Results of the sociological research on the aspects of professional orientation of medical personnel

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In the training of medical personnel, determining the need for specialists with medical education is necessary. Furthermore, the future of the health care industry depends on those professionals who will soon fill the “labor market.” In this regard, the issues encountered in the optimization of personnel policy are relevant, e.g., solving the problem of discrepancy between the number and structure of personnel to the volume of activity, which is considered as an imbalance in the structure of “doctors: nursing staff.” Improving the professional orientation toward the personnel needs of practical health care is necessary. In the process of creating models for professional orientation, fixing the staffing situation regarding primary health care in the area of general medicine should be considered, focusing especially on the establishment of social order in terms of training specialists at public expense. Furthermore, one of the models (market) involves the choice of specialty and labor route specialist. The partnership of medical educational institutions with pre-university training institutions is relevant, when cooperation is based on a contractual basis approved by the health and education authorities of the region.

About the authors

Lyudmila I. Kaspruk

Orenburg state medical University

Author for correspondence.

doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of public health and public health No. 1

Russian Federation, Orenburg


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