卷 11, 编号 1 (2012)


The sociology of mandatory medical insurance: Part 1

Reshetnikov A.


The practice experience proves that to effectively resolve health and medical insurance problems an accurate interpretation of population health in a specific region and quality of medical care in specific medical organizations is needed. The implementation of operational evaluation of health system development is possible only under the conditions of foundation of integrated information field data bank. The analysis and further decision making concerning the management of specific medical institutions and territorial health care system proceed.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):3-9
pages 3-9 views

The triune medicine

Lysytsyn Y.


The article discusses the issue of "triad" of interpretation (study) of "medicine" as a discipline: disease treatment (based on the knowledge of its etiology, pathogenesis, clinic and rehabilitation), disease prevention and health of healthy population (sanology). All these components are needed to determine the strategy and tactics of health protection.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):9-13
pages 9-13 views

The impact of out-family socialization on the social behavior and specificity of post-children home adaptation of orphans

Prisyajnaya N.


The research institute of sociology of medicine, health economics and medical insurance, Moscow The article deals with the analysis of impact of social situation of development and conditions of out-family socialization of orphan's home inmates on the development of child personality and specificity of post-children home adaptation. The most specific aftermaths of out-family socialization of orphans are: the formation of ’’orphan habitus”, multiple issues in reproduction of social roles, tendencies of withdrawal to milieu of children homes' graduates, distancing of responsibility for one's own well-being, sponging, inversion of parental attitudes. These processes make for the “reproduction” of phenomenon of social orphanage and concomitant social issues.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):13-17
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The comparative analysis of the content of sources of the main world religions and the Orthodox Christianity concerning the issues of human health

Dubogray Y.


The article deals with various aspects of impact of religiosity on human health on the assumption of analysis of the content of Scriptures of the main world religions. The relationship between health and Orthodox religious confession as stated by Fathers of Church and Orthodox authorities in their works is considered in detail.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):18-21
pages 18-21 views

On the issue of expertise of organizational aspects of state private partnership in public health

Nechaev V., Tchudinova I., Nisan B.


The article deals with the results of "prospecting" survey expertise concerning the issues of state private partnership in public health. The ratings of main factors impacting the possibilities and risks of application of this form of partnership in the organization of medical services for population are discussed.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):21-23
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The medical social characteristics of community of physicians of different specialties

Ekhte K., Derbenev D., Balashova L.


The survey of representative group of physicians in Tver oblast was organized to study their health condition, prevalence of temporary disability and harmful habits and attitude of respondents to physical culture. It is established that the prevalence of chronic diseases was at its peak in the group of public health managers, pediatricians and anesthesiologists-resuscitation specialists. The significant part of physicians is smoking tobacco, consuming alcohol, and only 14.3±1.3% of them is practicing the physical training.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):23-26
pages 23-26 views

The opinion of physicians concerning the necessity of involvement of psychotherapists and gerontologists in the treatment process of elderly patients

Maltsev S.


The article deals with the survey of physicians of various specialties concerning different aspects of treatment of elderly patients. The sample consisted of 1139 physicians. It is established that the treatment of elderly patients demand to a significant manpower resources input. The need to involve the gerontologists and psychotherapists into the treatment process is substantiated.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):26-29
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The nursing higher education and the professional carrier of specialists: the results of sociologic survey

Mukharyamova L., Moiseyeva G.


The article presents the results of sociological survey organized on the faculty of management and nursing higher education to study the attitude of students and interns to the process and outcomes of education. Such factors as motivation of selecting faculty, perception of professional activities, advantages of received education and satisfaction of professional status are discussed.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):29-33
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The sociocultural approach to education of future physicians and medical nurses

Gvozdetskaya Y., Sakharova L.


The article deals with the trends in the field of higher and specialized professional education concerning the issues of polycultural education of future medical specialists. It is demonstrated that the core position is for the orientation to conflict-free interaction in area of medical institution.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):33-35
pages 33-35 views

The particular issues of sociological survey of paramedical workers in Orenburg oblast

Kaspruk L.


