卷 18, 编号 4 (2014)


Study of corrosion properties of domestic alloys based on palladium

Parunov V., Kozlov O., Fishgoit L., Kozlov V.


It was carried out a comprehensive study of the corrosion properties of noble Russian palladium-based alloys, such as: "Palladent UNI”, "Palladent” and” Vitiriy-P”. For a complete study of the corrosion properties of the alloy we used a set of spectral and electrochemical methods including voltammetry and X-ray spectral microprobe analysis (RSMA). Held definition of steady-state potentials of alloys and determination of the corrosion rate, depending on the values of pH. With RSMA conducted for determining the thickness of the film of corrosion products and surface composition of alloys to corrosion tests and after the elections , as well as calculate the thermodynamic options phase formation of corrosion on the surface of all three alloys. All investigated alloys have very low corrosion rate in the standard pH of artificial saliva and the displacement of more value in the acidic side.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):4-10
pages 4-10 views

Study of tooth rotation on the nitinol archwires

Selektor O., Osintsev A., Kosyreva T.


Study the processes of tooth rotation depending on the sizes archwires and types of bracket systems in time.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):10-12
pages 10-12 views

Use of materials with bioregulatory peptide complex, affecting osteoreparation process (the results of preclinical tests)

Shaykhaliev A., Stretskiy G., Krasnov M., Rybakova E., Tikhonov V., Arazashvili L., Gevorkov G., Yamskova V., Yamskov I.


At elimination of defects of bone tissue important to stimulate the regeneration process. The aim of the research was to study the impact on the regeneration of endogenous biologically active peptides, previously proven in Russia during recovery of soft tissue. Compared to 14, 30, 90 and 300 day for regenerative processes in artificially-induced bone defects (Hm) femur in 4 groups of male rats for a 24 pcs. in each: 1-I - control, bone defects which nothing was made; 2 - control, defects introduced the composition of chitosan gel (CHG) and hydroxy-Apatite (gap); 3-I- in defects introduced the composition of HCG (70-90 masses.%), containing a complex of peptides, and gap (10-30 masses.%) New biocomposite material-(Matrimon); 4-I - in defects introduced the composition of HCG (90,0-99,9 masses.%) and a complex of peptides without synthetic hydroxyapatite NBM-2(Matrimon-X). Both compositions with a complex of peptides increase the ability to stimulate bone formation with the restoration of morphologically normal bone matrix. Marked recovery morphological characteristic for a given individual bone formation and bone marrow, as well as astionov to the earlier period, starting from 30 days to 40% more, in contrast to the control group, where mainly formed spongy bone, dense bone have started to be formed with only 90 days.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):12-16
pages 12-16 views

Element composition of gingival liquid when using fixed dentures from noble alloys of metals in the remote terms

Lebedenko I., Kitkina T., Dubova L., Vavilova T.


Clinical inspection periodont at 59 patients using fixed ceramic-metal designs from alloys of “Super KM", “Superpal" and “KH Dent", in 5 years after prosthetics revealed in 49,2% of cases the first signs of inflammatory and destructive processes in periodontal tissue in basic teeth which in 32,2% of cases were tied with somatic pathology - diabetes, atherosclerosis, diseases of gastrointestinal path and 17% of cases with pathology of firm tissues of tooth and peridental space. In eluate gingival liquid of basic teeth of ceramic-metal artificial limbs from alloys of “Super KM", “Superpal" and “KH Dent" aren’t determined by a method of laser mass spectrometry ions ofthe metals which are a part of these alloys that convincingly proves their bioinertness in an oral cavity.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):16-20
pages 16-20 views

Application of complex therapy in combination herbal remedies oil licorice and ultrasonic scaler in the treatment of patients with chronic generalized periodontitis on the background of diabetes of the 2nd type

Amkhadova M., Zhanalina B., Zholdasova N., Azhenova K., Gamzatov M., Amkhadov I.


