卷 20, 编号 3 (2016)


Comparative assessment of strength of dental CAD/CAM materials for chairside techniques

Goryainova K., Rusanov F., Poyurovskaya I., Retinskaya M., Lebedenko I.


The results ofphysico-mechanical tests showed the best strength values of samples of the hybrid ceramic VITA Enamic over the representatives of the other two groups: composites samples and ceramic samples.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(3):116-120
pages 116-120 views

The strategy of development of domestic dental materials science in the field of alloys of noble metals. Part 2. Alloys based on gold for metal ceramic dentures

Parunov V.


The second part of the article focuses on alloys based on gold: analysis of the compositions of major elements, the coefficients of thermal linear expansion (thermal linear expansion factor), the color indices of the alloys for cermet dentures.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(3):121-124
pages 121-124 views

Study of coordinated regulation of expression of tnfa and matrix metalloproteinases MMP8 and MMP9 in periodontal tissue in health and pathology

Zorina O., Aymadinova N., Boriskina O., Shevelev A.


A qPCR method combined with reverse transcription applicable for obtaining reproducible results of mRNA analysis of human periodontal swabs is established. A positive correlation between mRNA of TNFa, MMP8, MMP9 in healthy periodontal tissue is demonstrated. This correlation is not found in patients with chronic periodontitis. A mechanism of TNFa-dependent induction of MMP8 and MMP9 induction is found to be pronounced in men than in women.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(3):125-130
pages 125-130 views

Assessment of clinical efficacy of gaseous ozone therapy in treatment of caries at the white spot stage

Makeeva I., Paramonov Y.


Introduction: Ozone has a profound antibacterial effect on cariogenic microorganisms and able to increase the efficacy of non-invasive caries as well as the ozone-air mixture activates alkaline phosphatase that intensifies the process of mineralization. Objective: Assessment of clinical efficacy of ozone therapy in treatment of caries at the white spot stage. Materials and methods: The randomized controlled trial recruited 86 athletes aged 17 to 21 years. Patients with a diagnosis of caries at the white spot stage were divided into 2 groups of 43. In control group 1 the complex of professional oral hygiene was conducted involving treatment of demineralization focus with ozone and remineralization with 15% suspension of hydroxylapatite Ca, whereas patients of the other group did not receive ozone therapy. Results were evaluated immediately after the procedures conducted as well as 1, 2, 6 and 12 months later on. Results: In groups 1 and 2 the total percentage of positive results after 12 months counted 93,02% and 65,1% respectively. Intensity of staining in group 1reduced from 2,50±0,23 to 0,33±0,12, in group 2 - from 2,25±0,27 to 1,01±0,21. In group 1 stabilization process was indicated in 2 cases, white spots decreased in size in 8 cases and totally disappeared in 30 cases; compared to 9, 11 and 8 cases in group 2 respectively. Process development and its progression were revealed in 3 cases in group 1 and in 15 cases in group 2. Conclusion: The results of this randomized controlled trial revealed that treatment with the ozone-air mixture leads to significant increase of remineralizing therapy efficacy in treatment of caries at the white spot stage and reduces the risk of carious lesion development and its progression almost in 1,5 times.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(3):131-136
pages 131-136 views

Prevalence of dental caries at the white spot stage and other dental status features of youth sport teams of professional sport clubs

Paramonov Y.


Introduction. Sporting way of life and sport nutrition affect the development of stomatognathic diseases, in particular the consumption of large amount of carbohydrates leads to fast development of caries. Objective. To estimate ofprevalence of different forms of caries among athletes. Subjects and methods. To assess the dental status of athletes 500 members of different sport clubs at the age of 17-21 years old were examined. DMF Index was evaluated, caries at the white spot stage was revealed, and the following indices were calculated: OHI-S, DMF, CPI, Silness-Loe plaque index, PMA in modification Parma, Muhlemann-Cowell bleeding index. Based on questionnaire survey peculiarities of sport nutrition and "usual" way of life of athletes were established. Results. Prevalence of dental caries of sportsmen at the age of 17-21 years old was 90%, 18% surveyed athletes had caries at the white spot stage, average DMF Index reached 5,7±0,8, moreover components "D" (3,0±1,1) and "M" (2,0) prevailed, simplified oral hygienic index OHI-S counted 2,2±0,8, Silness-Loe plaque index was stated at 2,81±0,72; periodontal indices - PMA in modification Parma was estimated as 36,72±9,18, Silness-Loe plaque index counted 2,33±0,62. Conclusion. On the basis of the research results following procedures are recommended: to conduct early treatment of dental caries at the white spot stage using medical ozone and remineralizing therapy, to sanitate oral cavity including required prosthesis, mouth protectors for dentitions and alveolar bone should be provided, besides it is also necessary to pay special attention to prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases as well as to normalise oral hygiene and to teach correct manual skills of individual oral hygiene.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(3):137-141
pages 137-141 views

Features of the preparation of the oral cavity of patients with partial absence of teeth, burdened with a dysfunctional syndrome tmj on the background of rheumatoid rthritis

Skorikov V., Lapina N., Skorikova L., Seferyan K.


Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease characterized by chronic progressive course with involvement of various joints, including the temporomandibular (TMJ). Therefore, dentists should pay attention to changes in the oral cavity, especially in the early stages of the disease rheumatoid arthritis. Tactics of treatment of this category ofpatients has its own characteristics. All dental activities are conducted in close cooperation with the doctor-rheumatologist. Preparation for prosthetics should be carried out under mandatory supervision of occlusal splints and aims to create the optimal balance in the mouth and elements of the TMJ.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(3):141-145
pages 141-145 views

Clinical aspects of the use of hyaluronic acid in complex treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases

Soykher M., Soykher M., Amkhadova M., Shershneva D., Chuyanova E.


According to WHO reports, about 63% of patients in European and 50% in US population have symptoms of chronic gums inflammation, and also functional disorders of the dental system due to the tooth loss caused by this pathology. Objective: improvement of the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases by including a series of injections of combined preparation Dental HYALREPAIR-02 based on hyaluronic acid in a treatment course. 15 patients 18-30 years with chronic catarrhal gingivitis and chronic generalized periodontitis underwent a course including 3 injections. Efficacy assessment by means of physical examination and periodontal indices OHI, PBI and PMA before and after treatment. Clinical results allowed recommending an inclusion of mentioned treatment scheme by injecting of this medical device into the transitional fold (in oral cavity) in a total therapy course at patients with inflammatory and degenerative inflammatory periodontal diseases.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(3):146-150
pages 146-150 views

Study of opinions of dentists about the electric toothbrushes with the oscillating-rotating technology

Nikolaev A., Shashmurina V., Ginali N., Tsepov L.


The efficacy and safety of the regular use of electric toothbrushes with the oscillating-rotating technology Oral-B PC 500 and Oral-B PC 5000 is studied. Questionnaires of 7022 dentists in Russia and Ukraine as a result of personal experience of using the toothbrush Oral-B PC 5000 conducted. The dynamics of the dental status of the 21 088 patients after regular use them within 12 weeks of the electric toothbrush Oral-B PC 500 evaluated. It was found that the use of electric toothbrushes with the oscillating-rotating technology for individual oral hygiene provided a significant improvement in the status of dental patients: improvement of the general state of oral hygiene was observed in 93,5±0,17% surveyed, reducing plaque fixed from 92,5±0,18% of patients, improving gingival condition was observed in 87,1±0,23% of participants of the Program. 99,8±0,05% of dentists stated that recommend their patients to use electric toothbrush Oral B for better oral hygiene at home.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(3):151-154
pages 151-154 views

The effect of different therapeutic and prophylactic actions on the surface of composite restorations

Nikolaev A., Tsepov L., Shashmurina V., Ginali N., Biryukova M.


Laboratory examination of the impact of various therapeutic and prophylactic abrasive actions on the microtexture of surface and "dry shine” of composite materials held. It was found that the aqua-pneumo-kinetic handling and brushing of teeth with manual medium hardness toothbrush causing abrasive wear of composite material surface, the loss of "dry shine” and the deterioration of the aesthetic characteristics of dental restorations. When processing the composite material surface by cleaning nozzle Oral B 3D White using an electric toothbrush Oral B PC 5000 and toothpaste, removes the inhibition layer, stored "dry shine” and the effect ofpolishing the surface of the composite material is observed.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(3):155-157
pages 155-157 views

Dental workers status with radiation-safety hazards as compared to operating under normal working conditions

Novozemtseva T., Remizova A., Olesova V., Kaganova O., Lesnyak A., Shmakov N.


A comparison ofdental status ofworkers with radiation-dangerous production factors in relation to working in normal working conditions of an industrial plant. It was found a slight excess of the rate ofperiodontal disease, oral mucosa and non-carious lesions of teeth in working in radiation-hazardous working conditions.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(3):158-160
pages 158-160 views

Tariff and cost for services in profile "dentistri" in system of obligatory medical insurance

Boykov M., Butova V., Gvetadze R., Zuev M.


Cost price of medical services in system of obligatory medical insurance in specialization “dentistry” is higher 2,6 fold than officially determined tariffs. It is observing the significant difference in cost price of the same services in medical organizations of the same federal region of Russia. It is expediently to elaborate measures directed at the stimulation of reduction of expenses connected with the keep of those medical organizations that have increased expenses (compared to other medical organizations).
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(3):160-164
pages 160-164 views

Role nitrogen oxide and reactive nitrogen species in cancerogenesis of oral mucous membrane

Baydik O., Titarenko M., Sysolyatin P.


Effects NO and reactive nitrogen species for screen method ofprecancer diseases of oral mucous membrane were presented, value of risk transformation in cancer in situ, drafting ofprognosis disease and expediency forfurther researches were showed in this point line.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2016;20(3):165-168
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