The evolution of attitude to participation in clinical trials of anti-HIV/AIDS vaccines in population and development of approaches to formation of volunteers cohorts

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The article presents the results of analysis occurred during last five years in respect of participation in clinical trials of anti-HIV/AIDS vaccines, changing of priorities of motivation, degree of awareness of HIV-infection and means of prevention and treatment, readiness to vaccination against HIV-infection. The prospective approaches to formation of cohorts of volunteers with participation of representatives of population groups with different risk of HIV-infection, including HIV-non-infected partners from discordant pairs. The qualitatively handled selection permits forming a cohort with high level of stability that hereinafter ensures appropriate implementation of clinical trials in given period.

About the authors

E. V Jukova

The Moscow oblast center of prevention and struggle against AIDS and infectious diseases


N. N Lebedeva

The Moscow oblast center of prevention and struggle against AIDS and infectious diseases


E. A Orlova-Morozova

The Moscow oblast center of prevention and struggle against AIDS and infectious diseases


I. L Serkov

The Moscow oblast center of prevention and struggle against AIDS and infectious diseases


G. D Kaminskii

The Moscow oblast center of prevention and struggle against AIDS and infectious diseases


A. Yu Pronin

The Moscow oblast center of prevention and struggle against AIDS and infectious diseases


S. A Efimenko

I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

The research institute of sociology of medicine, health economics and medical insurance 119991, Moscow, Russia

G. O Gudima

The state research center "Institute of immunology"

115470 Moscow, Russia

A. V Reshetnikov

I.M. Sechenov first Moscow state medical university of Minzdrav of Russia

The research institute of sociology of medicine, health economics and medical insurance 119991, Moscow, Russia

R. M Haitov

The state research center "Institute of immunology"

115470 Moscow, Russia


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