Clinical aspects of the use of hyaluronic acid in complex treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases

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According to WHO reports, about 63% of patients in European and 50% in US population have symptoms of chronic gums inflammation, and also functional disorders of the dental system due to the tooth loss caused by this pathology. Objective: improvement of the treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases by including a series of injections of combined preparation Dental HYALREPAIR-02 based on hyaluronic acid in a treatment course. 15 patients 18-30 years with chronic catarrhal gingivitis and chronic generalized periodontitis underwent a course including 3 injections. Efficacy assessment by means of physical examination and periodontal indices OHI, PBI and PMA before and after treatment. Clinical results allowed recommending an inclusion of mentioned treatment scheme by injecting of this medical device into the transitional fold (in oral cavity) in a total therapy course at patients with inflammatory and degenerative inflammatory periodontal diseases.

About the authors

Marina Ivanovna Soykher

”Moscow region dental clinic”

cand. med. Sci., chief doctor of SAHI MO “Moscow region dental clinic” Moscow, Russia

M. G Soykher

Center of interdisciplinary dentistry and neurology

Moscow, Russia

M. A Amkhadova

”M.F. Vladimirsky MONIKI”

129110, Moscow

D. V Shershneva

Center of interdisciplinary dentistry and neurology

Moscow, Russia

E. Yu Chuyanova

”Moscow region dental clinic”

Moscow, Russia


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