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The social crisis of the end of XX century in Russia negatively impacted psycho-emotional condition of society and provoked increasing of drug addiction and alcoholism among population. The article applies inter-disciplinary position analyzing relationship between severe social psychological atmosphere of those years and mental, behavioral disorders in generation of children caused by alcohol abuse in generation of parents, especially mothers. The dynamics is presented concerning social mood of society, level of female alcoholism, nervous diseases morbidity of children. The mental and neurological disorders are discussed in the aspect of patterns of brain development during prenatal period. The biological sociological evaluation is given concerning impact of crisis of 1990s as a macro-social factor of mental and behavioral health of age group of persons born in 1990-2000s. The burden of crisis and negative emotional atmosphere in society, especially in the middle of 1990s, increasing of alcohol consumption and also dynamics of alcoholism and alcoholic psychosis morbidity of women during the same years, dynamics of nervous diseases morbidity of children aged 0-1 year in the Russian Federation with its surges, especially in 1994-1995, 1998 and 2009, permit to consider focused effect of social crisis on physical and mental health of newborns. During relative stabilization of 2010s, there is no such a concentration of negative factors. Also, certain positive circumstances are manifesting: learning of legal standards according which person is primarily responsible for one's own health, measures of struggle with alcoholism, development of perinatal medicine, etc.

About the authors

N. A Golovin

The St. Petersburg state university

199034 St. Petersburg, Russia

V. M Sereda

The St. Petersburg state university

199034 St. Petersburg, Russia

E. I Krasnoshiekova

The St. Petersburg state university

199034 St. Petersburg, Russia

A. D Kharazova

The St. Petersburg state university

199034 St. Petersburg, Russia

N. I Pautova

The St. Petersburg state university

199034 St. Petersburg, Russia


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