy shifts in organs and organ systems is demonstrated. The role of markers of oxidative stress in the early stages, when the process of inflammation prevails and in the atypical course of the disease, is shown. Valuable biochemical markers are cytokines, glutathione levels, myeloperoxidase activation, and isoprostanes. The review points to the prospect of including in screening indicators of iron and other metals such as Zn, Mg, affecting the clinic accumulation of β-amyloid, in connection with which they can be considered as the basis for the progression of neurodegeneration. New data on the contribution of halogenating stress to the pathogenesis of neuroinflammation are presented. An aspect requiring development in the field of biomarkers for assessing the duration of the disease and prognostic prospects is the data on the correlation of metabolic shifts in the intestinal microbiota with the duration of the disease and the inflammatory process. Essential for the creation of express diagnostic methods is the determination of redox balance as an integral marker in saliva, which has obvious advantages over the use of biological fluids, such as liquor and serum.

Conclusion. The prospects of creating new prognostic and diagnostic schemes are associated with complexes, including laboratory and instrumental methods, in blood, liquor and saliva. Evaluation of the sensitivity and specificity of new markers depending on the clinical diagnosis allows the selection of pathogenetically significant markers in the early stages of the disease, with atypical neurodegeneration, to establish subtypes of the disease, to carry out their differential diagnosis.

Molekulyarnaya Meditsina (Molecular medicine). 2024;22(2):16-22
pages 16-22 views

Original research

Biological model of lung cancer combination and tuberculosis: development for preclinical study of rational combinations of targeted antitumor and antituberculosis therapy
Krylova Y., Kudriashov G., Tochilnikov G., Vinogradova T., Dokhov M., Yablonskii P.

Introduction. Lung cancer occupies a leading position in the structure of mortality from cancer. Chronic inflammation characteristic of tuberculosis increases the risk of lung cancer. Currently, more and more information is emerging confirming the cause-and-effect relationship between tuberculosis and cancer. The need to develop recommendations for public health regarding screening and treatment of tuberculosis in the tumor process determines the relevance of experimental studies on biological models of the combination of cancer and tuberculosis.

Aim. Creation а biological model of the combination of lung cancer and tuberculosis for preclinical study of rational combinations of antitumor and antituberculosis therapy.

Material and methods: The biological model was implemented on C57BL/6 mice at the age of two months. Lewis epidermoid lung carcinoma was used to reproduce the tumor process. Modeling of tuberculosis was carried out using the reference strain Mycobacterium Tuberculosis H37RV. During the study, the following groups were formed: “intact mice” (healthy, uninfected with the Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (MBT) H37Rv strain without tumor cell transplantation); “control of MBT infection” (animals infected with Mycobacterium Tuberculosis strain H37Rv), “tumor control” (animals that were transplanted with epidermoid Lewis lung carcinoma) and “main group” (animals that were transplanted with epidermoid Lewis lung carcinoma simultaneously with MBT infection).

Results. During the experiment, several models for creating the combined pathology of lung cancer and tuberculosis were identified. In the first (simultaneous infection and tumor inoculation), carcinoma developed more slowly in infected animals than in the tumor control group, and lung damage occurred with a predominance of the tuberculous process over the tumor process. The second (staged infection) also showed minimal metastatic manifestations with pronounced secondary changes in the primary tumor node. Analysis of the choice of model showed that the model with simultaneous infection and tumor inoculation most adequately ensures the development of the tumor process and tuberculosis infection, which allows maintaining the viability of the animal, fully developing the tumor process with metastasis to the lungs and obtaining the development of morphologically verified pulmonary tuberculosis.

Molekulyarnaya Meditsina (Molecular medicine). 2024;22(2):23-28
pages 23-28 views
Influence of fibroblast growth factor-2 on the activation of mouse hippocampal microglia in a lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation model in vitro
Shults M., Shults A., Tuchina O.

