Study of opinions of dentists about the electric toothbrushes with the oscillating-rotating technology

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The efficacy and safety of the regular use of electric toothbrushes with the oscillating-rotating technology Oral-B PC 500 and Oral-B PC 5000 is studied. Questionnaires of 7022 dentists in Russia and Ukraine as a result of personal experience of using the toothbrush Oral-B PC 5000 conducted. The dynamics of the dental status of the 21 088 patients after regular use them within 12 weeks of the electric toothbrush Oral-B PC 500 evaluated. It was found that the use of electric toothbrushes with the oscillating-rotating technology for individual oral hygiene provided a significant improvement in the status of dental patients: improvement of the general state of oral hygiene was observed in 93,5±0,17% surveyed, reducing plaque fixed from 92,5±0,18% of patients, improving gingival condition was observed in 87,1±0,23% of participants of the Program. 99,8±0,05% of dentists stated that recommend their patients to use electric toothbrush Oral B for better oral hygiene at home.

About the authors

Aleksandr Ivanovich Nikolaev

Smolensk State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

dr. med. Sci., associate Professor of Department of therapeutic dentistry of the Smolensk state medical Academy 210019, Smolensk, Russian Federation

V. R Shashmurina

Smolensk State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

210019, Smolensk, Russian Federation

N. V Ginali

Smolensk State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

210019, Smolensk, Russian Federation

L. M Tsepov

Smolensk State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

210019, Smolensk, Russian Federation


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