The implementation of principles of early detection of disease and standardization of medical care under cancer of prostate

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The article reals with analysis of implementation of the Program of rendering complex stage medical care to patients with prostate cancer based on principles of early diagnosis. The main components of program are organization of four-level system of rendering of medical care, standardization of material and technical equipment of medical institutions, training and education of specialists, diagnostic and treatment methods on all levels, introduction of indicators of effectiveness of medical care on every level, organizational and systematic supervision of the federal sectoral center. The implementation of principles of early diagnostic of prostate cancer morbidity permits enhancing the key indicators of rendering of medical care to patients (decreasing of mortality, reduction of period and economic costs of treatment, decreasing of proportions of surgery intervention) that promote benevolent prognosis of treatment, maintenance of quality of life and social activity of patients.

About the authors

D. A Voitko

P.A. Hertsen Federal medical research center of Minzdrav of Russia

The research institute of urology-branch of the P.A. Hertsen Federal medical research center of Minzdrav of Russia 117231 Moscow, Russia


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