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The article presents the project of longitudinal interdisciplinary study on junction of biomedicine and social sciences concerning detection of students' health in process of education. Health is one of the most important capitals that can be applied with more or less success in the process of self-fulfillment of personality. The higher education is a significant factor determining process of human development, its values and priorities, key elements of life-style and behavior. In the context of reforming Russian higher school, the issue of factors playing their role in reproduction of health on youth seems to be actual from scientific and practical point of view. The key research problem of project is an issue of reproduction of students' health in institutional environment of university and how this environment effects health i.e. promotes development of habits of preservation and promotion of one's own health or develops unfavorable conditions for this process. The object of study were students entered the Federal university in 2015. The subject of study was reproduction of their health in university environment. Te article presents results of first stage of study of health of first course students from experimental group, elements of their life-style, self-preservation practices and subjective attitude to health. The initial data is presented to be analyzed hereinafter in dynamics in the process of further education of students in the university.

About the authors

F. F Ishkineieva

The Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education «The Kazan (Privolzhskiy) federal university»

the head of laboratory of sociological studies of the Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education «The Kazan (Privolzhskiy) federal university» 420008, Kazan, Russia

A. D Kaveieva

The Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education «The Kazan (Privolzhskiy) federal university»

420008, Kazan, Russia

K. A Ozerova

The Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education «The Kazan (Privolzhskiy) federal university»

420008, Kazan, Russia

R. G Minzaripov

The Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher professional education «The Kazan (Privolzhskiy) federal university»

420008, Kazan, Russia


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