卷 19, 编号 3 (2015)


Studying the accuracy of scanning prints and plaster models of clinical laser scanner

Lebedenko I., Nazarian R., Acartia M., Agametov M., Shchepinov I.


Today CAD/CAM - technologies are an integral part of prosthetic dentistry. In this respect, direct scanning of impressions enables to reduce time and costs. However, dictum on the effectiveness of the scanned impressions is contradictory. Therefore, the aim of this study is to compare the accuracy of the scanning impressions and plaster models by laser scanner Zirkonzahn S600 ARTI (Zirkonzahn, Italy). As a test model, we used Johansson gage - length standard, which has controlled value of 7 mm between the measuring planes. We have scanned 10 double-layer one-step A-silicone impressions (material Hydrorise, Zhermack, Italy) of the test model. From these impressions, we made 10 stone models: 5 from «Elit Rock» and 5 from «Elit Master» (Zhermack, Italy), which were also scanned. On each digital model, we performed 15 measurements of controlled length value between the measuring planes of the test model at a pitch of 1 mm. In such a way, in total, 300 measurements were carried out. The highest accuracy was shown in measurements of digital models from «Elit Rock» - 6,916 ± 0,015 mm, the lowest - in measurements of scanned impressions: 6,885 ± 0,012 mm. Digital models from «Elit Master» showed neutral result - 6,890 ± 0,019 mm. The results indicate that scanning of impressions allows us to achieve good results. A slight decrease in the accuracy of the scanned impressions compared with plaster models we associate with using a photosensitive spray. Development of stamping materials with the effect of light reflection seems to be highly promising for effective scanning of impressions.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(3):4-5
pages 4-5 views

Prevention of destruction to noble alloy ceramic metal dentures

Yurkovets P., Lebedenko I.


For a long time the main structural material for fixed dental prostheses were cobalt and Nickel-chrome alloys, which were covered in ceramic coatings. However, due to the environmental degradation increases as the number of complaints of allergic reactions, adverse reactions in the oral cavity, deterioration of the General condition of the body, frequent exacerbations of chronic diseases. In this regard, more and more widely used alloys of noble metals, because they have an exceptional combination of high-tech unique properties and biocompatibility. Dental technicians often use in their work sprues that according to some authors can strongly affect the physical and mechanical properties. To study the maximum number of sprues that can be added to the new pellets, without the risk of breakage of the prosthesis, we have investigated changes in physico-mechanical properties (thermal linear expansion factor, yield strength in bending, hardness) and chemical composition of the samples of noble national dental alloysfor the manufacture ofmetal-ceramic dental prostheses. The data obtained allow to conclude that dentures made of precious alloys during casting of the frames which adds 50% of the sprues, the basic composition and properties correspond dentures made of new granules. Dentures, frames which are made from 100% sprues are significant differences in physico-mechanical properties from the source material. Thus, it is possible to recommend the use of 100% of the sprues data noble alloys for the manufacture of inlays, all-metal, metal-composite or polymeric denture, since the addition of sprues, in this case, will not affect the risk of breakage of the frame.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(3):6-9
pages 6-9 views

Optimal thickness of the coating Shell of silicon carbide based on the study of barrier function

Voronov I.


Justification of optimum thickness of a covering "Armour" from silicon carbide on the basis of studying of its barrier function to potentially dangerous products of migration from stomatologic the polimetilmetakrilatnykh ofplastic for basis of artificial limbs on the example ofstomatologic polimetilmetakrilatny plastic ("Ftoraks" of Stoma, Ukraine") with the different thickness ofa covering (800, 1600 nanometers) proved protective properties of a covering "Armour" from silicon carbide which reduces migration levels from bases of the artificial limbs made of them, potentially dangerous connections. The covering "Armour" 800 nanometers thick by 1,45 times passes less MMA in comparison with the samples unprotected by a covering, and 1600 nanometers thick (approximately by 49 times) is 2-6 times less than maximum concentration limit. Reducing levels of migration ofpotentially dangerous products, especially with a covering of 1600 nanometers, the covering "Armour" reduces chemical risk factor of use of the materials "Ftoraks" on appointment.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(3):9-12
pages 9-12 views

Metabolic disorders in chronic generalized periodontitis

Kondjurova E., Prytkov V., Vlasov A., Trofimov V., Adamchik R.


The paper presents the results of a clinical study of the relationship of the mechanisms of endogenous intoxication and lipid peroxidation in the development of chronic generalized periodontitis in 26 patients aged 30 to 50 years, treated in the national dental clinic and dental clinic № 3, Saransk. It is shown thatfor patients with chronic generalized periodontitis is characterized by the formation of a syndrome of endogenous intoxication, as one of the most important components of the pathogenesis of this disease. Carried out the complex of therapeutic measures (basic therapy) suspends, but does not eliminates endotoxicosis. Confirmation of the presence of endotoxemia in chronic periodontitis on the background of basic therapy is to maintain blood plasma molecular products of lipid peroxidation, which identified and chemiluminescence test, and in the lipids of lipoproteins in the blood. Diagnosed with changes in indicators of free radical oxidation of lipids correlated with parameters reflecting the effects of endogenous intoxication (r=0,79-0,87), indicating that the relationship between endotoxemia and processes of lipid peroxidation, as the criteria for progression of chronic periodontitis. Performed study demonstrates the lack of desired positive results of traditional therapy for the correction of endogenous intoxication and processes of lipid peroxidation in patients with chronic periodontitis. This fact is the basis for the feasibility of developing new schemes pharmacotherapy of chronic periodontitis.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(3):12-16
pages 12-16 views

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of films of diplen with various antibacterial components with bone grafting and dental implants

Pulyaevskiy M., Panin A., Tsarev V., Chuvilkin V., Kharlamov A., Akhmedov G.


