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The data of sample sociological survey of workers of three large enterprises of chemical industry of the Permskii kraii in 2014-2015 was used to analyze features of perception of information concerning occupational risk factors encountered by workers in the process of labor activity and evaluation of the level of awareness about risks was given. It is proved that actual systems informing about risks of health damage as a result of labor activity at enterprises are mostly formal. It is established that most of workers are unaware about results of special evaluation of labor conditions. More than a half of those who are aware can't name class and sub-class of labor conditions at one's working place. The higher level of awareness about risks of health damage is typical for those workers who suffer of diseases related to their occupation. The most popular source of information concerning health risks is medical workers of feldsher and nurse post or medical sanitary unit. The mentioned source is not effective by virtue of specific terminology and unsystematic implementation of information activities. The system of informing about health risks in conditions of enterprise can be effective only under condition of interaction of all participants of informing process responsible for dissemination of information about risks, systematic education, advanced training of specialists of industrial labor protection, development of common strategy of informing about risks following the scheme "development-implementation-control-adjustment or new development-implementation".

About the authors

I. A Germanov

The Perrmskii state national research university

614990 Perm, Russia

N. A Lebedeva-Nesevria

The Federal research center of medical preventive technologies of management of population health risks

614045 Perm, Russia

A. O Barg

The Federal research center of medical preventive technologies of management of population health risks

senior researcher of the laboratory of methods of analysis of social risks 614045 Perm, Russia


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