Diagnostic of violation lower jaw articulation for patients after orthodontic treatment

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One of the main goals of orthodontic treatment of patients with anterior crowding is alignment a form of the dental arches, to prevent overloading of the teeth and pathological changes in the periodontal tissues. By changing the position of the front teeth, orthodontist affects the future contact points with antagonists. If treatment is crowding of the teeth takes place with the extracting of one or two premolars, it leads to a significant change in the location of the guide teeth, which in turn can lead to violations of articulation of lower jaw involving dentition .

About the authors

V. D Panteleev

Tver state Medical Academy

Department of Propaedeutic Dentistry 170036, Tver, Russia

A. V Roshchina

Tver state Medical Academy

Department of Propaedeutic Dentistry 170036, Tver, Russia

Evgeniy Mikhylovich Roshchin

Tver state Medical Academy

Email: evgenii-st@mail.ru
Department of Propaedeutic Dentistry 170036, Tver, Russia


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