Conducted clinical and microbiological study of the microflora ofperiodontal pockets (PP) in patients with chronic generalized parodontitis (ChGP) on the background of diabetes of the 2nd type, which in complex treatment included root canals with II degree of mobility, as well as ultrasonic scaler and phyto-oil licorice. It is established that the method of removal of tooth pulp of teeth with the mobility of the II degree and the addition of Ultrasonic (Us) scaling systematic individual hygiene using plant-based oil, licorice, known for its strong anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, has a positive impact on the extent of microbial contamination PP, increases the effectiveness of US-scaling and improves the quality of life ofpatients ChGP on the background of diabetes of the 2nd type.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):20-22
pages 20-22 views

Clinical and economic substantiation of regional lymphotropic antibiotic therapy of acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible in children

Zhanalina B., Amkhadova M., Dermanov N., Tolmachev V., Amadou I.


Held pharmacoeconomic analysis of the application of the method of regional lymphotropic antibiotic therapy in acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the mandible in children. A study of the indicator of the cost/effectiveness justified the cost and clinical effectiveness of this method in the specified disease in children.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):23-25
pages 23-25 views

Comparative analysis of efficiency of treatment of hypertrophic gingivitis a phytopreparation, dioxidului and ointments orthophenol

Biryukova Y.


The article is devoted to the study of the clinical effectiveness of herbal remedies, 5% dioxidului and 2% orthophenol ointments for the treatment of hypertrophic gingivitis based on subjective data and objective clinical indicators: index bleeding gingival sulcus, papillary-marginal-alveolar index.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):25-28
pages 25-28 views

Flyuktuoforez mexidol after carrying out a sinus lifting at patients with chronic inflammatory processes of a maxillary bosom

Gerasimenko M., Amkhadova M., Hrykova A., Gadzhiev R., Amkhadov I.


The new technique of rehabilitation ofpatients in the early postoperative period after carrying out classical and local a sinus lifting with an one-stage implanatatsiya is presented. Patients received standard therapy, in group of comparison in addition appointed a flyuktuorizatsiya, in the main group - flyuktuorez mexidol. It is established that rndonkey of a rehabilitation course function of nasal breath was restored, the pain syndrome and inflammatory component was stopped, drainage function of a cavity of a nose was restored, conductivity on the second branch of a trigeminal nerve was restored. Activation of processes of an osteorengeneratsiya is revealed according to alkaline and to its bone isomer. Data of microbiological researches confirmed distinction of microflora in a nose cavity at rinogenny and odontogenny maxillary sinusitis after intervention on an alveolar shoot of the top jaw with simultaneous dentally implantations. It is shown that a flyuktuorizatsiya and flyuktuorez mexidol make sanifying impact with authentic decrease in number of tests with absence of growth by 7th day while at standard therapy this effect is received only in 12-14 days. In the remote period not it was revealed a case of rejection of a dentally implant during two-year supervision. Thus, application flyuktuorez mexidol tics in a complex of rehabilitation actions is a complementary andpotentsiruyushchy method in early the postoperative period after a sinus lifting against accompanying rinogenny and odontogenny maxillary sinusitis.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):29-33
pages 29-33 views

Immunobiological in immunobiological indicators in oral cavity at stages of dental rehabilitation of patients with oncology disease

Kochurova E., Kozlov S., Nikolenko V., Guyter O.


Production of the substitutional or forming acryl obturator is the widespread and available variant of the prosthetic rehabilitation of the oncological patients after the complex and reparative treatment. Those patients who don’t use acryl dentures and don’t have burdened background have microflora which consists mainly of round bacteria and fungi Candida, but level of biomarkers does not exceed the referential rate. Mucosa of oral cavity is the place ofprimary contact not only with aggressive parts of structurial substance of acryl obturator, antigens but with microorganisms waste products which are on it. Sutural connection is a hurt force for underlying saddle areas and additional reason for the process of cancer recurrence in patients with neoplasms of maxillofacial area.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):33-35
pages 33-35 views

Factors of influencing candida-associated periodontal disease development

Ostrovskaya L., Beybulatov G., Lepilin A.