Introduction. Activation of the pro-inflammatory phenotype of microglia may be one of the causes of chronic neuroinflammation and, as a result, can lead to pathological conditions of the brain. The use of neurotrophic factors, such as FGF2, may become one of the promising methods for correcting neurodegenerative diseases, but the question of the influence of this factor on microglia activation is still open.

The purpose of this work was to study the effect of FGF2 on the activation of mouse hippocampal microglia in an in vitro model of neuroinflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide.

Material and methods. The study was carried out on a culture of primary mixed glial cells of the mouse hippocampus. To quantify, area, and morphological changes in microglial cells in response to the effects of LPS and FGF2, immunocytochemical analysis was performed for markers of astrocytes (GFAP) and microglia (Iba-1). Analysis of the expression level of IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, TNF-α was carried out by quantitative PCR.

Results. In response to LPS exposure, there was an increase in the percentage of Iba-1+ cells, their surface area, changes in morphological characteristics, together with an increase in the level of expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α and anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 both within 6, so 12 hours of exposition. The addition of FGF2 led to a decrease in the percentage of Iba-1+ cells in culture and a decrease in the surface area of microglia. A decrease in the relative level of expression of IL-1β and IL-6 was noted in the groups where LPS and FGF2 were added, while the expression of TNF-α did not change. With an increase in cultivation time up to 12 hours, an increased expression of IL-10 was detected in this group.

Conclusion. Stimulation with LPS promotes the transition of microglia from a resting to an activated pro-inflammatory phenotype, as evidenced by increased proliferative activity of Iba-1+ cells in combination with an increase in the level of expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Inhibition of two of the three pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β and IL-6) and a significant increase in the level of IL-10 in cell culture suggests an anti-inflammatory effect of FGF2.

Molekulyarnaya Meditsina (Molecular medicine). 2024;22(2):29-34
pages 29-34 views
Individual trombocity reactivity in hematuria associated with nephrolitiasis: the role of purinergic signalisation in the treatment of nesteroid protective preparations
Barinov E., Yureva A., Akhundova S., Giller D.

Aim of the study was to establish the significance of TR-receptor, P2X1-receptor and P2Y-receptor synergism for the efficiency of TC aggregation in patients with different sensitivity to non-selective NSAIDs, which will allow us to approach an understanding the causes of the variability of hematuria associated with NLT.

Material and methods. The study was prospective and included 60 patients with nephrolithiasis who were treated with high doses of NSAIDs for analgesia. The cohort of patients was divided into two groups: with effective (group 1. n=30) and ineffective (group 2. n=30) COX inhibition. The severity of hematuria was assessed during 7 days of drug therapy. The activity of TR receptors, purine P2X1- and P2Y- receptors of platelets (Tc) was analysed by turbidimetric method on ChronoLog analyser (USA). Agonists (ATP, ADP and Arachidonic acid) were used at EC50 and EC10 concentrations.

Results. In the 1 group of patients, hyporeactivity of the TP receptor was established within 72 hours, which was restored to the level of normoreactivity on the 5th day of therapy. Optimal modulation of the compensatory reaction of Pl in response to hematuria was provided through the synergism of purine P2X1 and P2Y receptors. Optimal modulation of the compensatory reaction of Tc in response to hematuria was provided through the synergism of purine P2X1 and P2Y receptors. On the 7th day, a residual level of COX activity was reached, while intracellular signaling associated with stimulation of the TP receptor and purine P2 receptors did not provide the limitation of hematuria. In the 2 group, when patients were prescribed NSAIDs for 7 days, hyperreactivity of the TP receptor, P2 receptors and a stable level of microhematuria remained. In the case of COX resistance and increased production of TxA2, the maximum increase in proaggregant Tc activity was ensured through the stereotypical mechanism of intracellular signaling associated with stimulation of P2Y receptors (through Gi- and Gq- proteins) and the TP receptor (through Gq- and Gq12/13- proteins).

Conclusion. Further study of the mechanisms of crosstalk signaling pathways with different COX activity will allow us to establish promising directions for pharmacological correction aimed at preventing hematuria and ensuring hemostasis in nephrolithiasis.

