卷 10, 编号 1 (2011)


The of sociologic survey technology, part 3: The methodical foundation of medical sociologic monitoring

Reshetnikov A., Reshetnikov A.


The actual research methods in sociology of medicine consist of scientific survey dedicated to precise research purpose and clearly formulated tasks. The survey is planned according to well-considered procedure a priori. The survey data is recorded in protocols or diaries following specified system. The information derived by force of survey is to be verified for validity and consistency. The advantage of participant observations is obvious. This approach provide the most vivid and immediate impressions about environment and facilitate comprehending of people's behavior and activities of social communities. However, this mode brings serious shortcomings in the survey process. The researcher can lose the capability to estimate the situation properly because of going over to the position of target population and getting too used to one's role of events participator.
Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):3-14
pages 3-14 views

The ecologic culture as a medical social category

Shishkina E., Shishkina E.


The culture, being a foundation of ideology vision and activity traditions, is considered as a significative criterion in the process of forming of natural and public health. The phenomenon of ecologic health comes out as a system of medical social indicators reflecting the systemic genetic unity of natural and social environment. The social institute of public health is the very section which activities are to be built on the comprehension of continuous integrity of nature and society and to direct toward the propaganda of ecologic culture.
Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):15-18
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The systematic characteristics of exploration of motivational field of medical personnel

Ivenskaya T., Ellanskiy Y., Khudonogov I., Khlynin S., Ivenskaya T., Ellansky Y., Hudonogov I., Hlinyn S.


The consideration of cardinal restructuring of public health in the Russian Federation from the position of sociology of medicine made it possible to get the profile of motivational field of social and professional activities of physicians and nurses during the period of adaptation to new full-scale realities. In addition to that the ranking of indicators having strong correlation with the components of social professional activity was implemented. The application of spatial statistic criterion defining the inclination of line of linear regression permitted to ascertain that the motivating capability of financial stimulant didn't justify hopes. The motivation of such professional activities as self-fulfillment, creative work, esteem of people around, prestige, access to new information (cognitive motivation), belonging to the organization and opportunity to participate in its reshaping process are considerably more important for medical personnel.
Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):18-22
pages 18-22 views

The results of study of conditions of disease prevention and dispanserization of population in rural area

Shchepin O., Korotkikh R., Rastegaev V., Rastegaeva I., Schepin O., Korotkih R., Rastegaev V., Rastegaeva I.


The article deals with the results of 2009 sociological survey of physicians and patients in Moskovskaya oblast. The sample consisted of 800 patients and 300 physicians. The questionnaire technique was applied using "The physician form" and "The patient form". The survey results were compared with data concerning rural population health to demonstrate the prevention is an ultimately actual issue among physicians and patients who properly assess it. The regular sociologic surveys of patients and physicians are among factors facilitating the issues of rural population everyday life to be considered from "within". The survey results will contribute to decision making concerning the issues of disease prevention and dispanserization as a foundation of health promotion of rural population.
Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):23-27
pages 23-27 views

The medical social issues related to implementation of adolescent patient's right to autonomy in medical care

Abaeva O., Abaeva O.


The article deals with study related to the issues concerning the implementation of law-regulated right of adolescent patient to voluntary informed consent, renunciation of clinical intervention and to choose people circle to transfer information about adolescent health. The results of questionnaire survey concerning the subjects of legal relationship in case of medical care of under-age patients are analyzed. The various social characteristics of respondents are taken into consideration.
Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):27-29
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The analysis of satisfaction of patients with the hi-tech medical care

Glukhova G., Gluhova G.


The sociologic survey of hospital patients was carried out to investigate the satisfaction of patients with medical care. The correlation analysis revealed the factors impacting the formation of overall assessment of activities of the N.I. Pirogov National medical surgical center.
Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):30-32
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The principal motives of care for health in student milieu

Zhuravleva I., Juravleva I.