The article deals with the results of sociological questionnaire survey applied to 535 respondents of paramedical staff. The purpose of study was to develop the social demographic description of medical nurses’ staff, including the attitude to acquired knowledge about actual issues of nursing care and assessment of professional training. The differentiation of these characteristics in urban and rural territories is established, including the correlation with objective research data. The forecast of size of different groups of medical nurses’ personnel and demand in them in Orenburg oblast is carried out.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):35-37
pages 35-37 views

The internet communication as material to analyze the physician-patient relationship

Guschin A.


The article presents the results of content-analysis of 843 messages in Internet forums reflecting the opinions of patients about physicians and medical institutions. To analyze messages array the three level classification scheme is introduced. It is established that the most frequent cause of patients’ dissatisfaction is their discontent of amount and quality of information obtained from physician. The second position is for inadequate emotional background of communication with physician. The third position is for discontent of factual result of treatment or diagnostics.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):38-41
pages 38-41 views

The social factors impacting the development of early child caries: the results of the five countries study

Knaist S., Maslak Y., Tzare R., Berzina S., Krivele S., Terekhova T., Shakovetz N., Wagner M., De Mura-Ziber V., De Mura R., Borutta A., Arjenovskaya Y.


The comparative study of social risk factors for early child caries was carried out in five countries - Germany (Erfurt), Brazil (Uro Preto), Belarus (Minsk), Latvia (Riga), Russia (Volgograd). On the basis of stomatological examination data of 472 children aged from 26 to 34 months and questionnaire survey of their mothers the high risk of caries development in children population of all involved countries is established. It is revealed that country residence, work activities and education of mother impact directly and indirectly on the development of children early caries modifying behavior stereotypes of oral cavity care and diet of children.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):41-44
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The satisfaction of Russian students with medical care

Ivanova L., Ivakhnenko G.


The article analyzes the results of sociological survey of the sector of health social problems of the institute of sociology of the Russian academy of science "Student Health" carried out in eight cities of Russia and two towns of Belarus to study the satisfaction of Russian students with paid and free-of-charge medical care. The data concerning the social demographic structure (gender, region, income level, etc.) of respondents appealing for paid and free-of-charge medical care is presented. The issue of causes of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of students with different forms of medical care is discussed.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):44-47
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The impact of medical status of elderly persons on the processes of their social adaptation in senior centers

Albegova I., Popova A.


The article deals with the impact of physical health status of elderly persons on the processes of their social adaptation to the conditions of residence in senior centers. The author’s differentiation of elderly persons of five groups according their medical status is presented. The dynamics of medical status indicators in the course of time periods of adaptation to the conditions of residence in senior centers is analyzed.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):48-51
pages 48-51 views

The innovative possibilities of Internet technologies in the social adaptation of the disabled

Aymaletdinov T., Lyubimova L.


The social role of information technologies is translated through their input into rising of "quality of life" and enhancement of conditions of extensive reproduction of personality. Nowadays, their implementation in the area of social adaptation of the disabled is one of the most actual issues of social work. Hence the comprehensive analysis of foreign countries experience in this sphere is required. In the conditions of social development of Russia, the public policy and activities of social services caring of the disabled are to be guided by the international achievements in the implementation of informative communicative technologies enabling to activate the processes of inclusion of the disabled into public social life.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):51-55
pages 51-55 views

The medical sociological aspects of "the Nation preservation" in Russia: a review

Dimov A., Maksimova N.


The article notes that in medical community a need to comprehend the global issues of nation health in the Russian state is taken shape. The present medical philosophical and sociological review of research publications demonstrates that in the assessment of population health in Russia the real practical evaluation and the official appraisal differ drastically.
Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):55-61
pages 55-61 views

Oleg Prokopievitch Schepin: to the eightieth anniversary

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Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):62-62
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Sociology of Medicine. 2012;11(1):63-63
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