Health consequences and control of the use of information and communication technologies by children and adolescents: literature review

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The review reflects publications in the field of medicine, psychology and sociology, covering: the negative impact of the uncontrolled use of information and communication technologies on the health of the child and adolescent population in the broad sense of the term health, covering not only physical, but also psychological, and social well-being. The results of medical observations and psychological research indicate that digital technologies have become a significant factor affecting the health of children and adolescents, the development of their cognitive functions, emotional and social development. Mass surveys have revealed an increase in the duration of daily use of digital devices and the Internet by the younger generation, a significant part of the surveyed adolescents are now classified as abusers of computer games and the Internet, there is also a category of users with signs of forming or developing dependence on computer games and the Internet. Considering that communication in social networks takes a significant share of the younger generation’s time, influencing the user, the review reflects studies of the peculiarities of communication between adolescents and young people in social networks. Taking into account that the use of electronic learning tools creates a burden on students, studies are highlighted that raise the issue of comparing the effectiveness of using digital learning tools relative to traditional forms of learning. It is well known that parental control of the use of communication technologies by children is a condition for preserving their health. Surveys show insufficient competence of parents in this matter. There is a need for sociological research of parents’ ideas about the specifics of the risks of using digital technologies for the health of children and adolescents of different ages, educating the population about these risks, especially the risks to the health of children of early and preschool age.

About the authors

Larisa Yu. Ivanova

Federal Research Sociological Center

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9961-455X
SPIN-code: 3278-8070

Cand. Sci. (Ped.)

Russian Federation, Moscow


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