The satisfaction of patients with medical care in health centers for adults of Chuvashia

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The article presents main results of sociological survey of satisfaction of patients with medical care in health centers for adults in Chuvashia. The results of questionnaire survey demonstrated high degree of satisfaction of patients with quality of medical care. The behavioral risk factors of development of diseases were significantly propagated among respondents. The active health promotion was mentioned by three forth of respondents. The most of the visitors of health centers express readiness to compensate risk factors of chronic noninfectious diseases.

About the authors

L. N Korobov

The Republican center of restorative medicine and rehabilitation of Minzdrav of Chuvashia

428018 Cheboksary, Russia

E. V Lubovtseva

The Republican center of restorative medicine and rehabilitation of Minzdrav of Chuvashia

428018 Cheboksary, Russia

E. A Naumova

The ministry of health and social development of the Republic of Chuvashia

428018 Cheboksary, Russia

I. Yu Pavlova

The Republican center of restorative medicine and rehabilitation of Minzdrav of Chuvashia

428018 Cheboksary, Russia

T. A Galkina

The Republican center of restorative medicine and rehabilitation of Minzdrav of Chuvashia

428018 Cheboksary, Russia


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