Prospects for the realization of reproductive installations of russian families in 2021–2025 based on the data from the sociological-demographic research

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The article shows the characteristics of the changes in demographic structures and processes, as reflected in various configurations of sex and age pyramids, changing under the influence of a wide range of factors. The current trends in reproductive behavior are being considered. Based on the data from the sociological and demographic study (SeDOJ-2019), an analysis was conducted concerning the pregnancy history of women who participated in the survey, the probabilities of the reproductive events were investigated depending on the socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents in situations of reproductive choice, and the role of the reproductive attitudes in the context of reproductive behavior was determined. Furthermore, the results show that the use of contraception before pregnancy is not an unconditional indication for an induced abortion but only reduces the likelihood of having a baby. The presence of the interconnections between the level of need for children and the number of socio-demographic parameters (gender, age, education, number of children in the parental family, age of birth of the firstborn, etc.) is recorded, which can be used as reference in the establishment of the family-demographic policy, to effectively improve, with proper stimulation, the effectiveness in the realization of reproductive potential.

About the authors

Anatoly I. Antonov

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Family Sociology and Demography, Faculty of Sociology

Russian Federation, Moscow

Vera M. Karpova

Lomonosov Moscow State University


PhD in Sociology, Senior Lecturer, Department of Family Sociology and Demography, Faculty of Sociology

Russian Federation, Moscow

Sofia V. Lyalikova

Lomonosov Moscow State University


Tutor of the Department of Family Sociology and Demography, Faculty of Sociology

Russian Federation, Moscow

Olga L. Lebed’

I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University


PhD in Sociology, Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology of Medicine, Health Economics and Health Insurance

Russian Federation, Moscow


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