The role of medical department of pharmaceutical company in interaction with medical

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The actual condition of pharmaceutical industry in Russia is remarkable for high mutual need of medical community and pharmaceutical companies in cooperation. At that, the current alterations in the regulative legal area lead to increase of regulatory restrictions elated to interaction of personnel of companies and physicians. Against this background the medical department becomes an important section supporting mutually advantageous relationships with medical community. However, among physicians and personnel of pharmaceutical companies the clear-cut understanding of the role and mission of this department is still absent. The development of understanding of this kind both in companies and medical community can enhance effectiveness of functioning of medical department and make cooperation more prolific for both parties. The article proposes several directions concerning development of functioning of medical department. Among them - development of understandable system of effectiveness management, system of operational procedures and job description and analysis of expectations of medical community and commercial departments concerning cooperation of medical department.

About the authors

A. V Tolmachev

The Takeda Pharmaceuticals

119048, Moscow, Russia

S. A Efimenko

The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

119991, Moscow, Russia


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