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The article presents the results of medical sociological survey with purpose to study concepts and motivation attitudes of the faculty of medical universities in relation to healthy life-style and its components. The survey results demonstrated that in spite of rather wide-spread aspiration for preservation of one's own health (refusal of harmful habits, regular dispensarization, involvement into sport activities) a significant percentage of the faculty of medical university suffers from inadequate level of commitment to principles of healthy life-style. It is noted that implementation of healthy life-style is prevented besides working load and time deficiency, by number of such «anti-motives» as inner unreadiness and lower level of motivation to healthy life-style.

About the authors

A. V Reshetnikov

The Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education «The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university» of Minzdrav of Russia

119992 Moscow, Russia

N. V Prisiajnaia

The Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education «The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university» of Minzdrav of Russia

119992 Moscow, Russia

V. A Reshetnikov

The Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education «The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university» of Minzdrav of Russia

119992 Moscow, Russia

T. M Litvinova

The Federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education «The I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university» of Minzdrav of Russia

119992 Moscow, Russia


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