Formation of Candida-associated periodontitis determined by the action set of local and systemic factors, including breach of oral hygiene, smoking, immunosuppression, local cytokine imbalance associated with systemic candidiasis lesions of the intestines and other parts of the digestive tract, and the urogenital system. Purpose: research of clinical and immunological features ofparodentium and a cytokine profile of oral cavity at patients with the periodontal disease associated with a Candida infection. Material and methods. The condition of parodentium tissues was studied at 94 patients with the chronic generalized periodontal disease associated with Candida spp . Results. The features and course of Candida-associated periodontitis. In periodontal lesions matter abnormalities in cellular immunity. Conclusion. Chronic periodontitis associated with Candida spp., is a marker of systemic candidiasis. Cytokine imbalance in oral fluid may serve as an additional diagnostic and prognostic criterion of severity of chronic Candida-associated periodontitis.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):36-38
pages 36-38 views

Diagnostic of violation lower jaw articulation for patients after orthodontic treatment

Panteleev V., Roshchina A., Roshchin E.


One of the main goals of orthodontic treatment of patients with anterior crowding is alignment a form of the dental arches, to prevent overloading of the teeth and pathological changes in the periodontal tissues. By changing the position of the front teeth, orthodontist affects the future contact points with antagonists. If treatment is crowding of the teeth takes place with the extracting of one or two premolars, it leads to a significant change in the location of the guide teeth, which in turn can lead to violations of articulation of lower jaw involving dentition .
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):39-41
pages 39-41 views

Cephalometric calculation of orientation of the central maxillary incisors palatal surface angle while planning ortodontic treatment for patients with anterior crowding

Roshchina A., Panteleev V., Roshchin E.


Restoring the habitual moving trajectories of the mandible after orthodontic treatment in patients with anterior crowding is an important clinical problem. The main diagnostic examinations in such treatment will be focused on careful planning of torque the frontal teeth upper and lower jaws, because this analysis in the future will affect the movement of the TMJ. During our research, 105 subjects participated to determine the relation of the two anatomical structures guides - the angle of eminence inclination and the angle of inclination of the palatal surfaces of the central incisors in the upper jaw.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):41-44
pages 41-44 views

Neuropsychiatric symptoms for combined craniofacial trauma

Karpov S., Gandylyan K., Hristoforando D., Eliseevs E., Suyunova D., Volkov E.


In the acute phase of combined craniofacial injuries were examined 82 patients, including 37 patients with lesions or rather face zone (group 1) and 45 with damage to the midface (group 2). In all cases of injury of the maxillofacial area combined with mild traumatic brain injury. Neurological manifestations in 34,1% of cases were characterized by lack of cranial innervation. Pyramidal insufficiency symptoms were observed in 36,5% of cases. In 32% of cases were identified koordinatornyh light violations. In most cases, acute trauma maxillofacial area were marked autonomic manifestations as diffuse or distal hyperhidrosis akrogipotermii, labile blood pressure, palpitations, total heat, paresthesias in the extremities. Since autonomic dysfunction in patients of group 1 was detected in 31 (83,6%) cases in group 2 in 39 (86,7%) cases. The number of signs of autonomic dysfunction per patient averaged in group 1 - 3,5 ± 0,5 us.ed., in group 2 - 3,9 ± 0,6 us.ed. control group of 1,9 ± 0,4 us.ed. The results allowed to note a large number ofpatients with depressive symptoms in both groups. Examined possible hidden levels of anxiety, depression, fatigue in patients after trauma maxillofacial region. In this connection, used Hamilton scale and Beck. To determine the reactive and personal anxiety scale was used Spielberger Charles D. Along with the resulting combined trauma of the facial skeleton and brain injury fatigue phenomena wore similar character. The study showed that craniofacial trauma launches mechanisms leading to dysfunction in psychophysiological field after an injury in the form of increased levels of anxiety and fatigue.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):45-48
pages 45-48 views

The qualitative and quantitative indices of the work of dentists-orthopedists and dental technicians and their optimum relationship in the structure of stomatological establishments

Dieva T., Labunets V., Diev E., Romanova Y., Sadovskiy V.