Molekulyarnaya Meditsina (Molecular medicine). 2024;22(2):35-42
pages 35-42 views
Features of the metabolism of sialoglycoproteins in the tissues of the liver, stomach and small intestine of rats under immobilization stress
Oksuzyan A., Butolin E., Sutyagina A., Perminov A.

Introduction. Immobilization stress leads to the intensification of free-radical reactions leading to the destruction of sialoglycoproteins of the gastroduodenal zone. The aim of the study. To evaluate the features of the metabolism of sialoglycoproteins in the tissues of the liver, stomach and small intestine of rats under immobilization stress.

Methods. Total sialic acids (TSA) and levels of sialidase activity (SA) were determined in the serum, liver, stomach, and small intestine tissues of rats by standard testing systems in dynamics on the 21st, 35th, 60th and 90th days of observation.

Results. The blood serum of laboratory rats showed a maximum increase in total sialic acids and sialidases by 35 days of stress exposure, while in the liver, on the contrary, a decrease in the above-mentioned indicators. In the mucous overlays of the stomach and small intestine, the number of TSA increased throughout the dynamics of observation, and the activity of sialidase decreased by day 21 and increased in the following days of the experiment. In the wall of the stomach and small intestine of experimental rodents, the level of TSA increased by the 35th day of observation.

Conclusion. During immobilization stress in the exchange of sialoglycoproteins, a compensatory predominance of anabolic processes in liver tissues was noted against the background of the prevalence of catabolism in the mucosal layer of the stomach and small intestine on days 21, 35 of observation, changes in the walls of the above organs are less pronounced and manifest themselves at a later date.

Molekulyarnaya Meditsina (Molecular medicine). 2024;22(2):43-47
pages 43-47 views
Genetic predictors of the risk of developing complications in the immediate postoperative period following combat trauma
Kishenya M., Sobolev D., Anchikova E., Visyagin A.

Introduction. Paratraumatic eczema (PTE), being a type of microbial eczema, occurs after surgical interventions, chronic wound healing, accompanied by pronounced inflammatory changes with hyperemia, edema, exudation, soreness and itching. Genetic polymorphisms of cytokines and Toll-like receptors (TLRs) may be pathogenetic factors in the development of PTE, causing the penetration of microorganisms and violation of the protective properties of the skin barrier.

Goal. To study the relationship of polymorphisms rs1800629 of the TNFα gene, rs5743708 of the TLR2 gene, rs3775291 of the TLR3 gene, rs4986790 of the TLR4 gene with the development of paratraumatic eczema in combat trauma victims. Material and methods. The study included 162 patients, of whom 82 showed signs of PTE (comparison group), 80 people had no signs of PTE (control group). Genotyping of polymorphisms was carried out using the polymerase chain reaction method with electrophoretic detection using test systems of NPF Litech (Russia). The Statistica 10 program (StatSoft, Inc., USA) was used for statistical data processing.

Results. A connection with the development of PTE with variants of genotypes and alleles of polymorphisms was established: rs1800629 of the TNFα gene (χ2=6.9; p=0.033 and χ2=8.12; p=0.005); rs3775291 of the TLR3 gene (χ2=6.9; p=0.039 and χ2=5.74; p=0.018); rs4986790 of the TLR4 gene (χ2=8.17; p=0.018 and χ2=7.85; p=0.005). The increase in the chances of developing PTE was influenced by: genotypes GA (OR=1.64; 95% CI 0.83–3.24) and AA (OR=2.94; 95% CI 0.9–9.67), allele A (OR=2.13; 95% CI 1.26–3.6) rs1800629 TNFα gene; genotypes CT (OR=1.58; 74% CI 0.93–3.24) and TT (OR=1.79; 95% CI 0.67–4.8), allele T (OR=1.76; 95% CI 1.1–2.8) rs3775291 TLR3 gene; genotypes AG (OR=2.58; 95% CI 1.24–5.37) and GG (OR=3.0; 95% CI 0.31–29.47), allele G (OR=2.44; 95% CI 1.29–4.62) rs4986790 of the TLR4 gene.

