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The social institute of medicine, which has been developing steadily throughout the existence of mankind, covers not only clinical aspects of health, but also socio-economic, cultural, organizational and other components of population health protection. Nowadays, at the "digitalization" stage of society development, health care system is being rebuilt on the basis actual requirements. The condition of the "catching-up" development of industry is implementation of modernization measures targeted to updating material and technical components of health care system, as well as expansion of skills of medical personnel with modern medical equipment and programs. The article presents the results of medical and sociological study (pilot survey) of peculiarities of perception of results of modernization of health care system by medical specialists (as exemplified by the personnel of Krasnogorsk multi-field hospital). The most medical specialists working with equipment received under the state program of modernization of the health care perceived modernization positively (especially personnel working in medicine more than ten years) and believe that measures applied contributed into improving quality of medical care of patients. However, in order to increase efficiency of application of new medical equipment, it is necessary to include into health care modernization program position of mandatory training of medical staff.

About the authors

N. V Prisyazhnaya

The Institute of Social Sciences of The Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «The I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University» of Minzdrav of Russia

candidate of sociological sciences, the Deputy Director of Research Activity of the Institute of Social Sciences of The Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education «The I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University» of Minzdrav of Russia 119991, Moscow, Russia

M. O Koriagin

The State Budget Institution of Health Care of Moscow Oblast «The Krasnogorsk Municipal Hospital № 1»

143403, Krasnogorsk, Russia


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