The professional and social activity as important characteristics of quality of life of able-bodied individuals with skin diseases

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The article presents results of study concerning health and quality of life. The disease-oriented questionnaire Dermatology specific quality of life (DSQL) was applied to individuals of able-bodied age with chronic itching dermatitis. The study established effect of diseases on both physical symptoms, every day and social activity and professional activity and self-perception of disease. The results of study demonstrate that chronic dermatitis (allergic dermatitis and psoriasis) even outside the phase of exacerbation are able to effect on decrease of work productivity and negatively impact on everyday activity. The analysis of enumerated components of quality of life is very important for increasing work effectiveness in examined category of individuals.

About the authors

N. G Astafiyeva

The V.I. Razumovskiy Saratov state medical university

Saratov, Russia

M. G Eremina

The V.I. Razumovskiy Saratov state medical university

Saratov, Russia


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