Conclusions. Polymorphisms rs1800629 of the TNFα gene, rs3775291 of the TLR3 gene, rs4986790 of the TLR4 gene are associated with the development of paratraumatic eczema in combat trauma victims.

Molekulyarnaya Meditsina (Molecular medicine). 2024;22(2):48-53
pages 48-53 views
Сomputer prediction of pharmacological activity of Solanum tuberosum L. alkaloids
Voronov V., Daironas J., Zolotykh D.

The alkaloids solanine and chaconine were discovered in 1821. However, its did not find medical use due to toxicity. At present, modern research methods have revealed anti-cancer activity of the alcaloids. In this regard, the hypothesis of the presence of other previously unexplored pharmacological effects has arisen.

The aim of the study is to predict new possible pharmacological and toxicological effects of alkaloids solanine and chaconine by computer modeling.

Material and methods. The Reaxys database was used to identify known types of pharmacologic activity, online services with free access PASS, Swiss Target Prediction, Similarity ensemble approach (SEA) were used to identify new potential activities. They provided a list of potential targets, among which we selected the most promising one. Based on this, we further investigated the interaction of glycoalkaloids with the identified target by molecular docking.

Results. The results obtained using the above online services correspond the literature data. However sigma-1 non-opioid intracellular receptor was identified as a new promising target. There is no experimental confirmation of the interaction between the tested compounds for this target. As a result of docking, the binding energy of solanine and chaconine with sigma-1 opioid receptors is comparable to that of the comparison drug, haloperidol.

Conclusion. Solanine and chaconine may be active against sigma-1 receptors; however, the docking results need to be confirmed.

Molekulyarnaya Meditsina (Molecular medicine). 2024;22(2):54-59
pages 54-59 views
Еvaluation of immunotropic properties of glyproline compounds in experimental hyperthyroidism
Sergalieva M., Tsybizova A., Murtalieva V., Andreeva L., Myasoedov N., Samotrueva M.

Introduction. Thyroid disease is currently the most common among endocrine pathology. Hyperproduction of thyroid hormones is accompanied by stimulation of humoral reactions, contributing to the development of immune-mediated pathology under certain conditions, which actualizes the need to develop means for correcting neuroimmunoendocrine processes. Gliproline compounds analogous to neuropeptide protein molecules, among which are Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro and Pro-Gly-Pro, can be considered as such agents.

The aim of the study. The aim of the study was to study the immunotropic properties of gliproline compounds Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro and Pro-Gly-Pro under experimental hyperthyroidism.

Material and methods. The immunotropic properties of the gliproline compounds Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro and Pro-Gly-Pro were studied in white nonlinear male rats. Hyperthyroid status in animals was modeled by intragastric administration of L-thyroxine sodium salt pentahydrate («Sigma»; USA) at 150 μg/kg for 21 days. Laboratory animals were divided into groups (n=10): control group – intact animals (control); animals treated with L-thyroxine sodium salt pentahydrate (hyperthyroidism); rats receiving Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro (selanc) and rats receiving Pro-Gly-Pro intraperitoneally daily for 21 days at doses of 87 and 33 μg/kg/day.

Results. The obtained results indicate the presence in gliproline compounds Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro and Pro-Gly-Pro of immune correcting activity manifested under the conditions of experimental hyperthyroidism, with the greatest impact on the humoral unit of immunity, which is confirmed by the presence of statistically significant changes in the cellular parameters of the spleen and titer antierythrocytic antibodies in a direct hemagglutination reaction.

Conclusion. Thus, the study of the immunotropic properties of gliproline peptide compounds under experimental hyperthyroidism established the presence of immune-correcting activity in Thr-Lys-Pro-Arg-Pro-Gly-Pro and Pro-Gly-Pro substances.

Molekulyarnaya Meditsina (Molecular medicine). 2024;22(2):60-64
pages 60-64 views