The stomatological health of school children and social factors of its amelioration

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The article presents the results of sociological survey of stomatological health of children in the Stavropolskii kraii. The conclusion is made about importance of consideration of social factors in prevention of stomatological diseases in children. The role of parents, pedagogues, children stomatologists as agents of health-preserving socialization is assessed. The position that main responsibility for preventive training of children lies with pedagogues is criticized. The proposal is made to submit alterations into the form of informed consent to achieve complementarity in activities of stomatologists and parents of children-patients.

About the authors

R. A Avanesian

The Stavropol state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

355041 Stavropol, Russia

S. K Isenov

The oblast clinical stomatological center

414001 Astrakhan, Russia


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