The physician personality and physician's characteristics: the gender aspect

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The article deals with the results of studying the physician's characteristics in medical workers in different areas of medical activities mediated through gender differences. It is demonstrated that the estimating indicator of physician's emotional characteristics associated with the empathy is higher in female physicians-to-be than in male physicians-to-be. In the criterion of female physician the empathizing complex of personal traits prevails more often. In the criterion of male physician prevails the emotional neutral complex of personal traits. The criterion of personal characteristics of female physicians-to-be looks more humanistic. The criterion of personal characteristics of male physicians-to-be is more volitional.
Many patients consider the gender of physician as a factor facilitating the communicative contact. The female physicians are capable to identify more exactly the emotional conditio0ns of patients. The indicators of social psychological observance are higher in female physicians as compared with male physicians.

About the authors

I V Groshev

Тамбовский государственный университет им. Г. Р. Державина

д-р психол. наук, д-р экон. наук, проф., проректор; Тамбовский государственный университет им. Г. Р. Державина

I V Groshev


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