Quality of life of adults with hearing loss: social aspects




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Hearing loss is one of the most pressing problems of a modern person, which is reflected not only in high prevalence rates, but also in a wide range of social problems associated with hearing disorders. The author notes that the most important conditions for improving the quality of life of patients with hearing loss, in addition to the need to search for effective methods of treatment, is the provision of their rehabilitation (compensatory adaptation) with the help of hearing aids and/or the use of hearing aids based on scientific literature analysis. In addition to the clinical tasks of hearing correction to ensure a high quality of life, providing a wide range of social support measures for this group of patients seems necessary. First of all, the author notes the need for measures aimed at improving the quality of life of a person with hearing impairments (providing employment opportunities, financial support, hearing aids, and social and psychological support) and expanding the practice of outreach work with the population, potentially contributing to an increased level of awareness of citizens about hearing impairment problems. The author also notes the need for timely access to medical care and contributing to reducing persistent stigma against people with hearing impairment in the Russian society.


Anton Zhuravlev

State Clinical Hospital named V.M. Buyanova

Email: zhuravlev_lor@mail.ru
俄罗斯联邦, 26 Bakinsky str., Moscow, 115516


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