It was found that most gram-positive species were sensitive to the local application of bacitracin, which coincides with the literature data on the spectrum ofaction ofthis antibiotic. So, bacitracin as part ofdiphenolicfilms together with metronidazole, was also highly active against representatives of the main parodontopathogenic species. Parodontopathogenic species P. gingivalis, T. forsythia and P. intermedia, which are characterized by high virulence and ability to intracellular parasitism, are more sensitive to the antibiotic bacitracin in combination with metronidazole, which explains the effective eradication of these pathogens in patients of the main group compared with the control, which celebrated their long-lasting persistence on the same level. The use of films «diplen-dent» with metronidazole and bacitracin confirmed their high efficiency, eliminating postoperative appointment of prophylactic antibiotics.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(3):16-19
pages 16-19 views

Research of immunological parameters of oral liquid in the treatment of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis

Uspenskaya O.


The prevalence of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis is high enough. The aim of the study was to improve the methods of treatment of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis. Analyzed the changes of immunological parameters of oral fluid. Treatment ofpatients with chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis and urogenital infection was carried out with the use of drugs Atarax, Galavit and Eplan. There was an increase of immunological parameters of oral fluid (lysozyme and secretory immunoglobulin A), the normalization values of the coefficient of local immunity factors balance in the treatment of chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis in women with urogenital infection, most pronounced at 3 months after treatment and showing favorable level of local immunity cavity mouth.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(3):20-22
pages 20-22 views

Stomatological portrait of russian musician playing wind musical instruments

Zolotnitskiy I.


We carried out the complex clinical-instrumential survey of hard tooth tissues, dentures, tissues and organes oforal cavity of young and middle working aged patients-musicians, who play copper wind instruments. We estimated adaptational-compensational abilities of tissues and organes of oral cavity of young and middle working aged patients-musicians, who play copper wind instruments, according to blood filling of regional blood vessels and reaction of supporting apparatus of parodontium, speed of salivation before and after stimulation by playing on musical instrument. In the result of the survey of patients we formed hypothetical morpho-functional stomatological portrait (status) of musician, who play copper wind instruments.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(3):22-26
pages 22-26 views

Analysis of salivary gland diseases according to clinical dental surgery maxillofacial hospital of war veterans in Moscow

Afanas'ev V., Vinokurova O., Ordashev K., Abdusalamov A., Gitikhmaev Y.


The authors described the statistics on the diseases of the salivary glands. It is established that diseases of the salivary glands are found in 11.7% of cases among all patients with diseases of the surgical stomatologiches profile. The most frequently diagnosed sialadenosis and clonakenny disease. Women are 1.8 times more often affected by this disease than men. Neediness of women in inpatient treatment 1.7 times higher than that of men, which must be considered in the allocation of beds in hospitals-hour stay.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(3):27-29
pages 27-29 views

Revealing of dental treatment needs and needs for periodontal treatment among saratovadults

Bulkina N., Magdeeva L.


The aim of this study was to reveal dental treatment needs and need for periodontal treatment of Saratov population among two key age groups according to WHO criteria. Results of our epidemiological dental survey showed high level of dental morbidity and treatment needs among Saratov citizens. The structure of needs for treatment depended on age, gender and place of residence. Dental treatment needs decreased with age and was higher among 35-44 old people. Needs for periodontal treatment increased with age and was higher among group of 65 years and older. Dental treatment needs and need for periodontal treatment were also different among people lived in two different parts of Saratov.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(3):29-31
pages 29-31 views

What documents should lead dentist (dentist) accounting work?

Butova V., Boykov M., Sadowski V., Bychkov V.


Analysis of the legal framework for the regulation of medical records for accounting labor dentists revealed major issues. Established mechanism for the formation of non-compliance accounting work of dentists in various accounting and reporting of medical records. Practice has shown to eliminate the existing shortcomings is necessary to form a common information base dental service needed for internal analysis of the dental organization and its subsidiaries.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(3):32-34
pages 32-34 views

Features of dental disease in people are in prison (review)

Makeeva I., Kondratiev S.


The article analyzes the literature about the features of the dental status ofpersons deprived of their liberty, identified the main risk factors for dental diseases. Among them, the low level of literacy and dental poor oral hygiene, unavailability or poor quality of dental care, bad habits, some systemic diseases. It is noted that in the Soviet literature data on the survey ofprisoners is not enough.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(3):34-37
pages 34-37 views

The soviet organization of dental care in the late 30-ies of XX century

Gonchar V., Ratmanov P.


The paper deals with the study of the organization of the Soviet state of dental care in the late 1930s. and related health and social problems. During this period the formation of the Soviet system ofdental care completed, and this system existed until the end of the XX century. Providing this type of care was organized in accordance with the economic priorities and capacities of the state by a unified, obligatory methods of social and clinical dentistry. In this approach the indices ofperformance ofpublic dental health dominated and the interests of individual members of society were ignored.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2015;19(3):37-40
pages 37-40 views