The article deals with the new trend of increasing attention to personal health conditions among student community. The relationship of this new trend with the indicators concerning health self-assessment, health value, health awareness, health skills and abilities in first aid care, health education in university is analyzed. The special attention is paid to health risk behaviors concerning diet, labor, bad habits and sexual behavior. The role of education process in the training of positive health attitude is considered. The analysis is based on the data results of the sociological study Students Health organized in 2009-2010 in 10 cities of Russia and Belarus under the auspices of the sociology society of Russia.
Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):32-41
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The differentiation of physicians' attitude to patients and their relatives

Volobuev E., Mazharenko V., Priz E., Volobuev E., Majarenko V., Priz E.


The role of patient's relatives in the treatment process is very significant but still needs further investigation. The sociologic survey demonstrated that the physicians prefer to apply the paternalistic behavior mode in relationship with.
Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):42-46
pages 42-46 views

About the standpoint of various groups of population concerning the issue of social orphanage according to sociologic survey data

Allamyarova N., Alekseeva V., Allamyarova N., Alekseeva V.


The article deals with the results of sociologic survey concerning the steadiness of social orphanage phenomenon. The target attention was paid to such issues as the level of its awareness by respondents and the modes of problem solving, the role of state included. In analysis, the emphasis is made on the attitude of various categories of population to the issue of social orphanage and the public opinion concerning the causes of this phenomenon and modes of its prevention.
Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):46-50
pages 46-50 views

About the results of sociologic survey of medical services satisfaction of the insured in the City of Chita

Shil'nikova N., Khodakova O., Bogatova I., Shilnikova N., Hodakova O., Bogatova I.


The article deals with the analysis of the results of sociologic survey of satisfaction degree of patients of primary medical care in the system of mandatory medical insurance in the Zabaikalsky Kray. The investigation of patients' satisfaction was based on the evaluation of satisfaction degree of various components of the medical service process. The study included issues concerning survey of patients on their awareness of legal issues in the system of mandatory medical insurance and the degree of implementation of the rights of insured in the process of rendering medical service in municipal health institutions.
Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):50-52
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The behavioral risk factors among patients with chronic hepatitis C during implementation of antiviral therapy according the sociologic survey data

Serenko K., Serenko K.


The article discuss the results of questionnaire poll of 102 patients during antiviral therapy of chronic hepatitis C in the E.M. Tareev clinic of nephrology, internal and occupational diseases of I.M. Sechenov Moscow State Medical University. The analysis revealed the increase of number of patients refusing alcohol consumption and tobacco smoking because of established chronic hepatitis C, the decrease of body weight of patients and high compliance to the treatment.
Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):52-54
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The spatial measurement of incapacitating in the conditions of somatic limitations

Krom I., Andriyanova E., Novichkova I., Chernyshkova E., Krom I., Andriyanova E., Novichkova I., Chernishkova E.


The study of socialization of individuals in the conditions of somatic limitations was organized within the scope of spatial approach. The socialization is interpreted as a relatively autonomous fragment of social space i.e. anthropogenic space. The attempt is made to elaborate the explanatory pattern of socialization based on the analysis of interaction of various levels of social space and particular social factors.
Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):54-59
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The mode of life and risk factors in patients with cardiac infarction according sociologic survey

Gerbekova I., Alekseeva V., Mikerova M., Gerbekova I., Alekseeva V., Mikerova M.


The article deals with analysis of risk factors in patients with cardiac infarction treated in hospital of Zelenchuksky district of the Republic of Karachaevo-Cherkessia. The sociologic survey was applied to characterize the mode of life and to determine the controlled and uncontrolled risk factors. The results of study were applied in the elaboration of major guidelines of territorial program of cardiac infarction prevention.
Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):59-61
pages 59-61 views

The scientific potential of sociology of medicine (Summing up the Third all-Russia scientific practical conference "Sociology of medicine - to public health reform")

Vargina S., Mazharenko V., Khadikova T., Vargina S., Majarenko V., Hadikova T.


the Third all-Russia scientific practical conference "Sociology of medicine - to public health reform" was dedicated to the discussion of the results of medical sociologic studies in various regions of Russia. The principled significance of the fundamental works of member of the RAMS A.V. Reshetnikov for development of theory and practice of medical sociologic studies was emphasized.
Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):62-63
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Vladimir Ivanovich Petrov (on sixtieth anniversary)

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Sociology of Medicine. 2011;10(1):64-64
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