During 225 working days the time-checking measures of the duration of main kinds of orthopedic aid by 56 dentists in 14 stomatological establishments were held. More than 90 thousand of the main elements ofdentists ’ labor and their duration were fixed. The departmental standards for the time ofdentists and dental technicians were determined; their indices were compared. The qualitative and quantitative indices of their work depending on the organizationalform of orthopedic aid and the technical process of production of dentures were elaborated. The optimum relationship of organic assignments of these specialists in dependence on the organizational form ofproduction of dentures by these specialists was revealed.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):48-51
pages 48-51 views

Caries intensity, the symptoms of bleeding, and dental calculus in children 12, 15 years old city of Sevastopol in dinimike 25 year follow-up

Denga O., Reyzvikh O., Ivanov V., Skiba V.


Epidemiological studies that are conducted in the region of interest of Ukraine in the first place as the monitoring of dental disease in the whole country. Secondly as the city where the 80 years of the last century, the state program has been implemented fluoridation of drinking water, and in the 90 years since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the withdrawal of funding, the program was phased out in the 2000s - 2010s as trace the effect of this program for 25 years of observations. The purpose of research: Therefore the aim of the study was to investigate the intensity of dental caries symptoms of bleeding, and dental calculus in children 12, 15 years of Sevastopol 25- year observation period. Materials and methods: Epidemiological studies conducted exploratory method recommended by the WHO (WHO, 1987). In the city of Sevastopol in 1988, 1992, 2003, 2013, 480 children were examined 12, 15 years, 60 people in each age group. The surveys were carried out in a medical office a secondary school in Sevastopol. Results of the research: The intensity of dental caries in 12 -year-olds (Table 1) in the indices KPUz and KPUp ( 2,51 and 2,61, respectively) was low for the graduation of WHO in 1988 (the period of fluoridation of drinking water) , decreasing after the termination of fluoridation of drinking water in 1992 to 2,52. The figures continued to decline in the 2000s (2,13 and 2,20, respectively) as the trace effect fluoridation of drinking water (about 20 years). And in 2013, the intensity of the caries process has increased almost 2-fold compared to 10years ago (from 2,13 and 2,20 to 3,67 and 4,17, respectively). In 15-year-olds intensity of dental caries index KPUz and KPUp to date continues to be low, falling in 1988 to 4,07 and 4,45 to 3,6 and 3,6 respectively in 2003. In 2013, these rates have almost reached the 1988 data (3,78 and 4,36, respectively). Conclusions: Epidemiological studies of children 12, 15 years in the dynamics of the city of Sevastopol for 25 years showed a decrease in the intensity of dental caries in 12 year olds from 2,51 in 1988 to 2,13 in 2003. And over the past decade, the growth of the intensity of almost 2-fold. In 15-year-olds downward trend remains similar to 2003 (from 4,07 in 1988, growth in the intensity of dental caries, which reaches almost the original data (in 2013 - 3,78). Quality level of dental health in children 12, 15 years old was higher than in 1988, where "K” to "P” is 1:1,8 at 12 years of age, and 1:2 at 15 years of age. In 2013, these figures are significantly lower in the 12-year-olds - 1:1,04, or directly opposite at the 15-year-olds - 1,5:1.The intensity of the symptoms of bleeding in 25 year period in children 12 years of age increased from 0,1 in 1988 to 0,77 in 2013, changing the assessment of low to moderate stable. Similarly, in 15-year-olds: from 0,06 in 1988 to 0,81 in 2013.The intensity of tartar in 12-year-olds decreased during the observation period, from 0,33 in 1988 to 0,11 in 2013, not going beyond graduation” low. ”The intensity of tartar in a 15-year-old children for a long time (15 years) was at baseline (0,48 - 1988, 0,50 - 2003) , then in the last decade has decreased by 2,5 times (up to 0,20 in 2013).
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):52-54
pages 52-54 views

Vadim Nikolaevich Kopeikin (to the 85th anniversary of birthday)

Lebedenko I., Borisenko K.
Russian Journal of Dentistry. 2014;18(4):55-56
pages 55-56 views
